International Experts Discuss Latest Discoveries, Scientific and Clinical Research Related to Human Milk During 2nd International Conference on Human Milk Science and Innovation

CITY OF INDUSTRY, Calif.--()--The 2nd International Conference on Human Milk Science and Innovation was held last month with distinguished international speakers presenting on the biological, clinical and applied aspects of human milk and its use in neonatal intensive care. The conference was a distinctive international forum covering new discoveries, and the latest in scientific and clinical research related to human milk.

J. Bruce German, PhD, UC Davis Food Nutrition & Technology, and William Rhine, MD, Stanford University School of Medicine, repeated their roles from last year as co-chairs.

“It was an honor to serve as co-chair with J. Bruce German, PhD for the 2nd International Conference on Human Milk Science and Innovation and to be joined by our esteemed colleagues from around the world to discuss the evolving clinical applications and cutting-edge science related to human milk,” said William Rhine, MD.

This event continued the momentum started at the inaugural International Conference on Human Milk Science and Innovation that took place last year, and now provides the premier meeting focused on the study, research, development, science and medical application of human milk, and human milk-based nutrition.

The program included the following presentations from leading experts in the respective fields of interest.

  • J. Bruce German, Ph.D., UC Davis Food Nutrition & Technology, Davis, Calif.: “Fat Globule Membranes”
  • Alan Lucas, M.D., University College London, London, England: “A Challenging Evolutionary and Scientific Adventure in Breast Feeding Medicine”
  • Dennis Bier, M.D., Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX: “Milking the Data for All They’re Worth: View of the Evidence-Base from an Editor’s Perch”
  • Lars Bode, Ph.D., UC San Diego, San Diego, Calif.: “Benefits of Human Milk Oligosaccharides for the Breastfed Infant”
  • Lewis Rubin, M.D., El Paso Children’s Hospital, El Paso, TX: “Micronutrient Variation in Human Milk”
  • Ardythe L. Morrow, Ph.D., Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH: “Research on Human Milk Protection Against Infectious Disease”
  • William Rhine, M.D., Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, Calif.: “Overview of Clinical Research on Human Milk in Neonatal Intensive Care”
  • Martin Lee, Ph.D., Prolacta Bioscience, City of Industry, Calif.: “Recent Clinical Research with Human Milk Products”
  • Christoph Fusch, M.D., McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: “Individual Fortification & Implications; Optimal Growth”
  • Mary Fewtrell, M.D., University College London, London, England: “The Application of Physiology for Optimizing Collection and Expression of Breastmilk”
  • Jonathan M. Fanaroff, M.D., J.D., Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH: “Informed Consent – Helping Families Make Decisions”

“The significant advancements made with human milk are outstanding, from one year to the next,” said J. Bruce German, PhD. “This conference was a way for thought-leaders in the field to share the latest research, studies and applications so that we can continue to work together and explore benefits for not only neonatal intensive care but also other areas of medicine to further unlock the healing powers of human milk.”

Over the past decade, there have been a growing number of studies regarding the medical application of human milk. In particular, peer-reviewed studies demonstrating the benefits of human milk-based nutrition for critically ill, premature infants born weighing less than 2 lbs. 12 oz., which make up more than 40,000 of the preemies born in the U.S. each year.

Prolacta Bioscience sponsored the 2nd International Conference on Human Milk Science and Innovation.

About International Conference on Human Milk Science and Innovation

The International Conference on Human Milk Science and Innovation ( is the premier forum covering the latest in scientific and clinical research related to human milk. Renowned scientists and clinicians from around the world attend this annual event to present and discuss the scientific potential of human milk and raise awareness of its clinical applicability.


For International Conference on Human Milk Science and Innovation
Kimberly Capwell, 949-463-4121

Release Summary

The 2nd International Conference on Human Milk Science and Innovation was held presenting on the biological, clinical and applied aspects of human milk and its use in neonatal intensive care.


For International Conference on Human Milk Science and Innovation
Kimberly Capwell, 949-463-4121