
FORM 8.3



Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the “Code”)


(a)   Full name of discloser:   Barclays PLC.
(b) Owner or controller of interest and short
  positions disclosed, if different from 1(a):  
(c) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose SHIRE PLC
  relevant securities this form relates:  
(d) If an exempt fund manager connected with an
offeror/offeree, state this and specify identity of
(e) Date position held/dealing undertaken: 06 April 2018
(f) In addition to the company in 1(c) above, is the discloser making YES:
  disclosures in respect of any other party to the offer? TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICAL CO LTD


If there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security.

(a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any)

Class of relevant security:       5p ordinary            
Interests Short Positions
    Number (%) Number (%)
(1) Relevant securities owned
and/or controlled: 4,807,205 0.53% 3,819,617 0.42%
(2) Cash-settled derivatives:
450,335 0.05% 2,261,220 0.25%
(3) Stock-settled derivatives (including options)
and agreements to purchase/sell: 327,500 0.04% 299,300 0.03%
TOTAL: 5,323,272 0.58% 6,152,785 0.67%

All interests and all short positions should be disclosed.

Details of any open stock-settled derivative positions (including traded options), or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should be given on a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions).

(b) Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors’ and other employee options)

Class of relevant security in relation to which subscription right exists:  
Details, including nature of the rights concerned and relevant percentages:  


Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 3(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security dealt in.

The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.

