GLOBAL WARMING: "We Can Fix This," Says "Deep Green" Filmmaker Matt Briggs

The award-winning "environmental solutionist" provides a plan to avert it - one person and one community at a time

THE CHOICE IS OURS. These artist's renderings imagine what life could be like later this century - first, as a carbon emission-charred wasteland; and, second, as a thriving, verdant, emissions-free Garden of Eden. © 2010 Deep Green Films Ltd. These and other high-res images are available by emailing or calling (503) 622-0232

PORTLAND, Ore.--()--It must be real when the world's most distinguished global warming authority - the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), comprised of scientists from around the world - unanimously agrees that if carbon emissions are not slashed by 40% to 70% in the next 15 years, life as we know it will be over within this century.

"Acid-choked oceans, spreading desertification, routine flooding, explosive forest fires, the extinction of over half of all living species, cities swallowed by rising seas, record-breaking storms, deadly health threats, conflicts over scarce food and water - the list goes on," warns filmmaker/activist Matt Briggs, whose award-winning documentary, "Deep Green," has been called a template for getting off fossil fuels by the Los Angeles Times.

How do we get the job done? "We know that 75% of global warming is the direct result of human activity - and we know how to fix it. The fact is, we can't wait to find out if there will be an international treaty next year, or if Congress will finally enact the legislation that is desperately needed. It really comes down to what each person and each community can do," says Briggs, who spent more than two decades studying the issue before embarking on a three-year $2.5 million quest to nine countries (including China) to unearth the world's best solutions.

To learn more, view "DEEP GREEN" online for just the cost of streaming ($1.99).

As a follow-up to his film, Briggs has now launched the Deep Green Global Warming Action Project. The free curated online archive includes his recently released details of the first year of his Ten Year Global Warming Action Plan. An invaluable roadmap through the clutter and disinformation that can overwhelm even informed citizens, the first year of the plan, among other things, shows users how to cut their electric load by 20% or more (and 100% of the carbon electricity on their bills) in just one afternoon.

"If every person and business in the USA did this, it would close over 50% of the electric coal plants in the United States in one day," Briggs says. "The Deep Green Action Plan supplies lots of resources and puts the movie solutions into practice one person, one community at a time."

All of the resources contained in the Deep Green Global Warming Action Project are just a click away: View a video of the action plan. Download a PDF of the project contents. Watch the DEEP GREEN collection of award-winning climate change animated shorts. Read about the remarkable story of the making of "DEEP GREEN."


Foggia Public Relations LLC
Lyla Foggia, 503-622-0232
Deep Green Films Ltd.
Matt Briggs, 503-635 8995

Release Summary

Award-winning DEEP GREEN filmmaker Matt Briggs shares his plan for stopping global warming - one person and one community at a time.


Foggia Public Relations LLC
Lyla Foggia, 503-622-0232
Deep Green Films Ltd.
Matt Briggs, 503-635 8995