Motion Analysis Centre Consortium Held at Shriners Hospitals for Children – Canada:
Experts Develop Largest Multisite Database to Stay Even Further Ahead in Treating Kids with Orthopaedic and Neuromuscular Issues

Felicia is undergoing testing at Shriners Hospitals for Children - Canada Motion Analysis Center. As she walks with censors high-tech capture cameras pick up each movement. (Photo: Business Wire)

MONTREAL--()--Motion capture is used in the movies to make awesome special effects. It is also used in some state-of-the-art healthcare facilities, such as at 14 Shriners Hospitals for Children® facilities, including the Canadian hospital located in Montreal. Motion analysis offers an impressive tool to diagnose issues, guide decisions and track outcomes in our orthopaedic and neuromuscular patients. The high-tech motion capture camera systems in our Motion Analysis Centre (MAC) allow our multi-disciplinary teams to track the movements of the children and teens as they walk, reach, push and twist. The results measure muscle strength and cardiopulmonary fitness. The MAC puts our teams at a clear advantage as they make clinical decisions regarding surgery, braces or care and evaluate treatment outcomes. Patients with cerebral palsy, osteogenesis imperfecta, scoliosis, spinal cord injury, arthrogryposis, clubfoot, sports injuries, muscular dystrophy and spina bifida as well as other neuromuscular disorders, all benefit greatly from having access to a MAC.

On Sept. 20 and 21, Canada Shriners Hospital – one of only two pediatric centres for motion analysis in Quebec – will be hosting experts from 12 of the 14 Shriners Hospitals that have Motion Analysis Centres.

“We have the largest network of pediatric Motion Analysis Centers in the world. Further development and enhancement of sophisticated computer data analysis tools will lead to better diagnosis and treatment methods and expand our research programs in this high technology field of medicine,” explains Marc Lalande, vice-president of Research for the Shriners Hospitals for Children system. The exchange of ideas and information will help the discovery of new methods and discoveries in motion analysis to further help our patient populations.

One of the first steps is the development of advanced computational techniques and common databases to ensure that clinicians from different centres can measure patients the same way. Therefore, the team is taking the opportunity offered by the Consortium to perform this standardization study about the reliability of gait parameter measurements when clinicians from the different motion analysis centres test the same patient. This will help evaluate whether results are sufficiently reliable to perform multicentre studies or if adjustments are required.

More about Shriners Hospitals for Children – Canada’s Motion Analysis Centre

The main objective of the Motion Analysis Centre is to evaluate the functional deficits associated with gait in children and, to a lesser extent, to detect the origin of possible functional deficits. To achieve this, MAC professional staff members use sensors placed on patients’ bodies and optoelectronic (infrared) cameras. With these technologies, it is possible to quantify the child's movements in space and time. The centre team can thereby detect abnormal motion patterns and understand the biomechanical impact of these incorrect movements. The analysis is completed before treatment to provide accurate information to the healthcare team that will evaluate the treatment options (surgery or physiotherapy, for example). It also occurs after the treatment to measure the child’s progress following surgery or therapy.

"Equipped with a set of markers and 10 optoelectronic cameras, force plates for kinetic analysis, electromyograms to quantify muscle activation, an isokinetic dynamometer capable of measuring the forces in various joints, and many other pieces of equipment, this centre allows us to optimize the care offered to patients who require intervention. It also allows the development of a preventive and cutting-edge approach in pediatric orthopedics," explains Louis-Nicolas Veilleux, Ph.D., principal investigator at the MAC.

"This service allows us to improve our ability to diagnose and treat our patients,” says Reggie Hamdy, M.D., chief of staff at Shriners Hospitals for Children – Canada and director of the centre. “Being part of multicentre studies within the Shriners Hospitals for Children network and hosting consortiums such as this one are extraordinary advantages as we are many working together to improve patient care.”

The Canada Shriners Hospital Motion Analysis Centre will be available to develop sports medicine evaluations, arthritis prevention and therapeutic tools. The centre serves not only the people of Quebec but also people in rest of Canada and in the northern United States.


Shriners Hospitals for Children – Canada
Caroline Phaneuf, 514-778-5092
Communications & Marketing
Emmanuelle Rondeau, 514-207-1057
Director of Communications & Marketing


Shriners Hospitals for Children – Canada
Caroline Phaneuf, 514-778-5092
Communications & Marketing
Emmanuelle Rondeau, 514-207-1057
Director of Communications & Marketing