Yum! Brands Reports Third-Quarter EPS Growth of 3%, Excluding Special Items; Soft China Sales Reduce 2014 Full-Year EPS Expectations


Yum! Brands Reports Third-Quarter EPS Growth of 3%, Excluding Special Items; Soft China Sales Reduce 2014 Full-Year EPS Expectations

LOUISVILLE, Ky.--()--Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE: YUM) today reported results for the third quarter ended September 6, 2014, including EPS of $0.87, excluding Special Items. Reported EPS was $0.89. The Company now estimates 2014 EPS growth to be between 6% and 10% versus prior year, excluding Special Items.


Worldwide system sales grew 1%. Worldwide restaurant margin decreased 2.7 percentage points to 14.9%, and worldwide operating profit decreased 12%.
Total international development was 400 new restaurants; 77% of this development occurred in emerging markets.
China Division system sales declined 9%, as 6% unit growth was offset by a 14% same-store sales decline. Restaurant margin decreased 4.6 percentage points to 14.9%. Operating profit decreased 38%.
KFC Division system sales increased 6%, driven by 2% unit growth and 3% same-store sales growth. Restaurant margin increased 1.0 percentage point to 13.4%. Operating profit increased 16%.
Pizza Hut Division system sales were even, as 2% unit growth was offset by a 1% same-store sales decline. Restaurant margin decreased 1.0 percentage point to 8.9%. Operating profit decreased 2%.
Taco Bell Division system sales increased 4%, driven by 2% unit growth and 3% same-store sales growth. Restaurant margin increased 1.8 percentage points to 20.7%. Operating profit increased 14%.
India Division system sales increased 14%, driven by 26% unit growth which was partially offset by a 4% same-store sales decline.
Worldwide effective tax rate decreased to 22.4% from 33.1%, benefiting EPS by 14 percentage points.
Foreign currency translation negatively impacted operating profit by $6 million.
On September 10, 2014, the Company announced an 11% increase in its quarterly dividend, marking the tenth consecutive year the dividend increased at a double-digit percentage rate.
    Third Quarter     Year-to-Date
2014     2013     % Change 2014     2013     % Change
EPS Excluding Special Items $0.87 $0.85 3% $2.48 $2.11 17%
Special Items Gain/(Loss)1 $0.02 $(0.52) NM $0.02 $(0.45) NM
EPS     $0.89     $0.33     171%     $2.50     $1.66     50%

1 See Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measurements to GAAP Results for further detail of the Special Items. Special Items for 2014 are primarily related to U.S. refranchising gains. Special Items for 2013 are primarily related to the impairment of Little Sheep and U.S. refranchising gains.

Note: All comparisons are versus the same period a year ago and exclude Special Items unless noted. System sales and operating profit figures on this page exclude foreign currency translation.


On July 20th, an undercover report was televised in China depicting improper food handling practices by supplier Shanghai Husi, a division of OSI, which is a large, global supplier to many in the restaurant industry. This triggered extensive news coverage in China that has shaken consumer confidence and impacted brand usage. Subsequently, the Shanghai FDA launched an investigation into this matter, alleging illegal activity by OSI. Upon learning of these events, we terminated our relationship with OSI globally, with minimal disruption to our menu offerings in China. Even though OSI was a minor supplier, sales at KFC and Pizza Hut were disproportionately impacted given our category-leading positions. While sales are rebounding, they continue to be negative. Our brands have proven resilient over time and we expect this to be the case with this situation as well.


It is difficult to confidently forecast the exact trajectory of China sales. In our experience, sales typically take six to nine months to recover from these types of events. With the assumption that China same-store sales continue to improve, but are negative for the fourth-quarter, we now estimate 2014 EPS growth to be between 6% and 10% versus prior year, excluding Special Items.


David C. Novak, Chairman and CEO said, "I'm absolutely confident in Yum! Brands' ability to deliver strong, sustainable growth in the years ahead despite the recent supplier incident in China, which has significantly impacted China sales, leading us to reduce our full-year EPS outlook.

China sales are on the path to recovery and we expect to develop at least 700 new restaurants in China this year, which we're confident will ultimately deliver high returns as we further capitalize on the world’s fastest growing consuming class. Outside of China, we expect continued solid sales and profit growth at our KFC division, led by strong international performance and improving U.S. results. At Taco Bell, we’re extremely pleased with restaurant margins of nearly 21% in the quarter and the overall results of our breakfast offering, which has given us a new growth platform to build upon in the years to come. At Pizza Hut, we are making progress with our U.S. turnaround and have major actions in place to drive same-store sales growth balance of year and beyond.

Overall, our business model is compelling and we firmly believe we are building momentum behind major initiatives around the world that will drive strong sales and profit growth in 2015. We remain focused on the three keys to driving shareholder value: new-unit development, same-store sales growth and generating high returns on invested capital."


