Global Smart Media Conference Macau Summit Was Held, Jian Mao: Bringing Film Back to Where ChatGPT Can't Calculate

World Film Industry Conference (Photo: Business Wire)

LOS ANGELES--()--Since the end of last year, the emergence of artificial intelligence ChatGPT has caused widespread concern around the world. Recently, the Global Smart Media Conference Macau Summit organized by the Aollywood Film Workers Association was held in Macau. The forum is one of the important activities of the World Film Industry Conference titled by SAIC Viloran. More than a dozen famous film and media scholars, critics and media editors, including Wei Zhang, Jian Mao, Jianli Hu, Ziwen Song, Alang, Fei Tan, Yabin Suo, Haoyue Han, Yuqing Zhu, Rui Yao, Nianqun Zeng, Ti Zhang, Ping Tang, Yuyao Qin and Lu Zhao, expressed their views on the topic of "What is the impact of ChatGPT on the cultural, entertainment, film and media industry? " The summit was hosted by Jianli Hu, Secretary General of Aollywood Film Critics Association.

Wei Zhang: ChatGPT Can Create Genre Films but Hard to Write Art-House Films

According to Zhang Wei, executive vice president of China Film Critics Association, art films are author films, emphasizing the author's individuality and originality, in which ChatGPT plays minor role, different from the stereotyped creation of commercial genre films. Currently, ChatGPT is being used to write news, journalism and dissertations that can even pass the degree exams. "Genre films are like the supermarket of the film industry. Whether we can treat the same genre as a small variable through ChatGPT is like a mathematical formula where X remains unchanged and coefficient changes, a commercial genre film can be made, which is really hard to say. If the narrative model of genre films can be made by ChatGPT and then copied and created in bulk, I think it's really a bit dangerous for creators. Of course, it's comforting to know that art films and author films are unique and cannot be copied."

Ziwen Song, a famous film critic, said that, the media industry will be the first to suffer from ChatGPT's global popularity. "Many people abroad use it to write essays and news, most of the times we can't distinguish the difference, which will cause problems in the assessment of college students' studies, and is a great harm to the learning environment in the future. For the media industry, it would be an insult to us media people if in the future everyone uses GPT to write press releases, resulting in a smart chat tool that is actually engaged in journalism." However, he believes that so far, ChatGPT has not had much impact on the entertainment creation industry. Chinese is so profound that a word has many meanings, and the same sentence spoken in different language environments may have different meanings, and there are even different regions and different emotional contexts, all of which the current ChatGPT has no way to distinguish and define. He called for the urgent formulation of rules for ChatGPT.

Citing relevant episodes from several science fiction movies to support his view, Alang, editor-in-chief of MOVIE VIEW, believes that ChatGPT may be able to replace human creation in many aspects of technology, but the hearts and emotions in the work cannot be replaced. "One of the things that I find particularly interesting about ChatGPT is that it almost validates a starting point among the Big Bang cosmology. This thing is irreversible, and we can't possibly put limits on it by some means. If we are eventually going to be defeated by what we invent, it's going to be the mediocre, low-order and uncreative part."

Professor Yabin Suo, School of Theater, Film and Television at Communication University of China: "After I heard that ChatGPT came out, my first reaction was that it might become a super cheating tool for students, because we now have a fixed program for students' theses and dissertations called 'Duplicate Checking', which can find out how much of the text is not written by themselves, do we need another program called 'Anti-Generation' in the future? For the creation of many commercial genre films, AI tools may bring some help, because the creation of commercial film genre films in China, especially in these 20 years since this century, has accumulated a lot of rich and effective experience, and we lack enough summaries, which can be distilled by ChatGPT, but this cannot replace really good works."

Fei Tan: Human Is Definitely More Cunning Than ChatGPT

Haoyue Han, a famous film critic and editor-in-chief of the self-media Liu Gen, believes that ChatGPT collects information and integrates views, and it can do it all for you except for reviewing deeply, and in the future the vast majority of available reviews will have no value of existence. The arrival of intelligent media is unstoppable, and AI will eventually have an emotional power. While it will destroy the review system, it will also bring a lot of help to literary creation, especially to film and television creation. I think AI can solve the problem of how to make film and television works more twisted and better, which will bring great help to directors and screenwriters. The comprehensive arrival of artificial intelligence will also provide young people with an opportunity to speak out. Creators in the film and television industry, including directors and screenwriters, should understand young people's thoughts through intelligent media, so as to meet them at the source of creation.

Fei Tan, a famous film critic and founder of Si Wei Du Shu, laughed and said, "Humans definitely cunning than machines, so I'm not too worried about ChatGPT's impact on the film and television industry, but the development of AI is not changed by human will. You can't put it out, and it's useless for Maske and the others to write a joint letter." Before he came to the summit, he asked his son from a prestigious science university to ask ChatGPT to write a speech about the conference topic and read it to everyone on the spot: "According to the QEIOS research paper, ChatGPT can be a valuable resource for the film industry, providing valuable insights and analysis to help filmmakers make data-driven decisions that create more attracted and successful films ......", ultimately concluding that ChatGPT's current capabilities are still quite a bit less than their own, and believing that humans have this ability to take control of AI and coexist with it.

