Séché Environnement: Interwaste Acquisition

Success of Séché Environnement Group’s offer with Interwaste’s shareholders

CHANGÉ, France--()--Regulatory News:

Séché Environnement Group (Paris:SCHP) announces that its offer for the acquisition of all issued shares of Interwaste Holdings Limited (“Interwaste”), a major specialist in waste management in South Africa, by way of a scheme of arrangement in terms of section 114 of the Companies Act of South Africa 2008, has been approved by the requisite majority of shareholders of Interwaste at a meeting convened for the purpose of approving the Scheme1.

On January 9, 2019, with 99.99% of the shareholders voting in favor2, Interwaste’s General Meeting of Shareholders overwhelmingly approved the Scheme proposed by the Interwaste Board of Directors to the shareholders at a scheme consideration of ZAR 1.20 per Interwaste share, which values Interwaste’s equity at approximately €35.2 million3 (including about 41 millions of treasury shares).

Subject to the fulfillment or waiver of the remaining scheme conditions (which includes obtaining customary regulatory approvals in South Africa), the Scheme and the de-listing of Interwaste from the main board of the Johanneburg Stock Exchange are expected to be completed before the end of the first quarter of 2019.


Consolidated annual results at December 31, 2018   March 11, 2019 after market close

About Séché Environnement

Séché Environnement is one of France's leading players in the recovery and treatment of all types of waste, from both industry and local communities.

Séché Environnement is the leading independent operator in France. It is uniquely positioned as a specialist in highly complex waste, operating within regulated waste recovery and treatment markets with high barriers to entry.

Its facilities and expertise enable it to provide high value-added solutions to its industrial and public authority clients, targeting the challenges of the circular economy and sustainable development requirements, such as:

  • the material and energy recovery of hazardous and non-hazardous waste;
  • a comprehensive range of treatment solutions for solid, liquid and gaseous waste (thermal, physical-chemical and radiation treatment, etc.);
  • the storage of final hazardous and non-hazardous waste;
  • eco-services such as decontamination, decommissioning, asbestos removal and rehabilitation.

Leveraging its extensive expertise, Séché Environnement has successfully developed its environmental services business lines in waste management outsourcing markets for its clientele of large communities and major industrial companies both in France and abroad.

Séché Environnement has been listed on Eurolist by Euronext (Compartment B) since November 27, 1997.

It is eligible for equity savings funds dedicated to investing in SMEs and is listed in the CAC Mid&Small and Enternext PEA-PME 150 indexes.

Important notice

This press release may contain information of a provisional nature. This information represents either trends or targets at the date of the press release's publication and may not be considered as results forecasts or as any other type of performance indicators. This information is by nature subject to risks and uncertainties which are difficult to foresee and are usually beyond the Company's control, which may imply that expected results and developments differ significantly from announced trends and targets. These risks notably include those described in the Company’s Registration Document, which is available on its website (www.groupe-seche.com). This information therefore does not reflect the Company's future performance, which may differ considerably, and no guarantee can be given as to the achievement of these forward-looking figures. The Company makes no commitment on the updating of this information. More detailed information on the Company can be obtained on its website (www.groupe-seche.com), in the Regulated Information section. This press release does not constitute an offer of shares or a solicitation in view of an offer of shares in any country, including the United States. Distribution of this press release may be subject to the laws and regulations in force in France or other countries. Persons in possession of this press release must be aware of these restrictions and observe them.

1 See press release from November 4, 2018
2 See details in Interwaste Press Release of January 9, 2019
3 At ZAR/EUR exchange rate of 0.0625

Compartment B – ISIN: FR 0000039139 – Bloomberg: SCHP.FP – Reuters: CCHE.PA

Registered office: Les Hêtres – BP 20 – 53811 Changé Cedex


Séché Environnement
Manuel Andersen
Head of Investor Relations
+33 (0)1 53 21 53 60


Séché Environnement
Manuel Andersen
Head of Investor Relations
+33 (0)1 53 21 53 60