Director/PDMR Shareholding


RSA Insurance Group plc

Transactions in shares by Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility (“PDMRs”)

Ordinary Shares of £1 each

08 January 2016

On 08 January 2016, RSA Insurance Group plc (the “Company”) received notification of the following transactions in its ordinary shares of £1 each (“Ordinary Shares”) by PDMRs.

On 07 January 2016, Ordinary Shares were purchased by the PDMRs listed below under the Company’s all employee Sharebuild Plan (an HMRC approved Share Incentive Plan) (the “Plan”). The Ordinary Shares were purchased at a price of 403.8p per share.

Name   Number of shares purchased under the Partnership element of the Plan

(personal contribution)

  Number of shares awarded under the Matching element of the Plan

(Company contribution)

David Coughlan 32 8
William McDonnell 32 8
Derek Walsh 31 8
Paul Whittaker 32 8

Under the terms of the Company’s all employee Sharebuild Plan (an HMRC approved Share Incentive Plan), the Matching Shares awarded on 07 January 2013 to the current PDMR’s listed below have vested.

Name   Number of shares vested under the Matching element of the Plan
David Coughlan 19
Derek Walsh 19
William McDonnell 22
Paul Whittaker 22

These announcements are made following notifications made in accordance with Disclosure and Transparency Rule 3.1.2R.

The transactions were carried out in London.


Enquiries to:

Elinor Bell, Deputy Group Company Secretary

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7111 7000

Louise Shield, External Communications Director

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7111 7047

Category Code: RDS
Sequence Number: 504408
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20160108T162410+0000


RSA Insurance Group Plc


RSA Insurance Group Plc