Over 300 Physician Organizations Call on Congress to Strengthen Medicare Advantage

WASHINGTON--()--Over 300 medical groups and independent practice associations sent a letter urging Congressional representatives to protect and strengthen the Medicare Advantage program. The effort was organized by CAPG, the largest U.S. association representing physician groups practicing risk-based coordinated care.

More than 16 million seniors are enrolled in Medicare Advantage, the part of Medicare offered by private health plans. In recent years, Medicare Advantage enrollment has surged due to its superior coordinated care model offerings.

Medicare Advantage patients benefit from a team-based approach that focuses on primary care and prevention. For example, they are more likely to receive appropriate preventive screening tests and have lower levels of preventable readmissions compared with seniors in traditional fee-for-service Medicare.

Beyond these immediate patient benefits, the letter states, “Medicare Advantage is a critical element in the nation’s movement from volume to value in healthcare.” The program’s improvements and healthcare innovations spill over into all areas of the healthcare delivery system. The model deployed in Medicare Advantage is driving a transformation of the delivery system from one that pays for each service provided to one that pays for high-quality coordinated care.

Medicare Advantage has faced numerous legislative and regulatory cuts over the past several years. Year over year reductions to the program are jeopardizing its superior care and additional benefits provided to seniors. Physician groups are calling on Congress to intervene to prevent any additional cuts to this critical program. View the letter here.

CAPG is the nation’s largest trade association representing physician organizations delivering capitated, clinically integrated health services. CAPG’s member groups employ and/or contract with physicians who in turn provide healthcare services to millions of patients. More than 60,000 physicians are employed or contracted with CAPG member physician organizations. CAPG members are committed to providing high quality, affordable healthcare. Visit capg.org to learn more.


California Association of Physician Groups
Daryn Kobata, 213-239-5045


California Association of Physician Groups
Daryn Kobata, 213-239-5045