    Third Quarter     Year-to-Date
    % Change     % Change
2014     2013 Reported     Ex F/X 2014     2013 Reported     Ex F/X
System Sales Growth (10) (9) +7 +7
Same-Store Sales Growth (%) (14) (11) NM NM +1 (16) NM NM
Franchise & License Fees ($MM) 31 32 (7) (6) 80 70 +14 +14
Restaurant Margin (%) 14.9 19.5 (4.6) (4.5) 17.9 16.0 1.9 1.9
Operating Profit ($MM)     202     335     (40)     (38)     681     557     +22     +22

Our new 2014 reporting structure does not impact the China Division. For the full year 2013, China Division contributed 35% of Yum!'s total operating profit.

China Division same-store sales for the quarter were significantly impacted by adverse publicity in July surrounding improper food handling practices by a former supplier.
China Division system sales decreased 9%, prior to foreign currency translation.

○ System sales declined 11% for KFC and increased 3% for Pizza Hut Casual Dining.

○ Same-store sales declined 14%, including declines of 14% at KFC and 11% at Pizza Hut Casual Dining.

China Division opened 125 new units during the quarter.
China Units       Q3 2014       % Change2
Restaurants1       6,419       +6
KFC 4,669 +5
Pizza Hut
Casual Dining 1,171 +23
Home Service       226       +22

1 Total includes East Dawning and Little Sheep units.

2 Represents year-over-year change.


Restaurant margin decreased 4.6 percentage points to 14.9%, driven by sales deleverage, the corresponding impact to food and labor efficiencies, and inventory write-offs.

○ Excluding the impact of Little Sheep, restaurant margin would have been 15.9%.

Operating profit declined 38%, prior to foreign currency translation.
Foreign currency translation negatively impacted operating profit by $5 million.
Consistent with prior years, China Division's third quarter, which is a period of high seasonality, includes June, July and August results.


    Third Quarter     Year-to-Date
        % Change         % Change
2014 2013 Reported     Ex F/X 2014 2013 Reported     Ex F/X
Restaurants1 13,961 13,743 +2 NA 13,961 13,743 +2 NA
System Sales Growth +6 +6 +2 +5
Same-Store Sales Growth (%) +3 Even NM NM +2 +1 NM NM
Franchise & License Fees ($MM) 205 190 +8 +9 596 580 +3 +6
Restaurant Margin (%) 13.4 12.4 1.0 0.9 13.1 12.7 0.4 0.3
Operating Profit ($MM) 169 147 +16 +16 487 457 +7 +10
Operating Margin (%)     21.9     20.8     1.1     1.3     22.2     22.1     0.1     0.4

1 Restaurant counts now reflect licensed units.

KFC is a new reporting division for 2014 and includes all KFC results outside of the China and India divisions. For the full year 2013, KFC Division contributed 29% of Yum!'s total operating profit, 91% of which was generated outside the U.S. This division is 91% franchised.

KFC Division system sales increased 6%, excluding foreign currency translation.

○ International system sales grew 12% in emerging markets and 6% in developed markets. U.S. system sales were even.

○ International same-store sales grew 4% in emerging markets and 3% in developed markets. U.S. same-store sales grew 2%.

KFC Division opened 144 new international restaurants in 41 countries. This included 103 units in emerging markets.

○ 81% of these new units were opened by franchisees.

Operating profit increased 16%. Operating profit growth was positively impacted 2 percentage points from the overlap of prior year expenses related to the bi-annual franchisee convention.
Operating margin increased 1.3 percentage points, driven by same-store sales growth.
Foreign currency translation negatively impacted operating profit by $1 million.

Percent of KFC System Sales 2

    SYSTEM Sales Growth Ex F/X
Third Quarter (%)     Year-to-Date (%)
Emerging Markets
Asia (e.g. Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines) 8% +6 +5
Africa3 7% +11 +11
Latin America (e.g. Mexico, Peru) 6% +6 +7
Middle East / North Africa 6% +9 +11
Russia 3% +36 +40
Thailand 3% +12 +8
Continental Europe (e.g. Poland) 2% +10 +10
Developed Markets
U.S. 25% Even (3)
Asia (e.g. Japan, Korea, Taiwan) 11% +4 +3
Australia 10% +5 +4
U.K. 8% +9 +11
Continental Europe (e.g. France, Germany) 6% +6 +7
Canada 4% (3) (2)
Latin America (e.g. Puerto Rico)     1%     (4)     (3)

1 See website www.yum.com under tab "Investors" for a list of the countries within each of the markets.

2 Reflects Full Year 2013.

3 Starting in 2014, Africa market includes Mauritius results. For comparability purposes, systems sales growth excludes Mauritius.



