Form 8.3 - Shire PLC


FORM 8.3



Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the “Code”)


(a) Full name of discloser:   Maverick Capital, Ltd. acting as

fund manager for various funds

holding the interests that are

subject to this notice.

(b) Owner or controller of interests and short positions disclosed, if different from 1(a):

The naming of nominee or vehicle companies is insufficient. For a trust, the trustee(s), settlor and beneficiaries must be named.

(c) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose relevant securities this form relates:

Use a separate form for each offeror/offeree

  Shire PLC
(d) If an exempt fund manager connected with an offeror/offeree, state this and specify identity of offeror/offeree:   N/A
(e) Date position held/dealing undertaken:

For an opening position disclosure, state the latest practicable date prior to the disclosure

  October 18, 2018
(f) In addition to the company in 1(c) above, is the discloser making disclosures in respect of any other party to the offer?

If it is a cash offer or possible cash offer, state “N/A”



If there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security.

(a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any)

Class of relevant security:   Ordinary shares: JE00B2QKY057


  Interests   Short positions
    Number   %   Number   %
(1) Relevant securities owned and/or controlled:   4,342,987   .47%        
(2) Cash-settled derivatives:   4,869,012   .53%        
(3) Stock-settled derivatives (including options) and agreements to purchase/sell:                


  9,211,999   1.01%        

All interests and all short positions should be disclosed.

Details of any open stock-settled derivative positions (including traded options), or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should be given on a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions).

(b) Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors’ and other employee options)

Class of relevant security in relation to which subscription right exists:    
Details, including nature of the rights concerned and relevant percentages:    


Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 3(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security dealt in.

The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.

(a) Purchases and sales

Class of relevant security   Purchase/sale   Number of securities   Price per unit (USD)
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   35   177.22
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   300   177.28
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   305   177.03
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.08
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   2,810   177.02
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.35
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   600   177.39
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.37
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.38
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   799   177.09
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   710   177.07
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   400   177.06
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   1,100   176.96
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   801   176.95
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   963   177.00
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   980   177.01
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   490   176.99
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   300   176.98
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   200   177.20
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   498   177.14
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   332   177.10
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   48   177.86
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   200   177.47
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   190   177.33
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.48
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   200   177.50
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   300   177.89
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   200   177.90
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.95
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   178.00
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   715   177.85
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.96
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   300   177.93
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.94
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   200   177.91
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   178.13
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   50   178.12
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   200   178.16
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   200   178.17
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   300   178.05
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   500   178.22
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   178.27
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   300   178.26
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   300   177.88
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.15
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   200   177.16
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.19
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   200   177.07
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   300   177.25
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.26
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.27
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   300   177.32
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   400   177.37
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   200   177.36
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   200   177.28
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   900   177.30
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   400   177.30
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   190   177.34
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   422   177.41
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   411   177.40
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   500   177.40
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   300   177.41
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   700   177.46
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.48
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.29
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   600   177.29
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   200   177.10
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   200   177.13
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.04
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   1,100   176.97
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.03
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   177.05
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   200   177.00
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   28   177.04
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   400   176.97
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   200   176.99
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)   Sale   100   176.98

(b) Cash-settled derivative transactions

Class of relevant security   Product Description   Nature of dealing

e.g. opening/closing a long/short position, increasing/reducing a long/short position

  Number of reference securities   Price per unit (GBP)
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   4,747   45.25
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   1,004   45.25
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   1,387   45.26
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   371   45.26
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   1,043   45.26
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   6,701   45.26
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   2,018   45.27
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   486   45.27
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   640   45.27
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   326   45.28
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   568   45.29
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   794   45.28
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   716   45.29
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   6,919   45.29
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   697   45.30
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   2,005   45.31
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   1,814   45.31
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Increasing a long position   2,257   45.32
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   7,213   45.31
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   11,595   45.30
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   1,302   45.32
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   911   45.32
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   174   45.33
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   195   45.33
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   172   45.33
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   455   45.28
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   244   45.29
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   249   45.36
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   485   45.39
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   737   45.40
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   510   45.43
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   250   45.44
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   250   45.42
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   347   45.40
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   483   45.34
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   540   45.35
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   277   45.36
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   723   45.35
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   239   45.35
Ordinary Shares   Total Return Swap ("TRS")   Reducing a long position   125   45.34

(c) Stock-settled derivative transactions (including options)

(i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying

Class of relevant security   Product description e.g. call option   Writing, purchasing, selling, varying etc.   Number of securities to which option relates   Exercise price per unit (USD)   Type

e.g. American, European etc.

  Expiry date   Option money paid/ received per unit (USD)

(ii) Exercise

Class of relevant security   Product description

e.g. call option

  Exercising/ exercised against   Number of securities   Exercise price per unit

(d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)

Class of relevant security   Nature of dealing

e.g. subscription, conversion

  Details   Price per unit (if applicable)


(a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements

Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or understanding,
formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an inducement to deal
or refrain from dealing entered into by the person making the disclosure and any party
to the offer or any person acting in concert with a party to the offer:

Irrevocable commitments and letters of intent should not be included. If there are no such
agreements, arrangements or understandings, state “none”


(b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives

Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, between the person making the disclosure and any other person relating to:

(i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or

(ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative is referenced:

If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state “none”


(c) Attachments

Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attached?   NO
Date of disclosure:   October 19, 2018
Contact name:   Jessica Opland
Telephone number*:   1-214-880-4057

Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service.

The Panel’s Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code’s disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.

*If the discloser is a natural person, a telephone number does not need to be included, provided contact information has been provided to the Panel’s Market Surveillance Unit.

The Code can be viewed on the Panel’s website at

Category Code: RET
Sequence Number: 657831
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20181018T234631+0100


Maverick Capital, Ltd.


Maverick Capital, Ltd.