The National Safety Council, FocusDriven Announce Winners of PSA Contest

ITASCA, Ill.--()--The National Safety Council and FocusDriven today announced the winners of their joint “On the Road, Off the Phone” public service announcement contest, sponsored by The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Because 21 percent of motor vehicle crashes involve cell phone conversations, NSC and FocusDriven asked aspiring filmmakers to create short videos explaining the dangers of cell phone conversations while driving.

Stephanie Ramirez of Tennessee took first place with her video, “Your Phone Can Wait.”

“Your phone can wait. But will you do the same?” Stephanie wrote. “Everyone knows about texting and driving, but many people fail to see the dangers of talking while driving.”

Stephanie’s creative video features original illustrations and music. NSC and FocusDriven awarded her video because she accurately described cognitive distraction and inattention blindness, the phenomenon in which a driver talking on a cell phone looks at, but does not see, up to 50 percent of the driving environment.

Brandon and Jasper Lown, a father-son team from Illinois, took second place for their funny, imaginative video, “You Wouldn’t....” Their video depicts a driver doing things that most people recognize as dangerous, such as eating a bowl of cereal and putting on makeup, before answering a cell phone call and crashing.

Third place went to DuPont Sustainable Solutions in Virginia. The video, “Please Don’t,” is an eye-opening look at the consequences of driving while talking on a cell phone. A mother talks on her hands-free headset – and then must live with the consequences of her actions.

The first place winner received a $2,000 cash prize, second place received $1,000 and third place received $500. NSC and FocusDriven thank all of the contest participants. The top three videos can be viewed at The National Safety Council ( saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the roads through leadership, research, education and advocacy.

FocusDriven – Advocates for Cell-Free Driving ( is a nonprofit advocacy organization for victims of motor vehicle crashes involving drivers using cell phones. FocusDriven supports victims of cell phone distracted driving and families of victims. Its goal is to increase public awareness on the dangers of cell phone distracted driving by putting a human face on the disastrous impact of the behavior, in order to promote corresponding public policies, programs and personal responsibility.

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Amy Williams
Communications Director
(630) 775-2307
Jennifer Smith
(630) 775-2405


Amy Williams
Communications Director
(630) 775-2307
Jennifer Smith
(630) 775-2405