    Third Quarter     Year-to-date
        % Change         % Change
2014 2013 Reported     Ex F/X 2014 2013 Reported     Ex F/X
Restaurants1 13,393 13,120 +2 NA 13,393 13,120 +2 NA
System Sales Growth Even Even (1) Even
Same-Store Sales Growth (%) (1) (1) NM NM (2) (1) NM NM
Franchise & License Fees ($MM) 124 124 Even Even 374 376 (1) Even
Restaurant Margin (%) 8.9 9.9 (1.0) (1.1) 9.0 12.8 (3.8) (4.0)
Operating Profit ($MM) 68 71 (2) (2) 215 250 (14) (13)
Operating Margin (%)     26.1     26.7     (0.6)     (0.4)     27.1     31.3     (4.2)     (4.1)

1 Restaurant counts now reflect licensed units.

Pizza Hut is a new reporting division for 2014 and includes all Pizza Hut results outside of the China and India divisions. For the full year 2013, Pizza Hut Division contributed 15% of Yum!'s total operating profit, 54% of which was generated in the U.S. This division is 94% franchised.

Pizza Hut Division system sales were even.

○ International system sales grew 6% in emerging markets and were even in developed markets. U.S. system sales declined 2%.

○ International same-store sales grew 3% in emerging markets and declined 1% in developed markets. U.S. same-store sales declined 2%.

Pizza Hut Division opened 152 new restaurants, including 102 international units and 50 U.S. units. This included 54 units in emerging markets.

○ 85% of these new units were opened by franchisees.

Operating profit declined 2%. Operating profit growth was positively impacted 4 percentage points from the overlap of prior year expenses related to the bi-annual franchisee convention.
Operating margin declined 0.4 percentage points, driven by sales deleverage.
Foreign currency translation had a negligible impact on operating profit.
PIZZA HUT MARKETS1     Percent of Pizza Hut System Sales2     SYSTEM Sales Growth Ex F/X
Third Quarter (%)     Year-to-Date (%)
Emerging Markets
Latin America (e.g. Mexico, Peru) 6% +9 +9
Asia (e.g. Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines) 5% +3 +6
Middle East / North Africa 5% +4 +3
Continental Europe (e.g. Poland) 1% +5 +5
Developed Markets
U.S. 55% (2) (2)
Asia (e.g. Japan, Korea, Taiwan) 10% (1) (1)
U.K. 6% +1 Even
Continental Europe (e.g. France, Germany) 5% +4 +3
Australia 3% (1) Even
Canada 3% (1) Even
Latin America (e.g. Puerto Rico)     1%     (8)     (6)

1 See website www.yum.com under tab "Investors" for a list of the countries within each of the markets.

2 Reflects Full Year 2013.



    Third Quarter     Year-to-Date
        % Change         % Change
2014 2013 Reported     Ex F/X 2014 2013 Reported     Ex F/X
Restaurants1 6,109 6,003 +2 NA 6,109 6,003 +2 NA
System Sales Growth +4 +4 +3 +3
Same-Store Sales Growth (%) +3 +2 NM NM +1 +3 NM NM
Franchise & License Fees ($MM) 99 95 +4 +4 281 274 +2 +3
Restaurant Margin (%) 20.7 18.9 1.8 1.8 18.1 19.2 (1.1) (1.1)
Operating Profit ($MM) 124 109 +14 +14 317 320 (1) (1)
Operating Margin (%)     28.1     25.0     3.1     3.1     24.9     24.2     0.7     0.7

1 Restaurant counts now reflect licensed units.


Taco Bell is a new reporting division for 2014, which includes all Taco Bell results outside of the India division. For the full year 2013, Taco Bell Division contributed 21% of Yum!'s total operating profit, 97% of which was generated in the U.S. This division is 85% franchised.

Taco Bell Division system sales increased 4%.

○ U.S. same-store sales grew 3%, driven by breakfast sales.

Taco Bell Division opened 48 new restaurants; 42 of these new units were opened by franchisees.
Restaurant margin was 20.7%, an increase of 1.8 percentage points, driven by same-store sales growth.
Operating margin increased 3.1 percentage points.


India Division system sales increased 14%, prior to foreign currency translation, driven by 26% unit growth. Same-store sales declined 4%.
Operating loss was $3 million, an improvement of $1 million versus prior year.
Effective the beginning of 2014, results from our 28 franchised stores in Mauritius are no longer included in the India Division and are included in the KFC and Pizza Hut Divisions, as applicable. India unit and system sales growth as shown here exclude Mauritius from the prior year amounts to enhance comparability.
India Units       Q3 2014       % Change2
Restaurants1 736 +26
KFC 345 +25
Pizza Hut
Casual Dining 182 +5
Home Service       204       +55

1 Total includes 5 Taco Bell units.

2 Represents year-over-year change.



During the quarter an agreement was reached with the IRS on a previously disclosed issue related to the valuation of intangible assets. As a result of this agreement, we closed out our 2004-2006 audit cycle and made a cash payment to the IRS of $120 million, which was effectively fully reserved, to settle all issues. The agreement also covers claims made by the IRS related to the same valuation issue for years 2007-2013. We anticipate making further cash payments, for which we are fully reserved, of lesser amounts with respect to these years.

○ Our effective tax rate before special items in the third quarter of 2013 included higher reserve amounts recorded for this issue. We now estimate our full year 2014 effective tax rate before special items will be between 25% and 26%.

Year-to-date through October 6, 2014, we repurchased 6.8 million shares totaling $510 million at an average price of $75.


