
FORM 8.3 Amendment to Purchase



Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the “Code”)


(a)   Full name of discloser:   Barclays PLC.
(b) Owner or controller of interest and short
  positions disclosed, if different from 1(a):  
(c) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose SHIRE PLC
  relevant securities this form relates:  
(d) If an exempt fund manager connected with an
offeror/offeree, state this and specify identity of
(e) Date position held/dealing undertaken: 04 January 2019
(f) In addition to the company in 1(c) above, is the discloser making YES:
  disclosures in respect of any other party to the offer? TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICAL CO LTD


If there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security.

(a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any)

Class of relevant security:       5p ordinary            
Interests Short Positions
    Number (%) Number (%)
(1) Relevant securities owned
and/or controlled: 6,725,090 0.73% 1,067,281 0.12%
(2) Cash-settled derivatives:
689,177 0.08% 5,198,637 0.57%
(3) Stock-settled derivatives (including options)
and agreements to purchase/sell: 740,000 0.08% 469,500 0.05%
TOTAL: 8,154,267 0.89% 6,735,418 0.73%

All interests and all short positions should be disclosed.

Details of any open stock-settled derivative positions (including traded options), or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should be given on a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions).

(b) Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors’ and other employee options)

Class of relevant security in relation to which subscription right exists:  
Details, including nature of the rights concerned and relevant percentages:  


Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 3(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security dealt in.

The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.

(a) Purchases and sales

Class of relevant   Purchase/sale   Number of   Price per unit
security   securities  
5p ordinary Purchase 13,049 46.4500 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 13,909 47.0000 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 40,497 46.5050 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 45,485 46.9152 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 66,505 46.5000 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 106,130 46.9000 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 1,507 47.2000 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 7,006 46.9000 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 28,247 46.5050 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 54,255 46.5000 GBP
ADR Purchase 4 176.2300 USD
ADR Purchase 41 179.2000 USD
ADR Purchase 100 176.3800 USD
ADR Purchase 100 179.5400 USD
ADR Purchase 200 176.2500 USD
ADR Purchase 200 176.5000 USD
ADR Purchase 300 178.2533 USD
ADR Purchase 300 177.2533 USD
ADR Purchase 400 176.7362 USD
ADR Purchase 463 179.5678 USD
ADR Purchase 1,000 178.6940 USD
ADR Purchase 1,113 178.6069 USD
ADR Purchase 1,500 178.7778 USD
ADR Purchase 1,500 179.2460 USD
ADR Purchase 2,400 179.0420 USD
ADR Purchase 2,932 178.8676 USD
ADR Purchase 3,667 178.3049 USD
ADR Purchase 4,000 176.6750 USD
ADR Purchase 5,000 178.9189 USD
ADR Purchase 11,000 177.4679 USD
ADR Purchase 12,800 177.5923 USD
ADR Purchase 46,805 174.0400 USD
ADR Sale 32 178.7600 USD
ADR Sale 100 178.2700 USD
ADR Sale 100 179.0100 USD
ADR Sale 100 179.4500 USD
ADR Sale 173 178.0121 USD
ADR Sale 190 177.7000 USD
ADR Sale 200 179.1350 USD
ADR Sale 200 176.5000 USD
ADR Sale 241 176.7518 USD
ADR Sale 300 176.6500 USD
ADR Sale 400 178.7076 USD
ADR Sale 400 179.2100 USD
ADR Sale 400 179.0725 USD
ADR Sale 400 179.0025 USD
ADR Sale 497 179.0243 USD
ADR Sale 499 177.7316 USD
ADR Sale 500 179.1340 USD
ADR Sale 515 179.0526 USD
ADR Sale 600 179.0950 USD
ADR Sale 722 179.0183 USD
ADR Sale 900 179.2438 USD
ADR Sale 1,000 178.6940 USD
ADR Sale 1,056 178.0739 USD
ADR Sale 1,200 178.4133 USD
ADR Sale 1,295 179.0812 USD
ADR Sale 1,300 179.1800 USD
ADR Sale 1,700 176.6794 USD
ADR Sale 1,813 178.2015 USD
ADR Sale 2,000 179.0500 USD
ADR Sale 2,000 176.6750 USD
ADR Sale 2,063 179.3324 USD
ADR Sale 2,400 178.3070 USD
ADR Sale 2,400 179.1814 USD
ADR Sale 2,932 178.8676 USD
ADR Sale 3,400 178.0689 USD
ADR Sale 3,427 178.8885 USD
ADR Sale 4,761 179.0089 USD
ADR Sale 9,400 177.4199 USD
ADR Sale 12,800 177.7301 USD
ADR Sale 46,805 174.0400 USD

(b) Cash-settled derivative transactions

Class of   Product   Nature of dealing   Number of   Price per
relevant description reference unit
security     securities  
5p ordinary SWAP Long 3,194 47.0415 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Short 1,659 47.0000 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Short 5,000 47.0042 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Short 6,524 46.5466 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Short 6,525 46.5186 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Short 40,485 46.9042 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Short 70,000 46.8252 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Short 90,000 46.9469 GBP

(c) Stock-settled derivative transactions (including options)