(a) Purchases and sales

Class of relevant   Purchase/sale   Number of   Price per unit
security   securities  
5p ordinary Purchase 3 37.6116 GBP
ADR Purchase 10 156.2800 USD
ADR Purchase 43 156.1913 USD
ADR Purchase 68 156.6900 USD
ADR Purchase 70 156.7140 USD
ADR Purchase 100 156.1900 USD
ADR Purchase 100 156.5550 USD
ADR Purchase 100 156.3600 USD
ADR Purchase 100 156.2500 USD
ADR Purchase 100 155.5800 USD
ADR Purchase 100 155.6300 USD
5p ordinary Purchase 102 37.0938 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 162 37.0730 GBP
ADR Purchase 166 156.3583 USD
5p ordinary Purchase 179 37.6200 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 180 37.2625 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 180 37.2600 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 187 37.2475 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 188 37.5500 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 188 37.2425 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 193 37.5450 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 195 37.1700 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 196 37.2350 GBP
ADR Purchase 200 157.1400 USD
5p ordinary Purchase 210 37.1050 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 214 37.2450 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 215 37.6250 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 228 37.1625 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 234 37.4950 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 241 37.1300 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 244 37.1800 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 252 37.5225 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 263 37.6350 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 264 37.5025 GBP
ADR Purchase 300 156.4766 USD
ADR Purchase 300 156.0866 USD
5p ordinary Purchase 336 37.5400 GBP
ADR Purchase 385 156.2706 USD
5p ordinary Purchase 394 37.1725 GBP
ADR Purchase 400 156.4112 USD
5p ordinary Purchase 428 37.2300 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 449 37.5000 GBP
ADR Purchase 449 157.0300 USD
5p ordinary Purchase 457 37.5150 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 508 37.1825 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 519 37.2500 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 554 37.4975 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 583 37.2670 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 620 37.4925 GBP
ADR Purchase 624 155.9675 USD
5p ordinary Purchase 635 37.4875 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 657 37.5050 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 720 37.6112 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 786 37.4705 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 823 37.2325 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 847 37.2400 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 1,010 37.5475 GBP
ADR Purchase 1,040 156.2400 USD
5p ordinary Purchase 1,280 37.1187 GBP
ADR Purchase 1,304 156.6969 USD
5p ordinary Purchase 1,317 37.6500 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 1,349 37.0874 GBP
ADR Purchase 1,900 156.1452 USD
5p ordinary Purchase 2,240 37.5947 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 2,657 37.4270 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 2,831 37.1352 GBP
ADR Purchase 3,400 156.1664 USD
5p ordinary Purchase 3,599 37.2435 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 4,800 37.5477 GBP
ADR Purchase 4,900 156.7297 USD
5p ordinary Purchase 5,357 37.1412 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 6,025 37.4747 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 8,963 37.3734 GBP
ADR Purchase 11,295 156.5448 USD
5p ordinary Purchase 12,613 37.6017 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 13,695 37.1653 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 14,651 37.3061 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 16,519 37.0833 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 19,825 37.5637 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 20,000 37.5048 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 23,893 37.4071 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 25,535 37.3642 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 28,239 37.6299 GBP
ADR Purchase 38,324 156.3886 USD
5p ordinary Purchase 42,046 37.3297 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 52,000 37.7563 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 52,000 37.6717 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 96,889 37.3648 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 127,855 37.3656 GBP
5p ordinary Purchase 146,011 37.1611 GBP
ADR Sale 10 156.2800 USD
ADR Sale 70 156.7140 USD
ADR Sale 85 156.2201 USD
ADR Sale 100 155.6400 USD
ADR Sale 100 156.3100 USD
ADR Sale 100 156.4800 USD
ADR Sale 100 156.5700 USD
ADR Sale 100 157.0600 USD
5p ordinary Sale 145 37.5720 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 179 37.6200 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 180 37.2625 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 180 37.2600 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 187 37.2475 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 188 37.5500 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 188 37.2425 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 193 37.5450 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 195 37.1700 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 196 37.2350 GBP
ADR Sale 200 156.7450 USD
ADR Sale 200 156.5300 USD
ADR Sale 200 156.1900 USD
ADR Sale 200 155.6100 USD
5p ordinary Sale 210 37.1050 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 214 37.2450 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 228 37.1625 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 232 37.4490 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 234 37.4950 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 241 37.1300 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 244 37.1800 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 252 37.5225 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 263 37.6350 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 264 37.5025 GBP
ADR Sale 300 155.7100 USD
5p ordinary Sale 300 37.7300 GBP
ADR Sale 311 156.3188 USD
5p ordinary Sale 336 37.5400 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 394 37.1725 GBP
ADR Sale 400 156.7137 USD
ADR Sale 404 156.6492 USD
5p ordinary Sale 428 37.2300 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 449 37.5000 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 457 37.5150 GBP
ADR Sale 500 156.2190 USD
5p ordinary Sale 505 37.5475 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 508 37.1825 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 519 37.2500 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 554 37.4975 GBP
ADR Sale 600 156.0766 USD
ADR Sale 600 156.4925 USD
ADR Sale 605 156.2990 USD
5p ordinary Sale 620 37.4925 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 635 37.4875 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 657 37.5050 GBP
ADR Sale 700 156.3871 USD
ADR Sale 773 156.6846 USD
ADR Sale 800 155.6887 USD
5p ordinary Sale 817 37.6500 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 823 37.2325 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 847 37.2400 GBP
ADR Sale 900 155.9611 USD
5p ordinary Sale 957 37.5401 GBP
ADR Sale 1,000 156.4130 USD
ADR Sale 1,300 156.5884 USD
ADR Sale 1,400 156.2532 USD
ADR Sale 1,400 156.6171 USD
ADR Sale 1,480 156.0597 USD
ADR Sale 1,560 156.2400 USD
5p ordinary Sale 1,785 37.1235 GBP
ADR Sale 1,950 156.2928 USD
5p ordinary Sale 1,973 37.4154 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 1,994 37.6204 GBP
ADR Sale 2,599 156.4984 USD
ADR Sale 2,700 156.1748 USD
5p ordinary Sale 2,790 37.1521 GBP
ADR Sale 3,520 156.2206 USD
5p ordinary Sale 3,575 37.7807 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 4,196 37.6101 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 4,407 37.7634 GBP
ADR Sale 4,500 156.1582 USD
5p ordinary Sale 4,874 37.6547 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 5,525 37.1370 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 6,024 37.2481 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 6,106 37.5919 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 9,440 37.5522 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 10,000 37.6363 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 10,000 37.5008 GBP
ADR Sale 10,761 156.5315 USD
5p ordinary Sale 11,577 37.5721 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 13,719 37.1756 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 14,100 37.0850 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 14,718 37.3362 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 16,791 37.6825 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 18,546 37.4140 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 19,204 37.4640 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 20,091 37.5451 GBP
ADR Sale 23,070 156.5718 USD
5p ordinary Sale 31,598 37.3746 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 33,383 37.5244 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 39,884 37.5793 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 56,748 37.4192 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 106,370 37.5302 GBP
5p ordinary Sale 183,224 37.3420 GBP

