White Paper: Safety Profile of the Analgesic Trezix™ Capsules, Containing the Mild Opioid Dihydrocodeine


White Paper: Safety Profile of the Analgesic Trezix™ Capsules, Containing the Mild Opioid Dihydrocodeine

RIDGELAND, Miss.--()--Wraser Pharmaceuticals, a privately held pharmaceutical company announces the publication of a White Paper addressing opioid safety.

Sharp rises in opioid abuse and overdose rates in the United States over the past two decades have prompted much-needed review of prescription rate and ease of access to controlled substances. Combatting these alarming trends requires assessing which opioids are more addictive and habit-forming than others and setting standards and guidelines for prescribing that accurately reflect the relative risk of the drug.

Trezix, an oral analgesic used to manage moderate to moderately severe pain, has a lower morphine milligram equivalent dose than stronger opioids such as morphine, hydrocodone, and fentanyl.

In this report the writers present an overview of the safety and usage data for Trezix and similar low dose dihydrocodeine combinations. It is the writers carefully-considered opinion that Trezix should not be regulated as strictly or in the same classification as opioids of morphine-equivalent or higher strength.

“In the age of opioid concerns and disinformation, we wanted to bring attention to alternative options for patients and the physicians who treat them,” said Heath Wray, Wraser’ President and CEO. “WE believe Trezix offers a pain-relieving option that is safer for the patient and just as effective as other options for the physicians treating acute pain.”


Glenn Willis
Product Manager-Wraser Pharmaceuticals
E: gwillis@wraser.com
T: (601) 605-0664


Glenn Willis
Product Manager-Wraser Pharmaceuticals
E: gwillis@wraser.com
T: (601) 605-0664