GOP Leaders Launch 2012 California Republican National Convention Delegation Committee

“Countdown to Tampa Bay and a Winning Republican Ticket”

SACRAMENTO, Calif.--()--California Republicans will send the largest and most diverse delegation to Tampa Bay, Florida in August to nominate the next President and Vice President of the United States of America. This effort begins today with the formation of the official California 2012 Republican National Convention Delegation Committee. Former Governor Pete Wilson, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Congressman Darrell Issa and former Secretary of State Bill Jones will serve as Honorary Co-Chairmen of the committee that will ensure Golden State delegates from 53 congressional districts can champion a Republican vision to restore America’s economy, cut unemployment and put our nation back on the right track to prosperity and global leadership. A committee previously announced by the California Republican Party has been merged into this new committee.

“America desperately needs Republican leadership in the Executive Branch of government to reverse the unprecedented and utterly irresponsible borrowing, taxing and spending of the Obama administration,” Governor Wilson said. “The California Republican Delegation will represent the Golden State, unified in the need to rescue this great nation from the tragedy of a second Obama term that threatens grave and perhaps irreparable harm to both our economy and our national security.”

Veteran GOP strategists Jeff Randle and Tony Russo will serve as pro-bono Senior Advisors to the Committee. Don Willett will be the Chief Operating Officer; Charles Bell will serve as Legal Counsel; Kathy Tavoularis is Executive Director and Molly Parnell will be a senior finance consultant. The Committee will manage operations, programs and logistics for the California Delegation including fundraising, events, operations, communications, and accommodations for the nation's largest delegation. It will also coordinate with the California Republican Party, the Republican National Committee, the Tampa Bay Host Committee and all Presidential campaigns, including the eventual Republican Nominee for President and Vice President.

“Building a strong organization will ensure that we can execute a winning game plan to expand our majority in the House of Representatives, take the United States Senate and elect a Republican President that will help create private sector jobs and American prosperity,” House Majority Whip McCarthy said.

“A strong California Delegation will be the catalyst for a successful GOP convention that highlights a winning Republican vision for America. President Obama has failed on every level, spending money, destroying our credibility and jeopardizing our future. It is our responsibility to elect a new President and Vice President that will put America back on track,” Congressman Issa said.

“The California Republican Party is pleased to work with these distinguished Republican leaders to form the official delegation committee. We will work closely with grass roots volunteers and elected officials around the state to support the Republican Presidential nominee and ensure President Obama does not win a second term,” California Republican Party Chairman Tom Del Beccaro said.

“California’s diversity reflects the best of American ideals, and the Republican Party represents the policies we need to support job creation, innovation and optimism for the future. Our 2012 Republican Delegation will play a decisive role in the campaign and election of a new Republican President,” Secretary Jones said.

The Committee has launched a website at to provide more information. The California Delegation is an independent legal entity and does not share any staff, financial resources or policy controls with any other entity. The delegation will have legal contracts with entities to fulfill certain obligations, including funding, transportation, leased facilities, security, housing, hotels and venues among other things.


California Delegation 2012
Mitch Zak, 916-448-5802


California Delegation 2012
Mitch Zak, 916-448-5802