(b) Cash-settled derivative transactions

Class of   Product   Nature of dealing   Number of   Price per
relevant description reference unit
security     securities  
5p ordinary SWAP Long 1,886 37.6527 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Long 1,994 37.6204 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Long 3,000 37.1871 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Long 3,575 37.7807 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Long 5,067 37.5536 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Long 6,106 37.5919 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Long 7,202 37.4906 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Long 7,400 37.5005 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Long 14,100 37.0850 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Long 14,718 37.3362 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Long 14,728 37.5614 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Long 16,791 37.6825 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Long 20,964 37.5608 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Long 23,521 37.6007 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Long 37,569 37.4425 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Short 19 37.0936 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Short 24 37.0937 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Short 26 37.0938 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Short 33 37.0939 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Short 95 37.0636 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Short 147 37.5984 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Short 162 37.0731 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Short 583 37.2670 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Short 1,349 37.0874 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Short 1,637 37.1805 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Short 5,076 37.3043 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Short 6,300 37.1238 GBP
5p ordinary CFD Short 8,963 37.3734 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Short 13,759 37.0849 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Short 27,020 37.1066 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Expires 15/01/2019 Short 52,000 37.6717 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Expires 15/01/2019 Short 52,000 37.7563 GBP
5p ordinary SWAP Short 90,876 37.2092 GBP

(c) Stock-settled derivative transactions (including options)

(i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying

Class   Product   Writing,   Number   Exercise   Type   Expiry   Option
of description purchasing, of price date money
relevant selling, securities per unit paid/
security varying etc to which received
option per unit
ADR Call Options Purchasing 200 130 USD American 17 Jan 2020 41.4000 USD
ADR Call Options Purchasing 200 135 USD American 17 Jan 2020 38.0000 USD
ADR Call Options Purchasing 200 155 USD American 18 Jan 2019 18.8000 USD
ADR Call Options Purchasing 200 160 USD American 6 Apr 2018 0.0500 USD
ADR Call Options Purchasing 200 160 USD American 17 Jan 2020 23.8000 USD
ADR Call Options Selling 1,000 160 USD American 25 May 2018 7.8000 USD
ADR Call Options Selling 15,000 165 USD American 20 Apr 2018 1.6693 USD
ADR Put Options Purchasing 100 149 USD American 13 Apr 2018 1.0500 USD

(ii) Exercise

Class of relevant security   Product description

e.g. call option

  Exercising/ exercised against   Number of securities   Exercise price per unit

(d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)

Class of relevant security   Nature of dealing

e.g. subscription, conversion

  Details   Price per unit (if applicable)


(a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements

Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or understanding, formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an inducement to deal or refrain from dealing entered into by the person making the disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting in concert with a party to the offer:

Irrevocable commitments and letters of intent should not be included. If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state “none”


(b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives

Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, between the person making the disclosure and any other person relating to:

(i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or

(ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative is referenced:

If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state “none”


(c) Attachments

Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attached?   YES
Date of disclosure: 9 Apr 2018
Contact name: ELISE TANG
Telephone number: 0207 1163001

Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service.

The Panel’s Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code’s disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.

