OCC Cleared Contract Volume Up 10 Percent in August

Total cleared volume up 19 percent year-to-date

Equity options volume up 17 percent in August and up 22 percent year-to-date

Securities lending activity up 17 percent in August and 21 percent year-to-date

CHICAGO--()--OCC, the world’s largest equity derivatives clearing organization, announced today that total cleared contract volume in August reached 433,740,316 contracts, up 10 percent compared to August 2017 volume of 395,912,022. OCC's year-to-date average daily cleared contract volume is up 19 percent with 20,321,325 contracts compared to 17,068,192 contracts in 2017.

Options: Overall exchange-listed options volume reached 426,237,903 contracts in August, up 12 percent from August 2017. Equity options volume reached a total of 384,002,068 contracts, a 17 percent increase from August 2017. This includes cleared ETF options volume of 145,281,116 contracts last month, a five percent decrease compared to August 2017 volume of 153,638,751 contracts. Index options volume was down 18 percent with 42,235,835 contracts in August, but year-to-date average daily volume was up 12 percent from August 2017.

Futures: Futures cleared by OCC reached 7,502,413 contracts in August, down 50 percent from August 2017. OCC’s year-to-date average daily cleared futures volume is 414,516 contracts, 27 percent less than 2017.

Securities Lending: OCC's securities lending CCP activity was up 17 percent in new loans from August 2017 with 235,780 transactions last month. Year-to-date stock loan activity increased 21 percent from 2017 with 1,847,162 new loan transactions in 2018. The average daily loan value at OCC in August was $160,653,020,057.

For 2018 monthly exchange market share information, click here.

  August 2018   August 2017   August   YTD Avg.   YTD Avg.   YTD Avg. Daily
Total Total Total Daily Daily Contract %
Contract Contract Contract % Contract Contract Change vs. YTD
Volume Volume Change vs. 2018 2017 2017
            July 2017            
Equity Options   384,002,068   329,256,007   16.6%   17,733,226   14,552,024   21.9%
ETF Options   145,281,116   153,638,751   -5.4%   7,588,197   6,450,842   17.6%
Index Options   42,235,835   51,731,408   -18.4%   2,173,583   1,945,246   11.7%
Total Options   426,237,903   380,988,415   11.9%   19,906,809   16,497,269   20.7%
Total Futures   7,502,413   14,923,607   -49.7%   414,516   570,923   -27.4%
Total Volume   433,740,316   395,912,022   9.6%   20,321,325   17,068,192   19.1%

About OCC

OCC is the world's largest equity derivatives clearing organization and the foundation for secure markets. Founded in 1973, OCC operates under the jurisdiction of both the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a registered clearing agency and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as a Derivatives Clearing Organization. Named 2018 Best Clearing House by Markets Media, OCC now provides central counterparty (CCP) clearing and settlement services to 19 exchanges and trading platforms for options, financial futures, security futures, and securities lending transactions. More information about OCC is available at www.theocc.com


Angela Kotso


Angela Kotso