WebPT Helps 45 Universities Teach EHR to Physical Therapy Students

WebPT Educational Version Preps PT and PTA Students for Electronic Health Record Use in Clinics Post Grad

PHOENIX--()--WebPT, a web-based EHR solution for the rehab community, now offers an educational version of their EHR software for colleges and universities nationwide. Created for physical therapy (PT) documentation courses, this software will prepare future therapists and therapy assistants for their careers and make them better hires for employing clinics.

“The physical therapy industry is expected to grow 30 percent in the next decade, and it’s keeping up with the rest of the healthcare space with the adoption of EHR software,” says Heidi Jannenga, PT, MPT, ATC/L, co-founder and COO for WebPT. “It is important that students get the proper training with this technology while they’re still in the classroom. Once they go to work in clinics, they won’t have the same amount of time or training to learn on the job. This can impact everything from patient care to billing. In-school EHR training gives students and educational programs alike a significant competitive advantage.”

With WebPT’s physical therapy software, PT students receive hands-on training to learn how to complete daily notes, progress notes, initial evaluations, and flowsheets digitally all through the WebPT EHR system. These skills make students well-suited for the competitive workforce, and clinics that hire graduates with EHR experience will save time and money on training.

“WebPT has provided us with a low cost and powerful tool to help better educate our students,” says Stephen Elam, PT, DPT, GCS, CLT and Assistant Professor of Lynchburg College. “Anytime we can put something in students’ hands that will prepare them for the future is valuable. WebPT not only helps them to learn the ins and outs of EHR software as a whole, it also helps them to gain insight into the business of physical therapy. The students frequently comment about how helpful knowing how to use EHR software was on their internships, because many clinics are now using this technology and expect the students to have working knowledge of it when they arrive. WebPT is easy and fun for our students to learn.”

WebPT currently provides its educational version to 45 schools nationwide, including the University of Alabama at Birmingham, the University of Miami, Texas Tech University Health Services Center, Central Michigan University, University of Vermont, Widener University, Bellarmine University, and Winston-Salem State University.

For more information on WebPT’s education version, please visit: http://www.webpt.com/customers/educators.

About WebPT

WebPT believes in empowering the rehab community to achieve greatness in therapy practice. The company has created an intuitive, web-based electronic health record (EHR) solution and combined it with exceptional, comprehensive practice management services. WebPT gives therapists peace of mind so they can get back to what truly matters—their patients.

WebPT is based in Phoenix, Arizona. Learn more at http://www.webpt.com.

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Ubiquity PR
Aly Saxe, 602.690.0618

Release Summary

WebPT helps 45 universities teach EHR to physical therapy students.


Ubiquity PR
Aly Saxe, 602.690.0618