Important Notice to Shareholders



Investment Company with Variable Capital

Registered office: 49, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg,

R.C.S. Luxembourg B-119.899

(the Company)

Important Notice to Shareholders of

Xtrackers Nifty 50 Swap UCITS ETF LU0292109690

Xtrackers Stoxx Global Select Dividend 100 Swap UCITS ETF LU0292096186

Xtrackers Stoxx Europe 600 Industrial Goods Swap UCITS ETF LU0292106084

Xtrackers Stoxx Europe 600 Technology Swap UCITS ETF LU0292104469

Xtrackers Stoxx Europe 600 Food & Beverage Swap UCITS ETF LU0292105359

Xtrackers MSCI Russia Capped Swap UCITS ETF LU0322252502

Xtrackers FTSE Developed Europe Real Estate UCITS ETF LU0489337690

Xtrackers MSCI EMU UCITS ETF LU0846194776

(the Sub-Funds)

30 August 2018

We are conducting a thorough and ongoing review of the way in which we present Key Investor Information Document’s (KIID) performance data. We are writing to notify you of certain misstatements in how the Company presented share class past performance data or index past performance data in the KIIDs of the Sub-Funds for the performance years from 2008 to 2016.

Details of these misstatements are set out in the Appendix to this notice.

The nature of these discrepancies is such that they had no impact on the calculation and publication of the NAVs of the Sub-Funds.

Please be assured that upon identification of previous misstatements, the Company is implementing more robust measures and enhanced controls to substantially mitigate any risk of reoccurrence.

We have now corrected the Sub-Funds’ KIIDs which are available at

Capitalised terms used in this letter shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the current Prospectus of the Company unless the context otherwise requires.

Further information in relation to the above may also be obtained from the legal entities mentioned under “Contact Information” below or by sending an email to

We thank you for your continuing support of the Company.

Neither the contents of the Company's website nor the contents of any other website accessible from hyperlinks on the Company's website is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.


The Board of Directors

Contact Information


49, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Deutsche Asset Management S.A.

2, boulevard Konrad-Adenauer, L-1115 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


There was a misstatement in how the Company presented both index and share class past performance for either the 2015, 2014 or 2010 performance year in the KIIDs of the Share Classes below. These misstatements were due to the performance period used starting and/or ending on an unofficial rather than an official day in relation to the determination of the Share Class Net Asset Value.

Fund   Share Class   ISIN   Impacted Performance Year   Misstated Share Class Performance (%)   Actual Share Class Performance (%)   Misstated Index Performance (%)   Actual Index Performance (%)
Xtrackers MSCI EMU UCITS ETF 1D LU0846194776 2015 10.2% 10.9% 9.8% 10.4%

Xtrackers Portfolio UCITS ETF1

1C LU0397221945 2014 14.2% 14.1% 14.6% 14.5%
Xtrackers Stoxx Europe 600 Industrial Goods Swap UCITS ETF 1C LU0292106084 2010 36.0% 35.5% 36.4% 35.9%
Xtrackers Stoxx Europe 600 Technology Swap UCITS ETF 1C LU0292104469 2010 19.1% 19.0% 19.4% 19.2%
Xtrackers Stoxx Europe 600 Food & Beverage Swap UCITS ETF 1C LU0292105359 2010 23.1% 22.8% 23.4% 23.1%

Xtrackers Portfolio UCITS ETF2

1C LU0397221945 2010 12.0% 11.8% 12.7% 12.6%

There was a misstatement in how the Company presented index past performance for either the 2011 or 2009 performance year in the KIIDs of the Share Classes below. These misstatements were due to the performance period used starting and/or ending on a different or an unofficial rather than an official day in relation to the determination of the Share Class Net Asset Value.

Fund   Share Class   ISIN   Impacted Performance Year   Misstated Index Performance (%)   Actual Index Performance (%)

Xtrackers Stoxx Global Select Dividend 100 Swap UCITS ETF3

1D LU0292096186 2011 3.0% 2.3%
Xtrackers Stoxx Europe 600 Industrial Goods Swap UCITS ETF 1C LU0292106084 2009 40.7% 41.2%
Xtrackers Stoxx Europe 600 Technology Swap UCITS ETF 1C LU0292104469 2009 22.6% 22.8%
Xtrackers Stoxx Europe 600 Food & Beverage Swap UCITS ETF 1C LU0292105359 2009 34.9% 35.2%

There was a misstatement in how the Company presented share class past performance for either the 2016 or 2009 performance year in the KIIDs of the Share Classes below. These misstatements were due to incorrect KIID data processing by the third party provider producing the KIIDs.

Fund   Share Class   ISIN   Impacted Performance Year   Misstated Share Class Performance (%)   Actual Share Class Performance (%)
Xtrackers FTSE Developed Europe Real Estate UCITS ETF 1C LU0489337690 2016 -5.2% -5.8%
Xtrackers CAC 40 UCITS ETF 1D LU0322250985 2009 27.6% 27.3%

There was a misstatement in how the Company presented index past performance for the 2014 performance year in the KIID of the Share Class below. This misstatement was due to incorrect KIID data processing by the third party provider producing the KIIDs.

Fund   Share Class   ISIN   Impacted Performance Year   Misstated Index Performance (%)   Actual Index Performance (%)
Xtrackers Spain UCITS ETF 1D LU0994505336 2014 0.0% 7.6%

There was a misstatement in how the Company presented index past performance for either the 2014 or 2008 performance year in the KIIDs of the Share Classes below. These misstatements were due to not using the right source or version of the index.

Fund   Share Class   ISIN   Impacted Performance Year   Misstated Index Performance (%)   Actual Index Performance (%)

Xtrackers Switzerland UCITS ETF4

1D LU0274221281 2014 12.0% 12.9%
Xtrackers MSCI Russia Capped Swap UCITS ETF 1C LU0322252502 2008 -73.8% -74.1%

There was a misstatement in how the Company presented index past performance for the 2012 performance year in the KIID of the Share Class below. This misstatement was due to an operational error.

Fund   Share Class   ISIN   Impacted Performance Year   Misstated Index Performance (%)   Actual Index Performance (%)
Xtrackers Nifty 50 Swap UCITS ETF 1C LU0292109690 2012 25.9% 25.5%

1The reference index of this Sub-Fund for the 2014 performance year was the Portfolio Total Return Index. This Sub-Fund has changed its investment objective to reflect the performance of the Underlying Asset, Portfolio Total Return Portfolio.

2The reference index of this Sub-Fund for the 2010 performance year was the Portfolio Total Return Index. This Sub-Fund has changed its investment objective to reflect the performance of the Underlying Asset, Portfolio Total Return Portfolio.

3During the course of 2017 the Fund changed from tracking the “price return” version of the Index to tracking the “total return” version of the Index.

4The reference index of this Sub-Fund for the 2014 performance year was the SMI® Index. This Sub-Fund now tracks the Solactive Swiss Large Cap Index (NTR).

Category Code: MSCM
Sequence Number: 654316
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20180829T160404+0100



