Experience the Brain: BrainFacts.org Relaunches With Enhanced Interactives

BrainFacts.org features interactive activities and videos that teach the eight things everyone needs to know about the brain. (Graphic: Business Wire)

WASHINGTON--()--It’s a new era for BrainFacts.org. Relaunching today with an interactive brain model and a suite of new multimedia features, BrainFacts.org encourages the exploration and discovery of neuroscience. BrainFacts.org is a public information initiative of The Kavli Foundation, the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, and the Society for Neuroscience (SfN). With BrainFacts.org, you can discover your brain in all its complexity, and, ultimately, discover yourself in all your humanity.

Leading the new features on the site is an interactive, easy-to-navigate 3-D human brain model that allows users to isolate and explore regions of the brain. Modeled on premier data sets from the Allen Brain Atlas, the development of the 3-D brain is funded by the Wellcome Trust and was overseen by expert neuroanatomists and neuroscientists. Additionally, the website features articles and resources funded by the Brain Initiative Alliance that explore new tools and technologies in brain science and innovative research.

“The experiences we’ve created on BrainFacts.org nurture curiosity and embrace the latest, interactive ways of learning,” said SfN President Eric J. Nestler, MD, PhD. “By designing these dynamic resources we are better informing the community and engaging students with interactive information about basic and clinical brain research; facts about brain disorders; strategies to promote brain health and wellness; promising discoveries and new experimental approaches; and the growing role of neuroscience in societal discussions on health, education, ethics, law, and policies.”

Since its launch in 2012, nearly 8 million users have visited BrainFacts.org, with more than 9.6 million sessions and upwards of 15 million page views. BrainFacts.org contains 1,340 pieces of content including animations, articles, and videos. Designed for anyone interested in the brain and nervous system, BrainFacts.org delivers content that reveals how our brain shapes our every decision, taste, motion, and emotion. The site’s new interactive elements encourage visitors to learn why we stop at a red light and how we taste popcorn or solve intricate problems — translating complex brain functions in a way that is accessible to all audiences.

“Our brain is what inspires us to build cities and compels us to gaze at the stars,” said John H. Morrison, editor-in-chief of BrainFacts.org. “Now, BrainFacts.org is allowing visitors to get inside the brain, teaching us the eight key concepts we all need to know about how the brain works, showcasing a scientifically accurate, interactive 3-D model of the brain that reveals internal structures, and presenting tools for educators to engage students at all stages of learning about the brain and nervous system with dedicated online and classroom exercises.”

Discover your brain. Discover yourself. Visit BrainFacts.org, the source for authoritative information about the progress and promise of brain research.

The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) is an organization of nearly 37,000 basic scientists and clinicians who study the brain and nervous system.


Society for Neuroscience
Emily Ortman, 202-962-4000

Release Summary

With an interactive brain model and new multimedia features, BrainFacts.org encourages the exploration of neuroscience and your complex brain.


Society for Neuroscience
Emily Ortman, 202-962-4000