Click Consult Reviews Claire House Charity Performance 2015/16

CHESHIRE, England--()--Click Consult has been raising money for Claire House Children’s Hospice for five years now, with 2015/16 financial year seeing the agency break the £30,000 mark for funds raised.

There are few causes for which a company can raise money that are more worthy than children’s hospice Claire House. The work they do to support both children and the families of children that will not live to adulthood cannot be commended often or highly enough. It is with great pride, therefore, that Click Consult reviews the last year of our fundraising efforts for the charity and with great passion looks forward to the coming year’s activity.

The last year saw Click Consult sponsor and attend the Claire House Ball at the Pavilion Suite, Chester Racecourse – an event that began with moving, first-hand accounts from the parents of two children helped by the hospice. The event also featured raffle, to which Click Consult were delighted to donate eight tickets to the executive box at Manchester United, signed United memorabilia, and a weekend break at Peckforton Castle amongst other prizes which are reviewed on the Click Consult site (

Click Founder and CEO Matt Bullas stated:

“Without events like the Chester Ball, and without the support of those who sponsor and support the charity, Claire House would be unable to provide such fantastic support.”

In addition, Click Consult’s staff – through donations made directly from their salaries – have donated a total of £778, topped up by a further £194.50 in Gift Aid at last review, while midday snacking from Claire House’s provisions is continue to bring in plenty of extra.

However, reaching the five year mark has left the Cheshire based agency determined to really push themselves in the coming year, with staff already committed to two of the Claire House events: Tough Mudder and the Liverpool-Chester-Liverpool cycle event. Click Consult are keeping their eyes open for and reviewing further fund raising opportunities and will be updating their Just Giving Page over the coming months.

In the mean-time, the snack-box funds will continue to accumulate, the direct salary donations will continue and more importantly, the brave and important work at Claire House will go on, with help from a host of donors and fundraisers, helping parents and children to make the most of their time together. The hope is that when Click Consult reviews its fundraising achievements this time next year it will be of the best year yet.


Click Consult
John Warner
0845 205 0292


Click Consult
John Warner
0845 205 0292