SKIT BAGS ENTERTAINMENT Owner Actor/Director/Producer Mickey Gooch Unveils THE HEAD THIEVES Piquing Interest from Top Distributors

LOS ANGELES--()--SKIT BAGS ENTERTAINMENT has just debuted their sought-after film THE HEAD THIEVES at a celebrity filled celebration taking place in Hollywood.

The wrap party featured the first-time viewing of the much anticipated trailer and Music Video for the film. All cast members came out to show support for the film including Mickey Gooch, Dante Basco (Rufio, Hook), Sandy Martin, Bojesse Christopher, Daniel Baldwin, Andy Dick, Dion Basco (City Guys) and Real World's Johnny Bananas.

Filmmaker Mickey Gooch has been compared to Jack Black meets Zach Galifianakis with his quick wit, dry and sarcastic sense of comedic timing. He has created a close knit team and collaborators, saying, "I believe my mission as a filmmaker is to have everyone involved in a project feel as important to the movie as the Lead." Mickey has taken the industry by storm in the last 6 months without taking the traditional route of an agent or manager. In an increasingly difficult industry to break in, Mickey has made a real mark on the industry by producing, directing and acting in some sought after films. He is a game changer in the industry making high quality productions on his own terms and being coined to be “someone to watch” by industry power players.

SKIT BAGS ENTERTAINMENT plans a theatrical and digital release of THE HEAD THIEVES later this year.

In the film, recently released inmate goes on a wild goose chase all in search of a briefcase filled with money. Described as the R rated Napoleon Dynamite, and featuring surprising guest star appearances, all takes place over the course of 24 hours.

For more information regarding Mickey Gooch, SKIT BAGS ENTERTAINMENT or THE HEAD THIEVES, please contact:

Look Los Angeles PR
Karen Ahaesy
P 323.782.8899
C 323.445.9838


Look Los Angeles PR
Karen Ahaesy
P 323.782.8899
C 323.445.9838


Look Los Angeles PR
Karen Ahaesy
P 323.782.8899
C 323.445.9838