Nuclear Industry Peers Reunite in Las Vegas This Week to Collaborate on Work Digitalization at the Dynamic Work Execution Symposium Hosted by NextAxiom

This year’s Symposium is a forum to learn from those paving the way for the continued viability of nuclear power through work digitalization

SAN FRANCISCO--()--NextAxiom, the creator of technology enabling digitalization of all work performed within an organization, will host the inaugural Dynamic Work Execution Symposium at The Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas from March 31-April 1.

The majority of Symposium participants will be from the nuclear industry, where modernization of plant operations is business critical and application of the significant advancements to maximize the operational efficiencies and reduce costs through technology is driving change. Attendees, spanning Department of Energy researchers to heads of business and IT from some of the country’s largest nuclear operators, will gather to collaborate on how technology is being used to ensure the continued viability of nuclear power through the digitalization of work with computer-guided instructions, forms, and workflows.

Presenters from nuclear organizations will share first-hand experiences on the benefits, business justification, and lessons learned from the implementation of innovative technologies – such as Dynamic Instructions (formerly known as Computer based Procedures) and Integrated Smart Forms – to help guide attendees forward and make work digitalization a reality across the entire industry.

Session topics include:

  • Innovation and Digital Transformation for Sustainable Operations
  • End State and Business Case for Work Digitalization
  • Implementation Experiences: multiple utilities will discuss their Business Cases, Implementation Approaches, Lessons Learned and Next Steps
  • Panel discussion on Approaches, Options and Trade-Offs
  • Transitioning from Paper-Centric to a Digitalized Paradigm
  • The Scope and Components of Dynamic Work Digitalization
  • The Art of the Possible

“Collaboration is strong within the nuclear industry and learning from each other is essential as we collectively work to solve challenges that hold the sector back from its full potential,” said Ash Massoudi, CEO and co-founder of NextAxiom. “We are excited to be able to finally gather again in-person and continue propelling the industry forward so nuclear can expand its role in the clean energy mix as a viable and reliable source of power.”

The intention for this year’s Symposium is to serve as the charter for a Special Interest Group (SIG) focused on Dynamic Work Execution that is managed by the Nuclear Industry Peers themselves. A leading nuclear energy facility operator has already signed on to host the 2023 Dynamic Work Execution Symposium.

To learn more and register for the 2022 Symposium, please visit here soon as space is limited:

About NextAxiom

NextAxiom is a proven leader in nuclear with over a decade of experience enabling operators to increase profitability, streamline operations, and expand the industry’s carbon-free energy contributions. Its flagship software technology, the Dynamic Work Execution Platform (DWEP), transforms nuclear plant paper and legacy processes into digitalized work processes to support improved performance, decrease production costs, and make nuclear power more profitable to produce. With DWEP, nuclear plants realize reduced labor costs and time spent per process, enhanced data, predictive insights, automated and actionable intelligence, and more. To learn more about how NextAxiom makes Digitalized Work a reality and transforms how all work is performed, go to


Katie Conroy


Katie Conroy