WebPT Named Category Leader for Ambulatory Therapy/Rehab in 2019 Best In KLAS: Software and Services Report

PHOENIX--()--In the 2019 Best in KLAS: Software and Services Report, KLAS Research named WebPT the top-rated electronic medical record in the Ambulatory Therapy/Rehab category. As one of the few EMR solutions to score above 90, WebPT’s overall score of 90.7 demonstrates the company’s ability to deliver an exceptional product offering for practices of all sizes.

This is the first year KLAS Research included ambulatory therapy as a category in the report. To develop the ranking, KLAS evaluated several software vendors on strengths and weaknesses in the areas of culture, operations, product, relationship, loyalty and value. Scores are based on interviews and evaluations with healthcare professionals about the products and services their organizations use.

“Earning the distinguished Category Leader designation is a testament to our customer-focused mission and our commitment to innovation within rehab therapy and healthcare IT,” said WebPT CEO Nancy Ham. “Furthermore, the inclusion of the ambulatory therapy category in the 2019 Best in KLAS report demonstrates the growing importance and value of rehab therapy as part of the greater healthcare continuum.”

According to the KLAS Ambulatory Therapy/Rehab 2018 report, “WebPT stands out once again, delivering an intuitive solution that flows the way clinicians expect it to.” The 2018 report, which offers category-related insights as a precursor to the Best In KLAS: Software and Services Report, specifically notes WebPT’s high scores in “overall satisfaction” and “delivery of new technology,” which demonstrate the company’s commitment to not only serving current members, but also contributing to the future growth of the rehab therapy industry at large.

“Category Leaders are committed to providing the very best technology, service, and guidance to providers and payers,” said KLAS President Adam Gale. “The Category Leader award carries with it the voice of thousands of providers and payers, highlighting outstanding vendors who have raised the bar.”

WebPT was built to match the unique workflows of rehab therapists by providing innovative technology and world-class customer service. The company is committed to helping rehab therapists achieve greatness in practice, going above and beyond to achieve customer success through dedicated Success Managers, and free, unlimited phone, chat and email support. This was echoed by the KLAS 2018 Report which stated, “WebPT has built strong relationships with customers and is supportive in helping them be successful.”

About WebPT, Inc.

With a 40-percent market share, WebPT is the leading rehab therapy platform for enhancing patient care and fueling business growth. WebPT’s product suite provides a robust end-to-end solution covering the entire rehab therapy business cycle, from billing and managing a practice to delivering quality, evidence-based care. With a 99% retention rate and an uptime rate in excess of 99.9% across its entire platform, WebPT is the most-trusted and most-reliable solution in the industry, regardless of practice setting, specialty or size. WebPT’s growth has earned it a spot on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation’s fastest-growing companies six years in a row as well as inclusion on the 2018 Healthcare Informatics list of the top 100 U.S. healthcare IT vendors. Learn more at webpt.com.

About KLAS

KLAS is a data-driven company on a mission to improve the world's healthcare by enabling provider and payer voices to be heard and counted. Working with thousands of healthcare professionals, KLAS collects insights on software, services and medical equipment to deliver reports, trending data and statistical overviews. KLAS data is accurate, honest and impartial. The research directly reflects the voice of healthcare professionals and acts as a catalyst for improving vendor performance. To learn more about KLAS and the insights we provide, visit www.KLASresearch.com.


Beth Cochran | Sarah Gray
beth@wiredprgroup.com | sarah@wiredprgroup.com
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