2018 Internet2 Technology Exchange Comes to Orlando, Media Invited


What: The Technology Exchange is Internet2’s annual technical meeting for the research and education community to share best practices, accelerate innovation and advance technology. The meeting program includes 83 technical presentations, 78 working meetings, four advanced networking demonstrations, nine in-depth tutorials, and six co-located events. The event is co-hosted by the University of Central Florida and Florida LambdaRail.

When/Where: October 15-18, 2018 at the Loews Royal Pacific Resort, 6300 Hollywood Way, Orlando, FL 32819

Who: The meeting will convene three major technical communities under one roof —advanced networking, information security, trust and identity—including chief technologists, scientists, engineers, architects, operators, and students from around the U.S. and the globe. Renowned data scientist Robert L. Grossman, the Frederick H. Rawson Professor of Medicine and a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Chicago, will be giving The Exchange keynote address, “Data Clouds, Data Commons and Data Ecosystems: How Data Science is Changing the Way We Analyze Scientific Data, Make Discoveries and Reproduce Research,” on Wednesday, October 17 at 4 p.m. ET. A list of program highlights from the event can be found here: https://www.internet2.edu/news/detail/16656/

How: If you are a media representative and wish to attend the 2018 Internet2 Technology Exchange meeting, please contact Sara Aly saly@internet2.edu


Internet2® is a non-profit, member-driven advanced technology community founded by the nation’s leading higher education institutions in 1996. Internet2 serves 318 U.S. universities, 60 government agencies, 43 regional and state education networks and through them supports more than 100,000 community anchor institutions, over 900 InCommon participants, and 69 leading corporations working with our community, and 61 national research and education network partners that represent more than 100 countries.

Internet2 delivers a diverse portfolio of technology solutions that leverages, integrates, and amplifies the strengths of its members and helps support their educational, research and community service missions. Internet2’s core infrastructure components include the nation’s largest and fastest research and education network that was built to deliver advanced, customized services that are accessed and secured by the community-developed trust and identity framework.

Internet2 offices are located in Ann Arbor, Mich.; Denver, Colo.; Washington, D.C.; and West Hartford, Conn. For more information, visit www.internet2.edu or follow @Internet2 on Twitter.


Sara Aly
Communications Manager