Yum! Brands, Inc. will host a conference call to review the company's financial performance and strategies at 9:15 a.m. Eastern Time Wednesday, October 8, 2014. The number is 877/815-2029 for U.S. callers and 706/645-9271 for international callers.

The call will be available for playback beginning at 12:45 p.m. Eastern Time Wednesday, October 8, through midnight Monday, November 3, 2014. To access the playback, dial 855/859-2056 in the United States and 404/537-3406 internationally. The playback pass code is 10524298.

The webcast and the playback can be accessed via the internet by visiting Yum! Brands' website, www.yum.com/investors and selecting “Q3 2014 Earnings Conference Call” under “Investment Events.” A podcast will be available within 24 hours.


Quarter end dates for each division, restaurant-count details and definitions of terms are available online at www.yum.com under “Investors.”

This announcement, any related announcements and the related webcast may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. We intend all forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. Our forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Factors that can cause our actual results to differ materially include, but are not limited to: food safety and food borne-illness issues; changes in economic conditions, consumer preferences, tax rates and laws and the regulatory environment, as well as increased competition and other risks in China, where a significant and growing portion of our restaurants are located; changes in economic and political conditions in the other countries outside the U.S. where we operate; the impact or threat of any widespread illness or outbreaks of viruses or other diseases; our ability to protect the integrity and security of individually identifiable data of our customers and employees; our ability to secure and maintain distribution and adequate supply to our restaurants; the success of our international development strategy; commodity, labor and other operating costs; the continued viability and success of our franchise and license operators; consumer preferences and perceptions of our brands; the impact of social media; a potential suspension of the Chinese affiliate of our independent auditor; pending or future litigation and legal claims or proceedings; changes in or noncompliance with government regulations; tax matters, including disagreements with taxing authorities; significant changes in global economic conditions, including consumer spending, consumer confidence and unemployment; and competition within the retail food industry, including with respect to price and quality of food products, new product development, advertising levels and promotional initiatives, customer service, reputation, restaurant location, and attractiveness and maintenance of properties. You should consult our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (including the information set forth under the captions “Risk Factors” and “Forward-Looking Statements” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K) for additional detail about factors that could affect our financial and other results. Forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and assumptions and currently available data and are neither predictions nor guarantees of future events or performance. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. We are not undertaking to update any of these statements.

Yum! Brands, Inc., based in Louisville, Kentucky, has over 40,000 restaurants in more than 125 countries and territories. Yum! is ranked #216 on the Fortune 500 List with revenues of over $13 billion and in 2014 was named among the top 100 Corporate Citizens by Corporate Responsibility Magazine. The Company's restaurant brands - KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell - are the global leaders of the chicken, pizza and Mexican-style food categories. Outside the United States, the Yum! Brands system opened over five new restaurants per day, making it a leader in international retail development.


YUM! Brands, Inc.

Condensed Consolidated Summary of Results

(amounts in millions, except per share amounts)


Quarter ended % Change Year to date % Change
9/6/14     9/7/13 B/(W) 9/6/14     9/7/13 B/(W)
Company sales $ 2,891 $ 3,021 (4) $ 7,941 $ 7,594 5
Franchise and license fees and income 463   445   4 1,341   1,311   2
Total revenues 3,354   3,466   (3) 9,282   8,905   4
Company restaurant expenses
Food and paper 951 996 5 2,562 2,481 (3)
Payroll and employee benefits 642 621 (3) 1,755 1,701 (3)
Occupancy and other operating expenses 869   873   2,326   2,238   (4)
Company restaurant expenses 2,462 2,490 1 6,643 6,420 (3)
General and administrative expenses 323 327 1 946 933 (1)
Franchise and license expenses 42 44 6 109 108 (1)
Closures and impairment (income) expenses 6 300 98 30 310 90
Refranchising (gain) loss (20 ) (38 ) (47) (27 ) (87 ) (69)
Other (income) expense (9 ) (7 ) 43 (19 ) (6 ) NM
Total costs and expenses, net 2,804   3,116   10 7,682   7,678  
Operating Profit 550 350 57 1,600 1,227 30
Interest expense, net 28   31   6 90   94   4
Income before income taxes 522 319 63 1,510 1,133 33
Income tax provision 119   182   35 370   384   4
Net income - including noncontrolling interests 403 137 195 1,140 749 52
Net income (loss) - noncontrolling interests (1 ) (15 ) 94 3   (21 ) NM
Net income - YUM! Brands, Inc. $ 404   $ 152   166 $ 1,137   $ 770   48

Effective tax rate

22.7 % 57.2 % 34.5 ppts. 24.5 % 33.9 % 9.4 ppts.

Basic EPS Data

EPS $ 0.91   $ 0.34   170 $ 2.55   $ 1.70   50
Average shares outstanding 443   451   2 445   453   2

Diluted EPS Data

EPS $ 0.89   $ 0.33   171 $ 2.50   $ 1.66   50
Average shares outstanding 452   461   2 455   463   2
Dividends declared per common share $   $   $ 0.74   $ 0.67  
See accompanying notes.
Percentages may not recompute due to rounding.