Professor Rui Yao, a screenwriter, teacher and researcher at the School of Journalism and Communication at Guangzhou University, is optimistic about ChatGPT's future. He believes that ChatGPT is useful and effective for film and television writers in teaching, research and creation. The application field is mainly commercial films, because the genre films have the same narrative formula and audio-visual style. It is completely possible to complete the structural outline of the film script with ChatGPT. It also helps in story sketch writing and screenwriting teaching. Of course, it also has its limitations. The fusion of genres creates the vitality of the film. Genres are only the foundation, but similarity and difference are the key to success, but currently ChatGPT cannot do similarity and difference. When it comes to a kind of exploratory art film, not only ChatGPT but also many screenwriters have difficulty in meeting the director's requirements. Moreover, ChatGPT is not yet so powerful to control the narrative ethics.

Jian Mao: Bringing Film Back to Where ChatGPT Can't Calculate

Jian Mao, a professor at the school of international Chinese studies at East China Normal University, also give the topic of this summit to ChatGPT to answer before the meeting, believing that it does pose a huge challenge to film and teleplay, but feeling that it will also be a big booster, "From now on we have no chance to lie still and be lazy. It is time to re-enter the runway of life and re-enter the difficult and exciting moments of the film's creation. The ChatGPT could have made the film Man Jiang Hong, but it couldn't make Yue Fei. Put the film back in the flesh, back where the GPT can't count. If you say the lines but GPT, if you P but GPT, then don't P, after all, we are in the world scene, in the front line, with the force of GPT, forcing the creator to return to the first scene of the body and mind. I think it's good to have rivals, and human beings can also force themselves to face their own inertia, their own incompetence and shamelessness. With an electronic dog behind us, we can push on even harder."

Yuqing Zhu, the founder of the film self-media "Kan Da Pian", said that human emotions and creativity are difficult to be replaced by machines. Anything that can be programmed to be replaced by machines is a kind of liberation for people. For the current self-media, how to survive in the era of smart media? Maybe the planning ability is still hard to be replaced. I think film promotion may be replaced by ChatGPT in the future, but the script is hard to be replaced. The formula of genre films ChatGPT can be copied, but many films are actually anti-routine, and often win the audience's recognition under the continuous anti-routine.

Nianqun Zeng, a famous film critic and executive editor of Qing Nian Dian Ying Shou Ce, believed that all the creations of ChatGPT are based on the knowledge base of what has already happened, and it is a non-linear collection, but humans are linear and think about what we are going to create tomorrow every day, so as long as the creativity of tomorrow is brought into play it will already be ahead of the non-linear AI, provided that this AI has not awakened. "I don't think AI is waking up that fast, so there's no need to have too much of a sense of worry. In science fiction milestone era, if we do not create milestone works, this is the one problem that should be sad".

Ti Zhang, founder of the Hong Kong Stand By Me, shared her experience of using ChatGPT, saying that it requires you to interact with it deeply, "If you give different instructions, the standard of what you get will be very different. The clearer you give instructions, the better effect or quality of what you get, which is also an opportunity for humans to learn again. If you don't communicate with it properly, what it gives you may not even be as good as Baidu Encyclopedia."

Ping Tang, founder of the TV self-media "Yu Le Hu Ba Yi", cited a science fiction Teleplay six or seven years ago as an example, arguing that "ChatGPT should not violate the red line of human morality, technology is better to help life, not to replace our lives, it cannot replace any of our profession, except for some low-level, repetitive labor jobs. It more about enhancing the efficiency of the relevant text workers and becoming a good auxiliary tool, but the real work that requires thinking judgment and emotional connection still needs our wisdom."

Yuyao Qin, editor-in-chief of Sohu Entertainment TV, said ChatGPT has a wide range of usage scenarios for the entertainment industry. It can quickly generate film and TV scripts, or game scripts, compose music and codes, but she thought that what can move the audience is not only the formulaic stuff, but also needs to be sincere inside, "In layman's terms, I think ChatGPT has no mood swings and cannot empathize with human beings, so it is hard to move people's hearts. The central idea of today's entertainment works, whether commercial or literary, is to make the audience resonate emotionally, which is the biggest advantage of literary creators compared to ChatGPT in terms of creation."

Lu Zhao, senior editor of Sina Entertainment TV, believed that ChatGPT would be helpful to the film and television industry, but it would make optimal options based on data, which might also lead to its more serious homogeneity, which means the disappearance of individuality, which is not good for art. "I think ChatGPT can replace repetitive work, but it has no way to replace innovative work, it may not create art, but it can create goods."



