Research and Markets: The Australian Mortgage Broker Survey 2011

DUBLIN--()--Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "The Australian Mortgage Broker Survey 2011" report to their offering.

The mortgage broker channel has assumed an pivotal role in the distribution of residential mortgages in Australia. However, pressure on broker commissions has led to serious concern among industry participants. This report looks at how the mortgage broker channel is changing and focuses on issues and challenges faced by brokers.

Features and Benefits:

  • Track important broker metrics such as loan size, refinancing proportion and product set.
  • Understand the impact of commission cuts on the mortgage broker channel.
  • Learn the optimal structure of commissions to maximize broker satisfaction.
  • Perfect your strategy with The analysis, recommendations and forecasts.
  • Learn about mortgage broker outlook, market predictions, concerns and attitudes.


  • As consolidation occurs within the mortgage broker industry - and companies consequently become bigger - players can more easily offer a large panel of lenders. From a mortgage lender's point of view, the closer they can tie their systems to large broker companies, the easier and quicker approval processes can become.
  • Given the drastic commission cuts experienced in 2008, it is not surprising that broker satisfaction with commission levels fell between 2007 and 2009. In 2007, 63% of brokers were very or quite satisfied, a proportion which had fallen to 21% by 2009. Over the same period, the very or quite dissatisfied proportion rose from 13% to 46% of brokers.
  • When asked to name the most important area for lenders to improve, 30% of brokers mentioned loan approval and turnaround times. Since long loan approval times can cost sales - and since there are no commissions to be made from a customer whose business has been lost - keeping loan approval times low is vital to mortgage brokers.

Your Key Questions Answered:

  • How many lenders to brokers commonly use on average?
  • What are the major areas of improvement brokers see in their lenders?
  • What is the most highly regarded lender according to mortgage brokers?
  • What are the key trends affecting the mortgage broker industry?
  • How can lenders optimize their relationship with the mortgage broker channel?

Key Topics Covered:

Executive Summary

  • Higher loan sizes have increased broker revenues
  • Commissions have remained stable since the cuts in
  • ANZ has become the most commonly used and highly regarded lender
  • Brokers are cautiously optimistic, but commissions remain a concern


Higher Loan Sizes Have Increased Broker Revenues

  • Most brokers offer a range of mortgage products from several lenders
  • The average broker loan size has increased over the last five years
  • Most brokers saw increased revenues in

Commissions Have Remained Stable Since the Cuts In

  • Commission levels fell sharply in 2008 but have recently stabilized
  • Broker satisfaction with commission levels has plummeted

Anz Has Become the Most Commonly Used and Highly Regarded Lender

  • The major banks have a dominant share of broker business
  • Bank rankings have completely changed in the last few years
  • Turnaround times remain the most important area of improvement for lenders

Brokers Are Cautiously Optimistic, but Commissions Remain a Concern

  • Brokers are optimistic revenues will increase in
  • Commission cuts and increased regulatory requirements concern brokers


For more information visit

Source: Datamonitor


Research and Markets
Laura Wood, Senior Manager,
U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907
Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716


Research and Markets
Laura Wood, Senior Manager,
U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907
Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716