Fierce Innovation Awards: Energy Edition Announces Winners: THG Energy Solutions Wins Award for Demand Response

TULSA, Okla.--()--THG Energy Solutions, LLC. announced today that it earned top spot in this year’s Fierce Innovation Awards: Energy Edition, a utility-reviewed awards program from the publishers of FierceEnergy and FierceSmartGrid. THG Energy Solutions won first place in the Demand Response/Demand Side Management category.

Winners were selected by an exclusive panel of judges which included: Kevin Dasso, Director of Technology and Information Strategy, Pacific Gas and Electric Company; Lisa Davidson, Director of Customer Programs, San Diego Gas & Electric; Conrad Eustis, Director Retail Technology Strategy, Portland General Electric; Robert B. Frazier, Director of Electric Technology, CenterPoint Energy; Stuart Laval, Manager of Technology Development, Duke Energy; Bryan J. Olnick, Vice President of Distribution Operations in Power Delivery, Florida Power & Light; and Joseph E. Svachula, Vice President of Smart Grid and Technology, Commonwealth Edison.

Judges evaluated submissions based on technology innovation, financial impact, market validation, ability to integrate into existing network environments, and end-user customer experience.

THG Energy Solutions won for its innovative, OpenADR 2.0b-compliant Automated Demand Response (ADR) Technology. THG’s ADR technology enables commercial and industrial energy users to create customized, automated strategies to respond to real-time electricity market prices and participate in traditional ISO and utility-sponsored demand response programs.

All applications were evaluated based on the following criteria: technology innovation, financial impact, market validation, compatibility with existing networks, end-user customer experience, and overall level of technology innovation.

“By enrolling in programs that incentivize customers through real-time price response, or through proprietary programs tailored specifically for each facility, customers are realizing the benefits of automated load management without the stresses of ISO DR program compliance,” says THG’s Mark Lane, EVP of Demand Response. “Technology breakthroughs and cloud-based services have dramatically lowered the cost, while increasing performance, security, and reliability of ADR. THG provides industry-leading ADR technologies for economic dispatched load management in commercial facilities that previously couldn’t justify installation of these systems,” Lane adds.

THG’s industry expertise and proprietary technology provides energy and facility managers with a turn-key solution that addresses all facets of load response participation: intelligent notification, automated load reduction, real-time power monitoring, baseline calculation and measurement and verification reporting. These features empower customers to take control of their demand side strategy while allowing retail and utility partners to structure dynamic load response programs for their commercial and industrial customers on a portfolio-wide basis.

To learn more about THG’s traditional and economic load response programs, click here or go to

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About THG Energy Solutions, LLC.

Through proprietary leading-edge technologies, like its Automated Demand Response system and cloud-based Energy Management System, THG improves the efficiency and carbon footprints of single and large multi-facility energy programs using secure, enterprise-wide energy cost, use, and demand analytics. THG connects energy data and building information to owners and operators using new and existing communications technologies. By distilling and organizing energy and greenhouse gas information for clients operating nationwide behind more than 400 utilities, THG helps to strategically reduce costs and mitigate exposure to volatile energy markets. THG also offers white label, Private Label Partnerships so customers can offer services to their end-users without bringing in a visible third party.


THG Energy Solutions, LLC.
Dan Frey, 918-858-4920


THG Energy Solutions, LLC.
Dan Frey, 918-858-4920