Witness to the Revolution: Stanley Beaman & Sears: Twenty-Five Years

Stanley Beaman & Sears: Twenty-Five Years shows how award-winning architects have changed the way healthcare, higher education and other critical institutions are housed.

Stanley Beaman & Sears: Twenty-Five Years, published by Visual Profile Books, follows the ascent of Stanley Beaman & Sears, the award-winning Atlanta architecture firm founded in 1992 by three young architects, Kimberly Stanley, AIA, Betsy Beaman, AIA, IIDA, SEGD, and Burn Sears, AIA. (Photo: Business Wire)

ATLANTA--()--An ongoing revolution in the design of facilities for healthcare, higher education, research and the arts has transformed the way we experience them, and Stanley Beaman & Sears: Twenty-Five Years gives readers a front-row seat for the action. The 220-page illustrated book, published by Visual Profile Books, follows the ascent of Stanley Beaman & Sears, the award-winning Atlanta architecture firm founded in 1992 by three young architects, Kimberly Stanley, AIA, Betsy Beaman, AIA, IIDA, SEGD, and Burn Sears, AIA. Readers are invited to accompany the partners and their colleagues as they take on some of the most challenging building types of our time and make them more user-friendly, intuitive and effective than ever.

Why did Stanley, Beaman and Sears set the bar so high? Many architects dream of launching their careers with more glamorous, photogenic and visible commissions. But as Beaman has stated, “Kim, Burn and I wanted to concentrate on building types that housed civilization’s great institutions. Given our complementary skills, we believed we could make a difference in such demanding fields as healthcare, education and the arts.” The partners’ 30-plus-year friendship and professional association has more than fulfilled their high hopes with work that is equally admired for creative solutions and exciting spaces.

In project after project, the large format book uses concise case studies and superb color photography to bring to life the work of a design firm combining architecture, interior design and environmental graphic design in an open, collaborative and multi-disciplinary practice run by a “family of creative thinkers.” The results include life changing, technically advanced and beautifully crafted hospitals, children’s hospitals, clinics, senior centers, classroom buildings, research laboratories, arts centers and museums. While their architecture is striking and sympathetic to the surroundings, the big surprises unfold inside, where occupants and visitors are greeted by truly innovative and inspiring environments.

At Children’s Hospital of Georgia, located in Augusta, the healing environment is defined by soaring architecture and an innovative interior where video technology educates and entertains children and families. The H.J.C. Bowden Senior Multipurpose Facility, located in suburban Atlanta, uses a bold, contemporary structure to defy the stereotypes of aging. Residents of Adamsville see the Adamsville Regional Health Center as a vital source of healthcare and social services--and an inspiring symbol of community vitality. An angular geometry of glass, metal and masonry at the Bernard A. Zuckerman Museum of Art proudly proclaims the arrival of a compellingly original home for art on the Kennesaw State University campus. These and many other outstanding projects make Stanley Beaman & Sears: Twenty-Five Years a colorful, informative and exhilarating exploration of imaginative contemporary architecture and design where we seldom expect to find it.

The book can be purchased through Amazon.

About the Architecture Firm

Stanley Beaman & Sears, a distinguished, Atlanta-based architecture, interior design and environmental graphic design firm, was founded in 1992 to focus on the design of facilities for healthcare, pediatrics, higher education, research and the arts. Its commissions have received awards from such institutions as the American Institute of Architects, Chicago Athenaeum, Atlanta Urban Design Commission, International Interior Design Association, American Society of Landscape Architects, and Center for Health Design. In 2018, the firm merged with EYP, a global provider of building design, research and consulting services for government, healthcare, higher education, and science and technology, and is now doing business as EYP.

Kimberly Stanley, AIA, has focused on the design of facilities for healthcare and higher education in serving such clients as Kennedy Krieger Institute, University of Chicago, University of Virginia and Wake Forest University. In addition to her professional responsibilities, she has been an advocate and fundraiser for child health and education. She is an active member and/or supporter of American Institute of Architects, National Museum of Women in the Arts, and Southern Poverty Law Center.

Betsy Beaman, AIA, IIDA, SEGD, has specialized in the design of facilities for healthcare, higher education and cultural arts in a career that has won her awards for design excellence on local, regional and national levels. She also devotes time to professional advancement by lecturing and serving as a visiting juror and design critic at colleges and universities. Her personal interest and involvement in the arts includes the presidency of the Advisory Board of the new Zuckerman Museum of Art as well as local and national arts organizations, including Arts Leaders of Metropolitan Atlanta.

Burn Sears, AIA, has brought strategic thinking to clients across all sectors served by the firm. His reputation for strong architectural solutions, knowledge of technical issues, and first-hand experience in the construction industry is balanced by his strict adherence to budget and schedule parameters. With his vast experience in design and project management of commercial and institutional facilities, he is trusted by clients to bring a high level of expertise and value to their projects. On the rare occasion when he is not working, he is an avid golfer and active member of Atlanta’s business community.

Book Details

Stanley Beaman & Sears: Twenty-Five Years
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: Visual Profile Books
ISBN 13: 978-0-9975489-4-5
10.25” x 10.25” / 220 pp
$60 / www.amazon.com

To obtain more information about the firm, its people and projects, to request images for reproduction, or to schedule interviews, contact, Betsy Beaman, 404-524-2200, bbeaman@eypae.com or Kelly Donahue, (518)-795-3925, kdonahue@eypae.com.


Betsy Beaman, 404-524-2200
Kelly Donahue, 518-795-3925


Betsy Beaman, 404-524-2200
Kelly Donahue, 518-795-3925