The Code can be viewed on the Panel’s website at



Note 5(i) on Rule 8 of the Takeover Code (the “Code”)


Identity of the person whose positions/dealings   Barclays PLC.
are being disclosed:  
Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose SHIRE PLC
relevant securities this from relates:  


Class   Product   Writing,   Number   Exercise   Type   Expiry
of description purchasing, of price date
relevant selling, securities per unit
security varying etc to which
5p ordinary Call Options Written -125,000 3600.0000 American 21 Dec 2018
5p ordinary Call Options Purchased 100,000 4000.0000 American 15 Jun 2018
5p ordinary Call Options Purchased 10,000 4200.0000 American 15 Jun 2018
5p ordinary Put Options Written 125,000 3600.0000 American 21 Dec 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 41,800 145.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,700 195.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Written 1,100 140.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 200 135.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 175.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 100 110.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Purchased -100 125.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -100 145.0000 American 6 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Written -100 160.0000 American 18 May 2018
ADR Call Options Written -200 150.0000 American 18 May 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -600 120.0000 American 27 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -1,000 150.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -1,500 165.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -2,000 175.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Call Options Written -2,200 200.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,700 80.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -3,000 130.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -3,300 110.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -4,700 130.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -5,800 180.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -11,400 155.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,400 135.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 165.0000 American 6 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Written 100 150.0000 American 18 May 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -100 149.0000 American 13 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Written -200 153.0000 American 13 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Written -300 150.0000 American 27 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Written -700 210.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Written -1,000 160.0000 American 25 May 2018
ADR Put Options Written 1,000 135.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 400 230.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 300 115.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 200 155.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 200 200.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Written 200 125.0000 American 19 Oct 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 220.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 125.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 100 95.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -100 120.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Call Options Written -100 140.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Written -100 133.0000 American 6 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Written -500 145.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Call Options Written -1,000 85.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -1,400 145.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,200 110.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,500 120.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Written -3,100 145.0000 American 6 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 4,100 170.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 4,000 200.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,400 130.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 900 160.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 400 150.0000 American 6 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 300 165.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 200 155.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Purchased 200 130.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Purchased 200 110.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -200 170.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -500 130.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Call Options Written -600 175.0000 American 19 Oct 2018
ADR Call Options Written -1,000 160.0000 American 4 May 2018
ADR Call Options Written -1,400 185.0000 American 18 May 2018
ADR Call Options Written -1,700 140.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Written -1,800 205.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,100 115.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Written -3,100 180.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 2,100 120.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 500 165.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 500 190.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 200 120.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Purchased 200 195.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 185.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -200 115.0000 American 19 Oct 2018
ADR Call Options Written -200 145.0000 American 4 May 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -300 150.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -800 135.0000 American 6 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Written -800 170.0000 American 6 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -1,000 105.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -1,200 115.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -3,000 115.0000 American 18 May 2018
ADR Call Options Written -39,200 150.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Written -13,500 180.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,000 170.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 700 136.0000 American 13 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 200 160.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Purchased 200 160.0000 American 6 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Written 200 150.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Call Options Written -100 130.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -100 150.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -500 120.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Written -900 130.0000 American 18 May 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -1,000 80.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Written -2,000 145.0000 American 18 May 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,300 85.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -4,700 170.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -5,500 135.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -6,000 135.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -7,500 155.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 3,100 145.0000 American 27 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Written 2,000 155.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 500 185.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 140.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 100 140.0000 American 19 Oct 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -100 145.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Call Options Written -500 195.0000 American 6 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -1,100 140.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,100 160.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -2,700 144.0000 American 6 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 13,400 165.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Written 3,000 145.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,000 150.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Purchased 1,000 135.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 800 140.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 400 185.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Call Options Purchased 100 160.0000 American 13 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Written 100 110.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Written 100 75.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -100 105.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -100 95.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -100 117.0000 American 6 Apr 2018
ADR Call Options Written -100 160.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -500 145.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Call Options Written -500 125.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -1,300 135.0000 American 17 Jan 2020
ADR Put Options Purchased -1,900 125.0000 American 20 Apr 2018
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,300 115.0000 American 18 Jan 2019
ADR Put Options Purchased -2,400 75.0000 American 20 Jul 2018
ADR Call Options Written -3,300 175.0000 American 20 Apr 2018


Full details should be given so that the nature of the interest or position can be fully understood:

It is not necessary to provide details on a Supplemental Form (Open Positions) with regard to cash-settled derivatives.

The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.

The Panel’s Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code’s disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.

The Code can be viewed on the Panel’s website at

Category Code: RET
Sequence Number: 644608
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20180409T125559+0100


