Grant Thornton CEO Mike McGuire Named a Glassdoor Top CEO in 2018

CHICAGO--()--Grant Thornton LLP’s CEO Mike McGuire has won a Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award honoring the Top CEOs in 2018. Glassdoor, one of the world’s largest job and recruiting sites, released its annual report recognizing the top leaders that employees love working for in countries throughout North America and parts of Europe.

“Grant Thornton’s culture is our firm’s greatest strength, and I view this honor as a reflection of that culture – and our commitment to quality, integrity, diversity and professional excellence,” said McGuire. “We have an amazing team and truly impressive clients. While it’s always an honor to be recognized on behalf of our firm, this recognition is really about the people that work at Grant Thornton; it’s a true team effort and they are the ones who make a difference for our firm and our clients, each and every day. ”

When employees submit reviews about their company on Glassdoor, they are asked to rate various factors about their employment experience, including their overall satisfaction and other workplace attributes like senior management. As part of these ratings, employees are also asked to rate whether they approve, disapprove or are neutral about the job their CEO is doing.

Among chief executives recognized by employees in the U.S., McGuire received an impressive 92 percent approval rating based on the anonymous and voluntary reviews Grant Thornton employees shared on Glassdoor throughout the past year. Among the 770,000 companies reviewed on Glassdoor, the average CEO approval rating is 69 percent.

“Winning a Glassdoor Top CEO award is a true acknowledgement of exceptional leadership, as it reflects the opinions of the employees who work with a chief executive every day. I congratulate all of this year’s winners on this significant achievement,” said Robert Hohman, Glassdoor co-founder and CEO. “It can be a real recruiting advantage to have a top-rated CEO at the helm of a company who has strong support from his or her employees. The best CEOs are inspiring, trustworthy, innovative and can be great motivators for people to bring their best selves to work.”

See the complete list of all Top CEOs in 2018:,8.htm

About Grant Thornton LLP

Founded in Chicago in 1924, Grant Thornton LLP (Grant Thornton) is the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd, one of the world’s leading organizations of independent audit, tax and advisory firms. Grant Thornton, which has revenues in excess of $1.7 billion and operates 59 offices, works with a broad range of dynamic publicly and privately held companies, government agencies, financial institutions, and civic and religious organizations.

“Grant Thornton” refers to Grant Thornton LLP, the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd (GTIL). GTIL and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered by the member firms. GTIL and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions. Please see for further details.

About Glassdoor

Glassdoor is one of the largest job and recruiting sites in the world today. Set apart by the tens of millions of reviews and insights provided by employees and candidates, Glassdoor combines all the jobs with this valuable data to make it easy for people to find a job that is uniquely right for them. As a result, Glassdoor helps employers hire truly informed candidates at scale through effective recruiting solutions like job advertising and employer branding products. Launched in 2008, Glassdoor now has reviews and insights for more than 770,000 companies in more than 190 countries. For labor market trends and analysis, visit Glassdoor Economic Research. For company news and career advice and tips, visit the Glassdoor Blog and for employer-related news and insights to help employers hire, visit the Glassdoor for Employers Blog. Visit or download our apps on iOS and Android platforms.


Grant Thornton
Kate Hollcraft
+1 847 691 9486


Grant Thornton
Kate Hollcraft
+1 847 691 9486