YUM! Brands, Inc.

CHINA DIVISION Operating Results

(amounts in millions)


Quarter ended % Change Year to date % Change
9/6/14     9/7/13 B/(W) 9/6/14     9/7/13 B/(W)
Company sales $ 1,809 $ 2,001 (10) $ 4,848 $ 4,563 6
Franchise and license fees and income 31   32   (7) 80   70   14
Total revenues 1,840   2,033   (10) 4,928   4,633   6
Company restaurant expenses
Food and paper 598 664 10 1,547 1,508 (3)
Payroll and employee benefits 366 357 (3) 944 907 (4)
Occupancy and other operating expenses 576   591   2 1,488   1,419   (5)
Company restaurant expenses 1,540 1,612 4 3,979 3,834 (4)
General and administrative expenses 95 88 (7) 259 233 (11)
Franchise and license expenses 5 3 (23) 11 8 (31)
Closures and impairment (income) expenses 4 6 27 23 14 (71)
Other (income) expense (6 ) (11 ) (45) (25 ) (13 ) 95
1,638   1,698   4 4,247   4,076   (4)
Operating Profit $ 202   $ 335   (40) $ 681   $ 557   22
Company sales 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 %
Food and paper 33.1 33.2 0.1 ppts. 31.9 33.0 1.1 ppts.
Payroll and employee benefits 20.2 17.8 (2.4 ppts.) 19.5 19.9 0.4 ppts.
Occupancy and other operating expenses 31.8   29.5   (2.3 ppts.) 30.7   31.1   0.4 ppts.
Restaurant margin 14.9 % 19.5 % (4.6 ppts.) 17.9 % 16.0 % 1.9 ppts.
Operating margin 11.0 % 16.5 % (5.5 ppts.) 13.8 % 12.0 % 1.8 ppts.
See accompanying notes.
Percentages may not recompute due to rounding.

YUM! Brands, Inc.

KFC DIVISION Operating Results

(amounts in millions)


Quarter ended % Change Year to date % Change
9/6/14     9/7/13 B/(W) 9/6/14     9/7/13 B/(W)
Company sales $ 566 $ 514 10 $ 1,593 $ 1,486 7
Franchise and license fees and income 205   190   8 596   580   3
Total revenues 771   704   10 2,189   2,066   6
Company restaurant expenses
Food and paper 197 179 (10) 555 518 (7)
Payroll and employee benefits 135 123 (10) 384 356 (8)
Occupancy and other operating expenses 158   147   (7) 445   423   (5)
Company restaurant expenses 490 449 (9) 1,384 1,297 (7)
General and administrative expenses 91 88 (4) 261 261
Franchise and license expenses 20 20 3 54 51 (5)
Closures and impairment (income) expenses 1 NM 2 NM
Other (income) expense     NM 1     NM
602   557   (8) 1,702   1,609   (6)
Operating Profit $ 169   $ 147   16 $ 487   $ 457   7
Company sales 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 %
Food and paper 34.8 34.9 0.1 ppts. 34.9 34.9
Payroll and employee benefits 23.8 24.0 0.2 ppts. 24.1 23.9 (0.2 ppts.)
Occupancy and other operating expenses 28.0   28.7   0.7 ppts. 27.9   28.5   0.6 ppts.
Restaurant margin 13.4 % 12.4 % 1.0 ppts. 13.1 % 12.7 % 0.4 ppts.
Operating margin 21.9 % 20.8 % 1.1 ppts. 22.2 % 22.1 % 0.1 ppts.
See accompanying notes.
Percentages may not recompute due to rounding.


YUM! Brands, Inc.

PIZZA HUT DIVISION Operating Results

(amounts in millions)


Quarter ended % Change Year to date % Change
9/6/14     9/7/13 B/(W) 9/6/14     9/7/13 B/(W)
Company sales $ 140 $ 140 $ 422 $ 422
Franchise and license fees and income 124   124   374   376   (1)
Total revenues 264   264   796   798  
Company restaurant expenses
Food and paper 41 40 (1) 126 119 (6)
Payroll and employee benefits 42 42 1 129 127 (2)
Occupancy and other operating expenses 44   44   (2) 129   122   (6)
Company restaurant expenses 127 126 (1) 384 368 (4)
General and administrative expenses 58 54 (4) 165 150 (9)
Franchise and license expenses 11 14 20 29 32 9
Closures and impairment (income) expenses (1 ) NM 2 (1 ) NM
Other (income) expense     NM 1   (1 ) NM
196   193   (1) 581   548   (6)
Operating Profit $ 68   $ 71   (2) $ 215   $ 250   (14)
Company sales 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 %
Food and paper 29.1 28.7 (0.4 ppts.) 29.8 28.2 (1.6 ppts.)
Payroll and employee benefits 30.5 30.7 0.2 ppts. 30.6 30.2 (0.4 ppts.)
Occupancy and other operating expenses 31.5   30.7   (0.8 ppts.) 30.6   28.8   (1.8 ppts.)
8.9 % 9.9 % (1.0 ppts.) 9.0 % 12.8 % (3.8 ppts.)
Operating margin 26.1 % 26.7 % (0.6 ppts.) 27.1 % 31.3 % (4.2 ppts.)
See accompanying notes.
Percentages may not recompute due to rounding.

