Good Days Announces New Website and Refreshed Logo

Charity’s New Site Makes It Easier to Identify Patient Resources and Apply for Assistance

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Clorinda Walley, President of Good Days

PLANO, Texas--()--Good Days, a national, independent 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization that makes life-saving and life-extending treatments affordable, today announced the launch of its newly revamped website and logo.

Visit the new and improved to find all the essential information from before, but with an easier usability and navigation. Learn about the disease states and medications Good Days supports, application process, travel assistance resources, enrollment and re-enrollment deadlines, related organizations, login to the patient portal, or find news about patient resources and inspiring stories, all on the new website.

“We designed our new site entirely with the people we support in mind,” said Clorinda Walley, president of Good Days. “Good Days is here to pay for treatments that can help return a degree of normalcy to your daily life. Red tape is the last thing you want to deal with at difficult times. Our new website makes it easier to identify resources and apply for assistance so that people can make the most of their lives.”

“Good Days stands for helping people – not just with copay assistance, but with connecting patients with other organizations like ourselves that can help,” said Randie Odebralski, chief operating officer of Good Days. “Our new website seamlessly integrates information about our programs, that of related organizations, and timely information about relevant wellness topics in an attractive and inviting way.”

Good Days helps people with conditions requiring expensive treatments to comfortably sustain—or, in the case of terminal illness, extend—daily life by covering co-payments through donated funds. These co-payments can range from $500 – $2000 every month, and sometimes much higher. Without the financial support provided by Good Days, many people with either chronic diseases or terminal illnesses would forego the only effective treatments available to them — often simply to avoid bankrupting their families and leaving a legacy of enormous debt. By removing the economic barrier to treatment, Good Days provides individuals a path to make the most of their lives, to focus on what’s important to them—even directing them to support groups for people in similar circumstances.

Everyone Good Days serves has already been prescribed a drug or treatment before they ever contact Good Days. Patients are typically referred by either their physicians or a specialty pharmacy who together coordinate the dispensing of the medication required for treatment. Good Days is in complete compliance with all rulings and directives required for this highly regulated sector.

Good Days is a national, independent 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization that makes life-saving and life-extending treatments affordable. Since 2003, Good Days has provided more than 800,000 grants and helped more than 500,000 people with access to healthcare resources. Learn more at


Good Days
Justin Wilson, 202-531-3051

Release Summary

Good Days Announces New Website and Refreshed Logo. Charity’s New Site Makes It Easier to Identify Patient Resources and Apply for Assistance.


Good Days
Justin Wilson, 202-531-3051