Net Asset Value(s)


Xtrackers II

Investment company with variable capital

(Société d'investissement à capital variable)

Registered office: 49, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg

R.C.S. Luxembourg B-124.284

(the “Company”)


Luxembourg, 20 April 2018

The board of directors of the Company (the “Board of Directors”) hereby informs all shareholders of the sub-funds listed in the table below (each a “Sub-Fund”, and together the “Sub-Funds”) (the “Shareholders”) of the applicable net asset value (the “NAV”) in respect of each Sub-Fund for the below stated Transaction Day:

Sub-Fund   ISIN   Outstanding Shares   Ccy   Transaction Day   NAV   Legal Entity Identifier
Xtrackers II Australia Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C LU0494592974 180,319 AUD 20-Apr-18 222.5854 549300LGAM46NFQX6U35
Xtrackers II EUR Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1C LU0478205379 2,715,458 EUR 20-Apr-18 151.6133 54930094D590OBMERQ34
Xtrackers II EUR High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D LU1109942653 9,608,998 EUR 20-Apr-18 17.2624 549300UV4W8IWCFNG644
Xtrackers II Eurozone Government Bond UCITS ETF 1C LU0290355717 9,252,816 EUR 20-Apr-18 231.1274 549300DIHICM3ZLXEP07
Xtrackers II GBP Cash Swap UCITS ETF 1D LU0321464652 764,998 GBP 20-Apr-18 182.5276 5493000G2YZNJXGFTK15
Xtrackers II Global Aggregate Bond Swap UCITS ETF 1D LU0942970103 3,771,583 USD 20-Apr-18 45.9811 549300BLVKFY3X3CSM08
Xtrackers II Global Aggregate Bond Swap UCITS ETF 3D - GBP Hedged LU0942970368 145,743 GBP 20-Apr-18 74.8937 54930083J4P4SVHW2956
Xtrackers II Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 2D - GBP Hedged LU0641006290 3,629,154 GBP 20-Apr-18 26.3464 54930083J4P4SVHW2956
Xtrackers II Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 3C - USD Hedged LU0641006456 11,555,506 USD 20-Apr-18 12.1596 54930083J4P4SVHW2956
Xtrackers II Global Government Bond UCITS ETF 5C LU0908508731 886,208 EUR 20-Apr-18 223.4145 54930083J4P4SVHW2956
Xtrackers II Global Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF 2C - USD Hedged LU0641007009 1,717,651 USD 20-Apr-18 24.2887 5493000VBQKIS28QQO19
Xtrackers II Global Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF 3D - GBP Hedged LU0641007264 3,308,175 GBP 20-Apr-18 24.5463 5493000VBQKIS28QQO19
Xtrackers II Global Inflation-Linked Bond UCITS ETF 5C LU0908508814 16,206,979 EUR 20-Apr-18 20.3065 5493000VBQKIS28QQO19
Xtrackers II Harvest China Government Bond UCITS ETF 1D LU1094612022 750,000 USD 20-Apr-18 22.9106 549300O5E1KYDMQOYN87
Xtrackers II US Treasuries 1-3 UCITS ETF 1D LU0429458895 329,226 USD 20-Apr-18 165.2901 549300X8S61TTEI4MP41
Xtrackers II US Treasuries Inflation-Linked UCITS ETF 1D LU0429459513 37,097 USD 20-Apr-18 275.3249 5493000V8NBMB7G3ME16
Xtrackers II US Treasuries UCITS ETF 1D LU0429459356 690,555 USD 20-Apr-18 206.5989 549300OLEJ05STG43H27
Xtrackers II USD Asia ex Japan Corporate Bond UCITS ETF 1D LU1409136006 361,040 USD 20-Apr-18 112.7641 549300X5N8OOQG00IL69

This notice is for information purposes only. Shareholders are not required to take any action.

Capitalised terms used in this letter shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the current prospectus of the Company (the “Prospectus”) unless the context otherwise requires.

Further information in relation to this notice may be obtained from the Company on its registered address, the offices of foreign representatives or by sending an email

Xtrackers II

The board of directors

Category Code: NAV
Sequence Number: 645607
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20180423T160755+0100


Xtrackers II


Xtrackers II