Visual IQ Introduces 360i, KBS, MullenLowe Mediahub and The Media Kitchen as First Alliance Partners

Leading Agencies Meet Robust Criteria to Join Strategic Certification Program

NEEDHAM, Mass.--()--Visual IQ, the leading marketing attribution software provider, today announced that leading agencies 360i, KBS, The Media Kitchen and MullenLowe Mediahub have become its first certified Alliance partners. Having met robust certification criteria, these partners are not only proficient on Visual IQ’s marketing attribution platform, but are also able to extract the granular, intra-channel insights and recommendations needed to optimize their clients’ media spend and help them achieve their business goals.

The Alliance program is part of the Vision Certified Partner Program for channel partners, which provides formal accreditation to channel partners that demonstrate excellence in the implementation and use of Visual IQ’s IQ Intelligence Suite of advanced marketing attribution software products. To achieve this certification, Alliance partners have completed introductory user-level training courses on Visual IQ’s IQ Envoy and IQ Sage products, as well as its cost module. IQ Envoy and IQ Sage are Visual IQ’s attribution and scenario planning products that calculate the quantitative impact that each marketing touchpoint has on desired KPIs and provide recommendations for optimization. Its cost module, which enables cost data to be uploaded into the platform either manually or through automated feeds, ensures the efficiency of media buys can be accurately measured in order to implement the most effective optimizations. Alliance partners must also obtain the required number of “partner points,” which are achieved by onboarding new clients to the Visual IQ platform, participating in joint case studies and activating Visual IQ’s attributed TrueMetrics in market.

The first four Alliance partners to meet Visual IQ's certification criteria include 360i, an award-winning digitally led marketing agency that drives results for Fortune 500 marketers through strategic media and creative; KBS, a global marketing and advertising agency that helps companies modernize to thrive in a tech-driven culture; The Media Kitchen, the media arm of KBS that provides full-service, performance-driven communications planning and buying; and MullenLowe Mediahub, the creatively-driven media planning and buying unit of the global MullenLowe Group.

"As an agency, we're tasked with helping our clients make the most of their budgets. Visual IQ's certification program has prepared our team to guide clients on how to better optimize their media dollars based on the customer journey," said Trupti Patil, SVP, Strategic Analytics at MullenLowe Mediahub. "This certification not only enables us to onboard new clients to the Visual IQ platform faster and more efficiently, but also ensures our team can jump in and help drive our clients’ business forward from day one."

“We are excited to be one of the first agency partners certified by Visual IQ, further cementing the long-standing relationship between our two organizations," said Caterina Bartoli, Executive Vice President at The Media Kitchen. "The training and certification process allowed us to scale the number of Visual IQ power users. As a result, we will be able to bring the benefits of the platform to even more of our clients, driving ever stronger results from their media budgets."

Unlike traditional certification programs that simply scratch the surface of onboarding and training, Visual IQ's program provides channel partners with a detailed, in-depth view of the Visual IQ platform so they can manage the implementation and provide ongoing attribution management support on behalf of their clients.

"In a constantly evolving marketing and media landscape, agencies must have their fingers on the pulse of market trends as well as the most effective technology that will help them master their jobs. Our hands-on certification process provides our channels partners with the opportunity to truly understand the ins and outs of our platform so they can provide strategic support to their clients and gain real and lasting value from Visual IQ," said Manu Mathew, co-founder and CEO, Visual IQ. "We're thrilled to build on the relationships we have with these leading agencies and welcome them as our first Alliance partners."

About Visual IQ
Visual IQ produces the world’s most powerful marketing attribution software products. As a pioneer in the space, the company has been offering products since 2006. Its SaaS-based IQ Intelligence Suite reveals inter- and intra-channel performance insights hidden deep within companies’ marketing data, providing actionable recommendations and optimized media plans to improve marketing effectiveness. These recommendations enable marketers and agencies to adjust their advertising strategies and tactics to significantly increase marketing ROI across their entire marketing mix – both online and offline. The functionality behind these products combines a powerful, user-friendly interface with multi-dimensional fractional attribution science and predictive analytics that clearly and accurately show marketers where opportunities exist for improvement.

Visual IQ was named a leader in cross channel attribution by a leading market research firm four times in a row, won The Drum’s Digital Trading Award for Best Attribution Solution in 2015 and 2016, won the 2014 ASPY Award for Best Data or Analytics Solution, and was a finalist in the Digital Analytics Association Excellence Awards in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. The company is a member of the IAB in the US, UK, France and Italy, is a member of the Canadian Marketing Association, and sits on the IAB’s Advertising Technology, Data, Public Policy and CFO councils and the Digital Analytics Association’s Standards Committee.

Visual IQ can be reached at or by visiting


Version 2.0 Communications for Visual IQ
Libby Botsford, 617-426-2222

Release Summary

Visual IQ announced that leading agencies 360i, KBS, The Media Kitchen and MullenLowe Mediahub have become its first certified Alliance partners.


Version 2.0 Communications for Visual IQ
Libby Botsford, 617-426-2222