Theradiag: Full-Year 2017 Revenue and End of 2017 Cash Position

  • Consolidated 2017 revenue: €9.1 million
  • Further growth in sales of LISA TRACKER® kits for routine use: +20%
  • Solid cash position: €5.2 million

CROISSY-BEAUBOURG, France--()--Regulatory News:

Theradiag (Paris:ALTER) (ISIN: FR0004197747, ticker: ALTER), a company specializing in in vitro diagnostics and theranostics, today reported its full-year 2017 consolidated revenue and its cash position at December 31, 2017.

Consolidated 2017 revenue: €9.1 million

In thousands of euros   2017   2016   Change
Revenue   9,058   8,978   +1%
of which Theranostics revenue   4,182   4,016   +4%
of w of which LISA TRACKER® kits for routine use   3,327   2,765   +20%
of which IVD revenue   4,875   4,962   -2%

In 2017, Theradiag generated consolidated revenue of €9.1 million, up 1% compared with the 2016 figure of €9.0 million.

Full-year revenue from the Theranostics business unit rose 4% from €4 million in 2016 to €4.2 million in 2017, and accounted for 46% of Theradiag’s total revenue. In this business unit, 80% of revenue comes from sales of kits for routine use. That revenue rose by 20% in 2017 and came from direct sales to hospitals and medical analysis laboratories, along with sales arising from partnerships with InformDX (formerly Miraca Life Science), Janssen, Biogen, MSD and Hospira/Pfizer. The remaining Theranostics revenue comes mainly from pharmaceutical and diagnostic studies for our partners which, although carried out on a one-off basis, could represent a first step towards future commercial agreements.

As in 2016, products developed in-house accounted for 75% of the company’s total sales. Sales of distribution products rose 2%, due in particular to molecular biology products.

Exports continued to grow as a proportion of sales, accounting for 51% of the total in 2017 as opposed to 46% in 2016.

Our agreements with pharmaceutical companies and the development of our export business are boosting sales of LISA TRACKER® kits. That growth, which reflects our market penetration, should continue to strengthen in 2018. IVD sales remain stable in the absence of the BioCLIA® launch,” said Michel Finance, Theradiag’s Chief Executive Officer.

Cash position

At December 31, 2017, Theradiag had available net cash of €5.16 million as opposed to €3.74 million at December 31, 2016, following the successful completion of its €4 million capital increase in May 2017.

Update on discussions with HOB Biotech

Since the last press release dated December 19, 2017, discussions between Theradiag and HOB Biotech continued, but the parties failed to reach a common position. In relation to this matter, HOB Biotech has now notified Theradiag that it is terminating one of the partnership agreements. Theradiag is disputing this termination and has put HOB Biotech on notice to remedy the contractual breaches that have arisen. Any material change in the situation will be disclosed through a press release in due course.

Next press release
Full-year 2017 results: by 24 April 2018 at the latest.

About Theradiag

Capitalizing on its expertise in the distribution, development and manufacturing of in vitro diagnostic tests, Theradiag innovates and develops theranostics tests (combining treatment and diagnosis) that measure the efficiency of biotherapies in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, cancer and AIDS. Theradiag is thus participating in the development of customized treatment, which favors the individualization of treatments, the evaluation of their efficacy and the prevention of drug resistance. Theradiag notably markets the Lisa Tracker® range (CE marked), which is a comprehensive multiparameter theranostic solution for patients with autoimmune diseases treated with biotherapies. The Company is based in Marne-la-Vallée, near Paris, and has over 70 employees.
For more information about Theradiag, please visit our website:


Investor Relations
Fabienne François
Tel.: +33 (0)1 64 62 10 12
Financial Communications & Investor Relations
Valentine Brouchot
Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 71 94 94
Alize RP
Press Relations
Caroline Carmagnol
Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 54 36 64


Investor Relations
Fabienne François
Tel.: +33 (0)1 64 62 10 12
Financial Communications & Investor Relations
Valentine Brouchot
Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 71 94 94
Alize RP
Press Relations
Caroline Carmagnol
Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 54 36 64