NTENT’s Semantic Technology Now Transforms Information Discovery for Russian Speakers, Making it Faster and Easier to Find Information

Next Generation Semantic Technology Now Rapidly Delivers Knowledge + Relevance in Russian

NTENT Semantic and natural language processing technology. (Photo: Business Wire)

NEW YORK--()--Today, NTENT announced the expansion of its next generation semantic search and natural language processing technologies to support the Russian language, building upon its already powerful English language capabilities.

More than half the world’s population speaks two or more languages. The introduction of the Russian lexicon into NTENT’s ontology and semantic processing capabilities transforms information discovery for over 171 million Russian speakers1, making it easier and faster for them to discover the information they are seeking. This represents a fundamental advancement in NTENT’s ability to organize concepts and understand relationships of words, a key feature of the technology.

“The added ability to support Russian and the progression of our semantic search capability is an important milestone for NTENT,” said Dan Stickel, Chief Executive Officer of NTENT. “By applying the power of our semantic and natural language processing technology to the Russian language, we are able to rapidly identify and extract interconnections between entities in an ever-expanding universe of digital data. To put it into perspective, what used to take a single person hours of searching through documents to find related information, now happens in a fraction of a second. This is a major step forward for Russian speakers wishing to easily expose relevant information.”

With NTENT, Russian speakers are able to extract information from multiple sources (articles, images, documents), eliminating the need to pinpoint exact keywords in order to find the information they want. “We’ve built our ontology to be language independent giving us the ability to identify definitions and interrelationships of entities regardless of the language. This includes the ability to understand taxonomic relationships that allow us to organize concepts. On top of this ontology, we’ve layered in the Russian lexicon to be able to process how a specific concept or entity is expressed in the Russian language. The benefit? In a matter of seconds we can identify and surface relevant content in Russian,” said Gerald Burnand, VP and Chief Architect.

Present day search technology relies on keywords to find information but the problem is that keywords are inherently ambiguous. Keyword search cannot understand the difference between “Blue Moon” the beer and “blue moon” the lunar cycle and they can’t link “like” words that have the same meaning. This leads to instances of very broad results that may or may not have anything to do with the user’s query. Powered with proprietary technology that functions more like the human brain, NTENT uses their patented semantic technology to understand the meaning of words and how concepts relate to one another in a particular sentence (or query) and then relates this back to decipher user intent in order to return the very best answer.

About NTENT:

NTENT™ sits at the crossroads of semantic search and natural language processing technologies. Our patented, proprietary technology powers our comprehensive search platform that transforms structured and unstructured data into relevant and actionable insights. This level of intelligence enables us to predict and deliver relevant text, image and video content experiences based on personal preferences to end-users while generating new monetization opportunities for our partners, on any device. Learn more about NTENT at http://www.ntent.com.


1 https://www.ethnologue.com/statistics/size


Media inquiries:
Kerstin Recker, 917-334-6891


Media inquiries:
Kerstin Recker, 917-334-6891