Nuclear Matters, Regional Leaders Gather to Highlight Value, Need to Preserve Existing Nuclear Energy Plants in Pennsylvania

Sen. Toomey Joins Roundtable Discussion Co-Hosted by The Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce

Ensuring Reliable, Affordable Energy Future Proves to be Essential to Wide Range of Pennsylvania Stakeholders

PHILADELPHIA--()--Nuclear Matters and The Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce (GPCC), along with Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA), hosted a roundtable discussion today to discuss the value, challenges and opportunities facing existing nuclear energy plants in Pennsylvania and across the country.

Nuclear Matters is a bipartisan campaign designed to raise awareness among policymakers and the public of the need to preserve America’s existing nuclear plants because of the many benefits they provide, and the critical role they play in our country’s energy mix.

The roundtable took place this morning at The National Constitution Center in Philadelphia and drew a variety of local leaders.

Nuclear Matters co-chairs, former Senators Evan Bayh (D-IN) and Judd Gregg (R-NH), along with President and CEO of GPCC Rob Wonderling, opened the discussion with remarks regarding the value of the existing nuclear energy plants in the United States and in Pennsylvania specifically. This launched a robust discourse on existing nuclear plants’ contributions to this country’s carbon-free energy production, their reliability, and their economic benefits as the roundtable participants explored the threats that some of the nation’s existing nuclear energy plants face to their continued operation. The conversation included a discussion of potential solutions to the economic challenges currently faced by the existing nuclear energy fleet in both Pennsylvania and the country.

“Demand for energy is only projected to increase over the next 20 years, both across the country and right here in Pennsylvania. Existing nuclear energy plants are one of the more consistent sources of electricity that power our businesses and homes,” said Mr. Wonderling. “The importance of preserving these plants in our state is an issue that we at the Chamber are naturally very close to, given the positive effects that the nuclear energy plants that currently exist in Pennsylvania have on the state’s economy. They’re true economic heavyweights: providing nearly 5,000 high-skills jobs, boasting an annual payroll of $40 million, and contributing $470 million to local economies annually,” he continued.

“Nuclear Matters wants to ensure that we continue to inform the public about the many positive attributes of the nuclear energy plants that exist here as key pieces in the diverse energy puzzle,” said Senator Bayh. “Despite their many benefits, some existing nuclear energy plants across the country are facing a confluence of factors that threaten their continued operation, so we need to determine how best to preserve these assets.”

“Today’s roundtable was an important beginning to a larger discussion of how exactly we may work to preserve some of the nation’s existing nuclear plants that face economic pressures. Although we don’t have all the answers today, we’ll continue to call upon local policymakers, community members and all stakeholders to continue this dialogue in Pennsylvania and across the country,” said Senator Gregg.

This event was the first in a series that Nuclear Matters will host around the country in the coming months to continue the dialogue around the need to preserve existing U.S. nuclear energy plants.

To learn more or join in the efforts of Nuclear Matters, please visit

About Nuclear Matters

The mission of Nuclear Matters is to inform the public about the clear benefits that nuclear energy provides to our nation, raise awareness of the economic challenges to nuclear energy that threaten those benefits, and to work with stakeholders to explore possible policy solutions that properly value nuclear energy as a reliable, affordable and carbon-free electricity resource that is essential to America’s energy future.

About The Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce

As the premier advocate for the region’s business community, the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce works to attract, retain and grow jobs for companies and residents, promotes sound public policy, and offers outstanding programs and benefits. A private, not-for-profit organization, the Chamber represents 5,000 member companies in 11 counties across three states with one voice.


For Nuclear Matters:
Alexandra Meredith, 212-446-1887
Liz Ferry, 215-790-3794


For Nuclear Matters:
Alexandra Meredith, 212-446-1887
Liz Ferry, 215-790-3794