Global Contractor Day & Zimmermann Selects Signal Sciences Next-Gen WAF For Superior Web Defense of 3rd-Party Developed Apps with Lowest TCO

LAS VEGAS--()--(Black Hat 2018 Conference) -- Global construction and engineering services company, Day & Zimmermann, has implemented Signal Sciences next-gen WAF to protect external and internal web applications, providing visibility and protection over a key part of their business. Signal Sciences CEO Andrew Peterson said, “We are excited to bring such a well-established brand from yet another industry, which demonstrates that production web defense is a key part of risk mitigation within any enterprise.”

Day & Zimmermann operates a large and complex business, which includes construction, engineering, and staffing services for its global business and government clients. As part of its operations, leadership made strategic investments in digital transformation via third party web applications to accomplish core business functions. In keeping with their security strategy, they prioritized the protection of these modern, dynamic web applications as part of a 2018 initiative.

With a lean security team led by Lance Honer, Day & Zimmermann had certain goals in mind: find a product that didn’t require a lot of effort to install, and one that didn’t require thorough knowledge of the application to operate and maintain, since many of the applications are not built internally. Given Honer’s previous experience with traditional WAFs, he knew that managing regular expression (regex) based signatures would create a burden for him and his team. This would require him to allocate resources and time to learn and scale, taking away focus from other key security areas. Signal Sciences not only offered quick installation, but also could be integrated into their application deployment systems. This enabled automated updates to all production systems within five minutes.

After a quick implementation of Signal Sciences initially in a staging environment, Honer decided to put the solution to the test in production to coincide with a penetration test — to test the effectiveness of both Signal Sciences and the pen testers. Anything the pen testers tried to hit got blocked immediately by Signal Sciences, sealing the deal for final selection and procurement.

“We’re a traditional IT shop — we’re not bleeding edge, but we recognized the need to shore up our risk from externally facing websites, where we previously didn’t have visibility. The Signal Sciences install went so incredibly quickly and easily, showing us immediate value right out of the box,” said Day & Zimmerman’s Manager of Cybersecurity, Lance Honer. “It provided us with a solution that wasn’t regex based, since we didn’t have detailed knowledge of inputs to the application to compose legacy WAF regex signatures.”

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About Signal Sciences:

Signal Sciences protects the web presence of the world’s leading brands. With its patented approach to WAF and RASP, Signal Sciences helps companies defend their journey to the cloud and DevOps with a practical and proven approach, built by one of the first teams to experience the shift. Based in Culver City, California, Signal Sciences customers include Under Armour, Etsy, Adobe, Datadog, WeWork and more. For more information, please visit


Founded in 1901, Day & Zimmermann is a family-owned company with a workforce of 43,000 specializing in construction & engineering, operations & maintenance, staffing, security and defense solutions for leading corporations and governments around the world. Operating from more than 150 worldwide locations with 2.5 Billion USD in revenue, Day & Zimmermann is currently ranked as one of the largest private companies in the U.S. by Forbes. Headquartered in Philadelphia, PA, our first work was to develop "Betterment Reports" that helped modernize American factories. Today, we are still in the business of betterment—maintaining the nation's power infrastructure, protecting American freedoms and accelerating innovation around the world. We do what we say.®


Media Contact for Signal Sciences
Andrea Swaney, 973-580-6602