Empowering Sustainable Living: Earth Day Initiatives Feature Significant Price Drops

FREMONT, Calif.--()--As the world commemorates Earth Day, Jackery, a global leader of innovative solar generator and green off-grid energy solutions, stands at the forefront of a transformative movement towards a more sustainable future. In alignment with Jackery's unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship, we are thrilled to announce price drops of solar generators aimed at extending access to clean, renewable energy solutions.

Solar generator is a revolutionary solution that embodies the essence of clean, emissions-free energy. Engineered to harness the power of the sun, our solar generators epitomize sustainability, emitting no harmful pollutants while operating in serene silence. They serve as self-sufficient renewable energy systems, with solar panels adeptly converting sunlight into electricity stored within the portable power station for convenient use at any time.

We are excited to unveil substantial price reductions on our flagship solar generators, with major units dropping from $200.

  • For example, the original price of E3000 Pro + 2x SolarSaga 200W is $3999, and the new price after price reduction is $3699.
  • The original price of E2000 Plus + 2x SolarSaga 200W is $3299, and after we adjust the price it is $3099.
  • There is also a special coupon event, further enhancing the affordability of our green energy solutions. This limited-time promotion from 4.17 to 4.25 serves as a catalyst for change, inspiring individuals to embrace a more sustainable way of life and embark on the path towards a brighter, cleaner future. With this special coupon, the price of solar generators can be further reduced.

Moreover, in our relentless pursuit of innovation, we are delighted to introduce the latest addition to our product lineup: the 40W Mini Solar Panel. The 40W mini solar panel is 4 fold, making it incredibly compact and portable, comparable in size to an iPad when folded. With its seamless integration and user-friendly design, the 40W Mini Solar Panel empowers individuals to embark on their journey towards energy independence.

With its arrival, the barrier to entry for adopting solar power is significantly lowered, enabling every individual to construct their own Solar Generator systems. Users have the flexibility to pair the 40W mini solar panel with small-capacity portable power stations, facilitating the creation of their first self-sustaining renewable energy systems. This empowers individuals to take control of their energy consumption, reduce their carbon footprint, and embrace a more sustainable way of life powered by the sun.

Our commitment to environmental responsibility extends beyond mere rhetoric—it is ingrained in every facet of our operations. With our solar generators, we offer not just a product, but a promise—a promise of clean, renewable energy that is friendly to the environment and conducive to a sustainable way of life.

Join us in celebrating Earth Day by embracing the power of solar energy and taking advantage of our exciting offers. Together, let us pave the way towards a greener, more prosperous tomorrow.

For more information on our products and promotions, please visit www. Jackery.com.

About Jackery:

Jackery, the world's leading innovative solar generator and green outdoor energy solution provider founded in California in 2012, is a global top-selling solar generator brand born with a mission to Bring Green Energy to All. Jackery launched its first outdoor portable power stations in 2016 and developed its first portable solar panels in 2018. Jackery has sold over 3 million units globally since 2018, and has been recognized by over 200 authorized media and organizations worldwide, and received 58 prestigious international design awards. Jackery has fulfilled its social responsibility on a global scale and maintained long-term cooperation with global public welfare organizations such as WWF, NFF, and IRC contributing its strength and value to boost global sustainable development and other public welfare.


Matthew Schargel


Matthew Schargel