Lafarge Successfully Tracks American Kestrels’ Migration at Berrymoor Pit

A local student helps Lafarge Canada with their annual kestrel banding project. (Photo: Business Wire)

BERRYMOOR, Alberta--()--Committed to promoting healthy habitats and restoring ecosystems across Canada, this year Lafarge Canada has successfully banded American kestrels, and equipped some with GPS trackers, as part of Lafarge’s Berrymoor biodiversity program.

Lafarge Canada’s kestrel program is entering its seventh year in 2021 and has demonstrated that wildlife can flourish alongside the industry. With support from the Alberta Conservation Association and STRIX Ecological Consulting, Lafarge has banded twenty small satellite transmitters on American kestrels to monitor where the birds migrate and spend their winter.

“Kestrels are experiencing continent-wide declines. If we track them during their migration we are able to help contribute our knowledge to research about their movement patterns and habitat needs throughout the year,” explains Cailee Ellis, Head of Environment & Sustainability at Lafarge.This is essential work.”

In addition to tracking kestrels’ migration, Lafarge Canada has a total of 25 nest boxes to help stimulate population for the species. With over 80 kestrels raised in previous years, the nest boxes and GPS trackers help explain why this population is declining, enhance their habitat and provide suitable nesting sites, which is often the main factor limiting the presence of this species.

“All our nest boxes are placed 12 feet above the ground on fence posts along private land. We are so grateful to our landowner partners for supporting our work by agreeing to host the kestrel nests on their properties. We really appreciate their interest in, and enthusiasm for, the kestrels and the work we are doing,” says Chuck Priestley, Principal and Co-Founder of STRIX Ecological Consulting.

By implementing a successful Biodiversity Monitoring project at their Berrymoor aggregate location, Lafarge Canada has raised the bar for biodiversity and conservation. Says Ellis, “The program has been extremely successful at connecting with the local community, enhancing habitat protections and showcasing how the industry and conservation associations can partner to drive important sustainability outcomes.”


Jill Truscott, Manager of Communications - Western Canada
Lafarge Canada Inc.


Jill Truscott, Manager of Communications - Western Canada
Lafarge Canada Inc.