(i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying

Class   Product   Writing,   Number   Exercise   Type   Expiry   Option
of description purchasing, of price date money
relevant selling, securities per unit paid/
security varying etc to which received
option per unit
ADR Call Options Purchasing 1,000 175 USD American 18 Jan 2019 6.1000 USD
ADR Call Options Purchasing 100 180 USD American 4 Jan 2019 0.2500 USD
ADR Call Options Selling 2,000 210 USD American 17 Jan 2020 4.0000 USD
ADR Put Options Selling 200 168 USD American 18 Jan 2019 0.4000 USD

(ii) Exercise

Class of relevant security   Product description

e.g. call option

  Exercising/ exercised against   Number of securities   Exercise price per unit

(d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)

Class of relevant security   Nature of dealing

e.g. subscription, conversion

  Details   Price per unit (if applicable)


(a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements

Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or understanding, formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an inducement to deal or refrain from dealing entered into by the person making the disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting in concert with a party to the offer:

Irrevocable commitments and letters of intent should not be included. If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state “none”


(b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives

Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, between the person making the disclosure and any other person relating to:

(i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or

(ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative is referenced:

If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state “none”


(c) Attachments

Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attached?   YES
Date of disclosure: 8 Jan 2019
Contact name: Large Holdings Regulatory Operations
Telephone number: 020 3134 7213

Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service.

The Panel’s Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code’s disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.

The Code can be viewed on the Panel’s website at



Note 5(i) on Rule 8 of the Takeover Code (the “Code”)


Identity of the person whose positions/dealings   Barclays PLC.
are being disclosed:  
Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose SHIRE PLC
relevant securities this from relates:  


Class   Product   Writing,   Number   Exercise   Type   Expiry
of description purchasing, of price date
relevant selling, securities per unit
security varying etc to which
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 190.0000 American 4 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 195.0000 American 15 Jan 2021
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 220.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 180.0000 American 4 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 110.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 105.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 140.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 173.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 155.0000 American 15 Jan 2021
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 195.0000 American 19 Jul 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 200 160.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Purchased 200 210.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 200 120.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Purchased 200 135.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Purchased 200 155.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Purchased 200 130.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Purchased 300 115.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 400 170.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Purchased 400 230.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 500 150.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 900 195.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,000 180.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,000 185.0000 American 19 Jul 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,000 180.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,000 135.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,000 190.0000 American 11 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,000 170.0000 American 19 Jul 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,000 175.0000 American 19 Jul 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,100 190.0000 American 15 Feb 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,400 230.0000 American 15 Jan 2021
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,700 195.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Purchased 2,000 165.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 2,000 150.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Purchased 2,100 190.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 2,600 185.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 3,100 155.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 3,800 125.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 4,300 170.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 4,600 175.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 5,700 160.0000 American 19 Jul 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 7,700 155.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 9,200 200.0000 American 15 Jan 2021
ADR Call Options Purchased 18,200 160.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 22,300 200.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 23,900 195.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 25,300 175.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 137,900 190.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -56,000 200.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Written -42,400 200.0000 American 19 Jul 2019
ADR Call Options Written -33,100 185.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -31,000 180.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -7,400 240.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Written -4,100 165.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -2,400 145.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -2,400 130.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -2,000 210.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Written -1,500 210.0000 American 19 Jul 2019
ADR Call Options Written -1,000 85.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -800 170.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -800 155.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Call Options Written -600 160.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -500 135.0000 American 19 Jul 2019
ADR Call Options Written -300 160.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Call Options Written -100 168.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -100 150.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Call Options Written -100 140.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Purchased -164,700 165.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -41,400 135.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -15,600 160.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -5,900 180.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -5,300 165.0000 American 15 Jan 2021
ADR Put Options Purchased -5,000 170.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -4,200 155.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -3,700 145.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Purchased -3,500 140.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,900 175.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,700 80.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,600 160.0000 American 15 Jan 2021
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,500 120.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,300 175.0000 American 4 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,300 85.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,100 150.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,000 130.0000 American 15 Jan 2021
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,000 80.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Purchased -1,800 115.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -1,700 160.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Purchased -1,400 165.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Purchased -1,200 135.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Purchased -1,100 170.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Purchased -1,100 70.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Purchased -1,000 155.0000 American 15 Jan 2021
ADR Put Options Purchased -800 150.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Purchased -600 180.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -500 140.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Purchased -400 165.0000 American 19 Jul 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -200 65.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Purchased -100 195.0000 American 15 Jan 2021
ADR Put Options Purchased -100 170.0000 American 4 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -100 165.0000 American 15 Feb 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -100 75.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Written 100 110.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 100 95.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 100 110.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Written 100 168.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 200 200.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Written 200 100.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 1,000 90.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 1,000 160.0000 American 4 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 1,800 185.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 2,300 130.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 4,000 165.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Put Options Written 5,300 120.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 6,900 170.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Put Options Written 11,000 160.0000 American 19 Jul 2019
ADR Put Options Written 13,800 155.0000 American 18 Apr 2019
ADR Put Options Written 19,400 165.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 29,300 125.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 89,500 160.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 263,300 145.0000 American 18 Jan 2019


Full details should be given so that the nature of the interest or position can be fully understood:

It is not necessary to provide details on a Supplemental Form (Open Positions) with regard to cash-settled derivatives.

The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.

The Panel’s Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code’s disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.

The Code can be viewed on the Panel’s website at

Category Code: RET
Sequence Number: 662194
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20190109T075744+0000


