GRBN/Opinium Survey: Steep Decline in Trust of Government Post-Brexit Vote; Distrust Very High Amongst Those Voting to Leave EU

Reveals Negative Impact on British Buying Intentions for Cars, Homes, Holiday Trips

GRBN Research Report Available via Dapresy’s Online Dashboard

Survey: Steep Decline in Trust of UK Government Post-Brexit Vote. Full Dashboard at (Photo: Business Wire)

BOSTON--()--The Global Research Business Network (GRBN) and Opinium Research today announced in conjunction with Dapresy, a global provider of data visualization and data integration software, the results of the 2016 “Brexit and Trust” research report online at

The research is based upon a recent survey of UK adults conducted by Opinium, a UK-based insight agency, in partnership with GRBN, and addresses the impact the Brexit vote has had on a variety of issues relating to trust.

Key Finding: Steep declines in trust of government and other institutions

Since the vote, participants reported deep declines in trust overall amongst a variety of institutions, including of the British government, with the net trust index* in the British government decreasing from -11 to -21. The proportion of people having a very low level** of trust in the British government increased from 25% to 31%.

Those who voted to leave the EU have a much higher distrust in the British government (a net trust index of -25 compared to -15 amongst those voting to remain). Meanwhile, those who did not feel well informed about the issues during the referendum have a very low level of trust in the British government (-29 net trust index).

Key Finding: Departure from EU to impact sales of cars, UK homes, vacations in Europe

Some 10% of participants said the vote had decreased the likelihood of them making home purchases in the next 12 months, with the largest declines amongst those voting to remain (15%). Amongst 18-34 year olds voting to remain in the EU, 19% stated they are now less likely to buy a house in the UK. Other major purchases impacted included large ticket items such as cars (12% less likely to buy) and vacations in Europe (12% less likely to take one).

Key Finding: More participants voting “leave” said they made well informed decision vs. “remain”

Despite the amount of coverage of the referendum, as many as 39% of participants in this survey stated that only to a limited extent did they feel well informed/knowledgeable about both sides of the argument.

While media reports stated that “leave” votes were emotionally based while “remain” voters were better informed, this survey found when asked, the opposite is true. Some 69% of participants voting “leave” reported they had been well informed, while only 59% of those voting “remain” reported the same.

According to Andrew Cannon, GRBN executive director, “This survey shows that trust in many types of institutions, including government, the police and secret services, has decreased dramatically in the UK post-Brexit. This sharp decline in trust needs to be taken very seriously by those in power within these institutions.”

James Endersby, managing director of Opinium, said, “We’re clearly in a limbo period of uncertainty where businesses and consumers take longer to make ‘big’ spending decisions, or postpone them completely.”

“With much of the discussion before and after the referendum focusing on the lack of reliable information given to the public, we are excited that GBRN chose to partner with Dapresy in order to make the results of this important study openly available to everyone,” said Marc Chester, director, Dapresy UK.

Findings available online via Dapresy dashboard

The GRBN survey results can be seen via a Dapresy online dashboard here.

About the research

Opinium Research conducted a survey amongst a nationally representative sample of 2,000 UK adults in August 2016. More details about the survey can be found in the online dashboard here.

* Participants in the research were asked to say how much they trusted 17 different types of organizations using a 7-point scale, The net trust index is used to compare the overall level of trust by subtracting the proportion of people giving a very low rating (1 or 2) from the proportion giving a very high rating (6 or 7).

** A very low level of trust is defined as giving a rating of 1 or 2 on a 7-point trust scale, where 7 is the highest rating.

About Dapresy (

Dapresy is a global provider of data visualization and reporting software. Unlike traditional business intelligence tools that focus on deep-dive analysis for a limited audience, Dapresy visualizes and distributes data into existing company processes for all designated people. It enables clients to deploy dynamic KPI-driven marketing dashboards to clearly communicate complex data from markets, users and customers. The company’s unique dynamic dashboards are individually tailored, deploying the right data to the right people at the right time. For marketers looking to move beyond PowerPoint and Excel, Dapresy is the faster and far more effective way to easily present marketing information from multiple sources in a manner that improves decision making.

Twitter: @Dapresy

About Opinium (

Opinium is an award winning strategic insight agency built on the belief that in a world of uncertainty and complexity, success depends on the ability to stay on the pulse of what people think, feel and do. Creative and inquisitive, we are passionate about empowering our clients to make the decisions that matter.

Twitter: @OpiniumResearch

About The GRBN (

The Global Research Business Network connects 45 research associations and over 3500 research businesses on six continents. More than US$25 billion in annual research revenues (turnover) are generated by these businesses. GRBN’s mission is to promote and advance the business of research by developing and supporting strong autonomous national research associations.

Twitter: @grbn_org


Andrew Cannon, +358-50-5226922
GCC, Inc. for Dapresy
George Cohen, 617-325-0011
for Opinium
Katie Freeman, +44 (0)2075667434

Release Summary

The Global Research Business Network (GRBN) and Opinium Research announced with Dapresy the results of the 2016 “Brexit and Trust” research report at


Andrew Cannon, +358-50-5226922
GCC, Inc. for Dapresy
George Cohen, 617-325-0011
for Opinium
Katie Freeman, +44 (0)2075667434