YUM! Brands, Inc.

TACO BELL DIVISION Operating Results

(amounts in millions)


Quarter ended % Change Year to date % Change
9/6/14     9/7/13 B/(W) 9/6/14     9/7/13 B/(W)
Company sales $ 344 $ 340 1 $ 992 $ 1,051 (6)
Franchise and license fees and income 99   95   4 281   274   2
Total revenues 443   435   1 1,273   1,325   (4)
Company restaurant expenses
Food and paper 101 100 297 303 2
Payroll and employee benefits 95 96 2 287 301 5
Occupancy and other operating expenses 78   80   3 229   245   6
Company restaurant expenses 274 276 1 813 849 4
General and administrative expenses 40 45 8 128 138 6
Franchise and license expenses 4 6 21 13 15 10
Closures and impairment (income) expenses 1 28 2 1 (69)
Other (income) expense   (1 ) NM   2   NM
319   326   3 956   1,005   5
Operating Profit $ 124   $ 109   14 $ 317   $ 320   (1)
Company sales 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 % 100.0 %
Food and paper 29.2 29.4 0.2 ppts. 29.9 28.9 (1.0 ppts.)
Payroll and employee benefits 27.6 28.2 0.6 ppts. 28.9 28.7 (0.2 ppts.)
Occupancy and other operating expenses 22.5   23.5   1.0 ppts. 23.1   23.2   0.1 ppts.
20.7 % 18.9 % 1.8 ppts. 18.1 % 19.2 % (1.1 ppts.)
Operating margin 28.1 % 25.0 % 3.1 ppts. 24.9 % 24.2 % 0.7 ppts.
See accompanying notes.
Percentages may not recompute due to rounding.

YUM! Brands, Inc.

Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets

(amounts in millions)

9/6/14 12/28/13
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents $ 685 $ 573
Accounts and notes receivable, less allowance: $14 in 2014 and $11 in 2013 373 319
Inventories 266 294
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 226 276
Short-term investments 326 10
Deferred income taxes 121 123
Advertising cooperative assets, restricted 73   96
Total Current Assets 2,070 1,691

Property, plant and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation and amortization of $3,620 in 2014 and $3,391 in 2013

4,480 4,459
Goodwill 886 889
Intangible assets, net 622 638
Investments in unconsolidated affiliates 58 53
Other assets 561 566
Deferred income taxes 500   399
Total Assets $ 9,177   $ 8,695
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable and other current liabilities $ 1,771 $ 1,929
Income taxes payable 196 169
Short-term borrowings 72 71
Advertising cooperative liabilities 73   96
Total Current Liabilities 2,112 2,265
Long-term debt 3,315 2,918
Other liabilities and deferred credits 1,146   1,244
Total Liabilities 6,573   6,427
Redeemable noncontrolling interest 36   39
Shareholders' Equity
Common stock, no par value, 750 shares authorized; 437 shares and 443 shares issued in 2014 and 2013, respectively 7
Retained earnings 2,462 2,102
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) 36   64
Total Shareholders' Equity - YUM! Brands, Inc. 2,505 2,166
Noncontrolling interests 63   63
Total Shareholders' Equity 2,568   2,229
Total Liabilities, Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest and Shareholders' Equity $ 9,177   $ 8,695

 See accompanying notes.


YUM! Brands, Inc.

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

(amounts in millions)


Year to date
9/6/14     9/7/13
Cash Flows - Operating Activities
Net income - including noncontrolling interests $ 1,140 $ 749
Depreciation and amortization 501 473
Closures and impairment (income) expenses 30 310
Refranchising (gain) loss (27 ) (87 )
Deferred income taxes (94 ) (51 )
Equity income from investments in unconsolidated affiliates (31 ) (17 )
Distribution of income received from unconsolidated affiliates 12 15
Excess tax benefit from share-based compensation (29 ) (27 )
Share-based compensation expense 36 32
Changes in accounts and notes receivable (25 ) (4 )
Changes in inventories 24 19
Changes in prepaid expenses and other current assets (3 ) (22 )
Changes in accounts payable and other current liabilities 59 (14 )
Changes in income taxes payable (24 ) 115
Other, net 43   62  
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 1,612   1,553  
Cash Flows - Investing Activities
Capital spending (655 ) (699 )
Changes in short-term investments (315 ) 1
Proceeds from refranchising of restaurants 66 218
Acquisitions (26 ) (98 )
Other, net 10   (9 )
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities (920 ) (587 )
Cash Flows - Financing Activities
Repayments of long-term debt (7 ) (5 )
Short-term borrowings by original maturity
More than three months - proceeds 2 56
More than three months - payments (54 )
Three months or less, net
Revolving credit facilities, three months or less, net 397
Repurchase shares of Common Stock (510 ) (510 )
Excess tax benefit from share-based compensation 29 27
Employee stock option proceeds 21 17
Dividends paid on Common Stock (490 ) (451 )
Other, net (28 ) (55 )
Net Cash Used in Financing Activities (586 ) (975 )
Effect of Exchange Rate on Cash and Cash Equivalents 6   (14 )
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents 112 (23 )
Cash and Cash Equivalents - Beginning of Period 573   776  
Cash and Cash Equivalents - End of Period $ 685   $ 753  


See accompanying notes.


Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measurements to GAAP Results

(amounts in millions, except per share amounts)


In addition to the results provided in accordance with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP") throughout this document, the Company has provided non-GAAP measurements which present operating results in 2014 and 2013 on a basis before Special Items. Special Items presented below relate primarily to U.S. refranchising gains in 2014 and 2013 and the impairment of certain Little Sheep assets in 2013, which are further described in (d) and (e) in the accompanying notes. Other Special Items Income (Expense) includes gains from real estate sales in 2014 related to our previously refranchised Mexico business and charges related to U.S. General and Administrative productivity initiatives and realignment of resources due to the outsourcing of certain information technology, accounting and payroll services in 2013.
The Company uses earnings before Special Items as a key performance measure of results of operations for the purpose of evaluating performance internally and Special Items are not included in any of our segment results. This non-GAAP measurement is not intended to replace the presentation of our financial results in accordance with GAAP. Rather, the Company believes that the presentation of earnings before Special Items provides additional information to investors to facilitate the comparison of past and present operations, excluding items in the quarters and years to date ended September 6, 2014 and September 7, 2013 that the Company does not believe are indicative of our ongoing operations due to their size and/or nature.
    Quarter ended     Year to date
9/6/14     9/7/13 9/6/14     9/7/13
Detail of Special Items
U.S. Refranchising gain (loss)(d) $ 8 $ 37 $ 11 $ 82
Little Sheep impairment(e) (295 ) (295 )
Other Special Items Income (Expense) 7   (9 ) 7   (9 )
Total Special Items Income (Expense) 15 (267 ) 18 (222 )
Tax Benefit (Expense) on Special Items (5 ) 12   (6 ) (3 )
Special Items Income (Expense), net of tax - including noncontrolling interests $ 10 $ (255 ) $ 12 $ (225 )
Special Items Income (Expense), net of tax - noncontrolling interests $   $ 19   $   $ 19  
Special Items Income (Expense), net of tax - Yum Brands, Inc. $ 10   $ (236 ) $ 12   $ (206 )
Average diluted shares outstanding 452   461   455   463  
Special Items diluted EPS $ 0.02   $ (0.52 ) $ 0.02   $ (0.45 )
Reconciliation of Operating Profit Before Special Items to Reported Operating Profit
Operating Profit Before Special Items $ 535 $ 617 $ 1,582 $ 1,449
Special Items Income (Expense) 15   (267 ) 18   (222 )
Reported Operating Profit $ 550   $ 350   $ 1,600   $ 1,227  
Reconciliation of EPS Before Special Items to Reported EPS
Diluted EPS Before Special Items $ 0.87 $ 0.85 $ 2.48 $ 2.11
Special Items EPS 0.02   (0.52 ) 0.02   (0.45 )
Reported EPS $ 0.89   $ 0.33   $ 2.50   $ 1.66  
Reconciliation of Effective Tax Rate Before Special Items to Reported Effective Tax Rate
Effective Tax Rate Before Special Items 22.4 % 33.1 % 24.4 % 28.2 %
Impact on Tax Rate as a result of Special Items 0.3 % 24.1 % 0.1 % 5.7 %
Reported Effective Tax Rate 22.7 % 57.2 % 24.5 % 33.9 %

YUM! Brands, Inc.

Segment Results

(amounts in millions)


Quarter Ended 9/6/14 China KFC Pizza Hut Taco Bell India Corporate and Unallocated Consolidated
Total revenues $ 1,840   $ 771   $ 264   $ 443   $ 36   $   $ 3,354  
Company restaurant expenses 1,540 490 127 274 31 2,462
General and administrative expenses 95 91 58 40 6 33 323
Franchise and license expenses 5 20 11 4 2 42
Closures and impairment (income) expenses 4 1 1 6
Refranchising (gain) loss (20 ) (20 )
Other (income) expense (6 )         (3 ) (9 )
1,638   602   196   319   39   10   2,804  
Operating Profit (loss) $ 202   $ 169   $ 68   $ 124   $ (3 ) $ (10 ) $ 550  
Quarter Ended 9/7/13 China KFC Pizza Hut Taco Bell India Corporate and Unallocated Consolidated
Total revenues $ 2,033   $ 704   $ 264   $ 435   $ 30   $   $ 3,466  
Company restaurant expenses 1,612 449 126 276 27 2,490
General and administrative expenses 88 88 54 45 6 46 327
Franchise and license expenses 3 20 14 6 1 44
Closures and impairment (income) expenses 6 (1 ) 295 300
Refranchising (gain) loss (38 ) (38 )
Other (income) expense (11 )     (1 )   5   (7 )
1,698   557   193   326   34   308   3,116  
Operating Profit (loss) $ 335   $ 147   $ 71   $ 109   $ (4 ) $ (308 ) $ 350  

The above tables reconcile segment information, which is based on management responsibility, with our Condensed Consolidated Summary of Results. Corporate and unallocated expenses comprise items that are not allocated to segments for performance reporting purposes.

