Study of Glytec’s Glucommander™ in an Outpatient Setting Indicates Dramatic A1C Reductions

Ninety percent of study participants achieved target glucose within 3 weeks and achieved an average reduction in estimated A1C of 3.0%

WALTHAM, Mass.--()--Glytec, the pioneer and leader in providing innovative glucose management software solutions, announced today that Glucommander, a component of the company’s eGMS® platform, achieved its 30-day primary efficacy endpoint in a study evaluating the average A1C reduction in an outpatient setting for persons with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

According to study results, Glucommander was effective at titrating insulin doses and quickly achieving glucose control, with low rates of hypoglycemia, for 22 patients, regardless of the severity of their diabetes. The average starting A1C was 10.4% and the average estimated A1C (eA1C) at 30 days was 7.4%. A larger study looking at three month reduction in A1C will be published in the near future.

“The results thus far are potentially groundbreaking and an advancement from a previously conducted, very encouraging 90-day study of Glucommander,” said Bruce Bode, MD, FACE, a diabetes specialist with the Atlanta Diabetes Associates in Atlanta, GA, and a clinical associate professor at Emory University in the Department of Medicine. “Getting insulin-requiring patients to optimal glycemic targets, much less maintaining them at optimal targets with the fewest incidences of hypoglycemia, is very challenging due in part to an individual’s insulin sensitivity and the associated complexities of proper dosing.”

Measurements & Values
Number of Patients: 22
Average Initial A1C was 10.4%
Average A1C at 30 days: 7.4%
Average reduction in eA1C: 3.0% within the first 30 days
Severe hypoglycemia (< 40): none
Symptomatic, non-severe hypoglycemia (<70): 0.9% of BGs
Gender: 32% female
Average age = 61
Average BMI = 34

Bode continued, “Forty percent of patients new to insulin therapy experience hypoglycemia in the first month of therapy and more than fifty percent of patients on insulin are not at their A1C goal. Not surprisingly, roughly a third of people with type 2 diabetes that are appropriate for insulin therapy never fill their initial prescription. The problem is not one of insulin, but of insulin management. The personal and societal costs of this issue are staggering. To improve the lives of people living with diabetes, we must improve medication management and effectiveness, which will in turn improve medication adherence. Glucommander’s computerized decision support capability in the hands of healthcare professionals can be a tremendous asset in the effort to see these goals attained.”

Glucommanderis a sophisticated, FDA-cleared, software solution that evaluates current and cumulative patient blood glucose values and, coupled with certain patient attributes, recommends a dosage of insulin to adjust and maintain the blood glucose level toward a clinician-determined target range. The software is available for healthcare professionals only.

“The insulin service provided by Atlanta Diabetes Associates has been a great help in getting my blood sugars under control. I think more physicians should use the Glytec solution,” said Norman Greenberg, a person with type 2 diabetes who participated in the program. As background, participants in the study were provided with TelCare’s blood glucose meter, the first cellular-enabled device to receive FDA clearance. Patients received dose adjustment recommendations via text messages from their healthcare provider.

“Just as we’ve for years successfully leveraged the data EMRs provide in the inpatient setting to produce excellent results for health systems and their patients, the emergence of connected devices such as TelCare’s that provide actionable data in real time, can further enable a revolution in how insulin therapy and indeed diabetes can be managed across the continuum of care,” said Bob Leonard, President & CEO of Glytec. “The opportunity to provide an integrated inpatient and outpatient solution for healthcare providers focused on value-based care and population health bodes well for the true focus of our efforts: transforming diabetes care and improving the lives of people with diabetes.”

About Glytec

Founded in 2006, Glytec is a rapidly growing digital heath company specializing in integrated inpatient and outpatient technologies for diabetes care, with the mission of improving medication management and glycemic control across the continuum. eGMS®, Glytec’s glycemic management information system, enables providers, payers and patients to significantly reduce the frequency, risks and costs of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. The cloud based, modular eGMS® centers on the Glucommander suite of FDA-cleared, predictive dosing algorithms for IV, subcutaneous and pediatric dosing.The management of patients requiring insulin therapy is further enabled by seamless EHR integration (SmartClick™) and robust analytics (Glucometrics™) and surveillance (GlucoSurveillance™) capabilities. eGMS® interventional clinical decision support tools allow providers to standardize processes and individualize treatment across all areas of care, and is proven to result in significant improvements in clinical and financial outcomes versus traditional methods. For more information, please visit

About Telcare Inc.

Telcare is a leading digital-health company whose pioneering work includes development of the first FDA-cleared cellular blood glucometer. Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Telcare is a privately held company funded by Norwest Venture Partners, The Qualcomm Life Fund, Sequoia Capital, Mosaic Health Solutions and other founding investors. For more information, visit


For Glytec
Kathryn McMahon, 617-502-4327

Release Summary

Study of Glytec’s Glucommander™ in an Outpatient Setting Indicates Dramatic A1C Reductions


For Glytec
Kathryn McMahon, 617-502-4327