Murano Connect Results in $10 Billion to Fund Managers

Investments Service Network of Allocators Expands to 34,000

NEW YORK--()--Murano Connect, a leading financial services company that matches fund managers to allocators, today announced it has sourced opportunities that led to more than $10 billion in AUM for its clients. Murano offers an affordable alternative to third-party marketers or an in-house sales person, both of which are expensive, by enabling niche hedge and mutual funds, mid-sized private equity, alternatives and fund to funds to grow.

“Murano’s methodology identifies philosophic and strategic alignment between allocators and fund managers,” said Ole Rollag, CEO of Murano Connect. “But the key to our success is selectivity. We accept less than 10 percent of the funds that apply for our service.”

In the last six months, Murano has achieved unprecedented growth milestones:

  • Asset managers that subscribe to Murano have been able to bring in more than $10 billion in AUM since the company began.
  • Murano’s network has grown to more than 34,000 allocators, who do not pay for services.
  • Murano has expanded U.S. operations in its New York office with several senior leadership hires.
  • Murano’s client base has grown by 20 percent, providing more investing diversity and funding options than ever before.
  • Murano still has its first client and the average retention rate is three years.

“Quality introductions are vital to my business, and Murano’s introductions are solid fits for my fund. They don’t waste my time,” said Dan Schreck, partner at Equinox Partners. “Every week I get new introductions that are viable and reflect what I’m looking for which enables me to have meaningful conversations. Murano is also my secret weapon when I travel, providing me with a list of local allocators that meet my criteria.”

Murano is the least expensive and most effective way for fund managers to identify qualified investors/allocators. Asset managers achieve a competitive edge to differentiate themselves in the market with investor insights through Murano’s weekly reports. Murano’s relationships with allocators, meeting with 400-600 of them a year, spurs more than 50 investor meetings with fund managers that lead to at least 2-3 investment allocations a year for each client.

About Murano

Murano is changing the way that funds and investors connect. Murano provides fund managers real-time insights from institutional investors, including large banks, pension funds, funds of funds and family offices. Investors trust Murano to navigate the growing universe of niche mutual funds, hedge funds, equity funds, fixed income funds, alternatives funds and funds of funds to identify those that fit their investment criteria. Unlike 3rd party marketers, Murano has no economic interest with fund managers and unlike capital introduction teams, Murano’s bespoke service only works with funds based solely on their investment merits. Fund managers pay a subscription fee, but allocators pay nothing. To learn more, please visit


For Murano Connect
Trish McCall
(310) 824-9000 (office)
(805) 390-3279 (cell)


For Murano Connect
Trish McCall
(310) 824-9000 (office)
(805) 390-3279 (cell)