The Corporate and Unallocated column in the above tables includes, among other amounts, all amounts that we have deemed Special Items. See Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measurements to GAAP Results.



YUM! Brands, Inc.

Segment Results

(amounts in millions)


Year to Date 9/6/14 China KFC Pizza Hut Taco Bell India Corporate and Unallocated Consolidated
Total revenues $ 4,928   $ 2,189   $ 796   $ 1,273   $ 96   $   $ 9,282  
Company restaurant expenses 3,979 1,384 384 813 83 6,643
General and administrative expenses 259 261 165 128 17 116 946
Franchise and license expenses 11 54 29 13 2 109
Closures and impairment (income) expenses 23 2 2 2 1 30
Refranchising (gain) loss (27 ) (27 )
Other (income) expense (25 ) 1   1       4   (19 )
4,247   1,702   581   956   103   93   7,682  
Operating Profit (loss) $ 681   $ 487   $ 215   $ 317   $ (7 ) $ (93 ) $ 1,600  
Year to Date 9/7/13 China KFC Pizza Hut Taco Bell India Corporate and Unallocated Consolidated
Total revenues $ 4,633   $ 2,066   $ 798   $ 1,325   $ 83   $   $ 8,905  
Company restaurant expenses 3,834 1,297 368 849 72 6,420
General and administrative expenses 233 261 150 138 18 133 933
Franchise and license expenses 8 51 32 15 2 108
Closures and impairment (income) expenses 14 (1 ) 1 1 295 310
Refranchising (gain) loss (87 ) (87 )
Other (income) expense (13 )   (1 ) 2     6   (6 )
4,076   1,609   548   1,005   93   347   7,678  
Operating Profit (loss) $ 557   $ 457   $ 250   $ 320   $ (10 ) $ (347 ) $ 1,227  

The above tables reconcile segment information, which is based on management responsibility, with our Condensed Consolidated Summary of Results. Corporate and unallocated expenses comprise items that are not allocated to segments for performance reporting purposes.

The Corporate and Unallocated column in the above tables includes, among other amounts, all amounts that we have deemed Special Items. See Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measurements to GAAP Results.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Summary of Results, Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets

and Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

(amounts in millions)




Amounts presented as of and for the quarter and year to date ended September 6, 2014 are preliminary.



Other (income) expense for the China Division primarily consists of equity income (loss) from investments in unconsolidated affiliates.



Previously, our reporting segments consisted of YUM Restaurants International, the United States, China and India. In the first quarter of 2014, we combined our YUM Restaurants International and United States reporting segments and began reporting this information by three new reporting segments: KFC Division, Pizza Hut Division and Taco Bell Division. China and India remain separate reporting segments. This new structure is designed to drive greater global brand focus, enabling us to more effectively share know-how and accelerate growth. While our consolidated results have not been impacted, we have restated our comparable segment information for consistent presentation.



During the quarters ended September 6, 2014 and September 7, 2013, we recorded gains of $8 million and $37 million, respectively, related to refranchising in the U.S. During the years to date ended September 6, 2014 and September 7, 2013, we recorded gains of $11 million and $82 million, respectively, related to refranchising in the U.S. We have traditionally not allocated refranchising (gains) losses for segment reporting purposes. Additionally, U.S. refranchising (gains) losses have been reflected as Special Items for certain performance measures (see accompanying reconciliation to reported results) consistent with our historical presentation.



During the quarter ended September 7, 2013, we recorded an impairment charge related to Little Sheep totaling $258 million (net of income tax benefit of $18 million and amounts allocated to noncontrolling interests of $19 million). This charge was driven by a write down in goodwill from $384 million to $162 million and a write down in trademark from $415 million to $345 million. The impairment charge was not allocated for segment reporting purposes and was reflected as a Special Item for certain performance measures (see accompanying reconciliation to reported results).



Yum! Brands, Inc.
Steve Schmitt, 888-298-6986
Vice President Investor Relations & Corporate Strategy
Donny Lau, 888-298-6986
Director Investor Relations
Virginia Ferguson, 502-874-8200
Director Public Relations


Yum! Brands, Inc.
Steve Schmitt, 888-298-6986
Vice President Investor Relations & Corporate Strategy
Donny Lau, 888-298-6986
Director Investor Relations
Virginia Ferguson, 502-874-8200
Director Public Relations