Retailers Applaud Senate Action on Tariffs

WASHINGTON--()--The National Retail Federation issued the following statement from Senior Vice President for Government Relations David French after the Senate approved a “motion to instruct” related to congressional approval of national-security designated tariffs.

There is clearly growing bipartisan concern over the administration’s reckless trade agenda as the real-world consequences of tariffs spread in communities across the country. Congress has an important role to play in protecting hardworking Americans from a trade war, and this vote is an important first step. We appreciate the leadership of Senators Corker, Toomey and Flake and hope to see this commonsense legislation continue to move forward.”

About NRF

The National Retail Federation is the world’s largest retail trade association. Based in Washington, D.C., NRF represents discount and department stores, home goods and specialty stores, Main Street merchants, grocers, wholesalers, chain restaurants and internet retailers from the United States and more than 45 countries. Retail is the nation’s largest-private sector employer, supporting one in four U.S. jobs — 42 million working Americans. Contributing $2.6 trillion to annual GDP, retail is a daily barometer for the nation’s economy.



National Retail Federation
Bethany Aronhalt, 855-NRF-PRESS


National Retail Federation
Bethany Aronhalt, 855-NRF-PRESS