Commerce Bancshares, Inc. Reports Record Fourth Quarter Earnings of $94 Million

KANSAS CITY, Mo.--()--Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ: CBSH) announced record earnings of $.86 per common share for the three months ended December 31, 2017 compared to $.65 per share in the same quarter last year and $.67 per share in the prior quarter. Net income attributable to Commerce Bancshares, Inc. for the fourth quarter amounted to $94.4 million, compared to $71.6 million in the fourth quarter of 2016 and $74.6 million in the prior quarter. There were several extraordinary items which occurred in the 4th quarter, including a previously announced $25 million contribution of appreciated stock to the Commerce Bancshares Foundation and a one-time bonus to certain employees of approximately $3.3 million. These two items combined with adjustments for the new corporate tax legislation added $.12 per share for this period. For the quarter, the return on average assets was 1.50%, the return on average common equity was 14.2%, and the efficiency ratio was 67.9%.

For the year ended December 31, 2017, earnings per common share totaled $2.89 compared to $2.49 in 2016, or an increase of 16.1%. Net income attributable to Commerce Bancshares, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 2017 increased 16.0% to $319.4 million compared to $275.4 million last year. For the current year, the return on average assets was 1.28%, and the return on average common equity was 12.5%.

In announcing these results, David W. Kemper, Chairman and CEO, said, Core earnings were strong this quarter driven by growth in net interest income, higher fee income, solid expense control and continued low credit losses. Our net interest margin continued to expand, driven by increased rates on both our loan and investment portfolios, while deposit costs remained stable. We saw strong growth from both our trust and commercial card businesses, which increased 12.9% and 14.3%, respectively, over the same quarter in the prior year. Non-interest expense increased just 2.3% over the same quarter last year when adjusted for the one-time bonus and foundation contribution, as we continue to focus on expenses. This quarter total average loans increased $183.0 million, or 5.3% annualized over the prior quarter, driven by growth in construction, business, business real estate, consumer and consumer credit card lending activities.”

Mr. Kemper added, “Credit quality remains strong, and capital and liquidity levels continue to be among the best in the banking industry. For the current quarter, net loan charge-offs totaled $11.0 million, up slightly over the prior quarter. This small increase was due mainly to growth in net loan charge-offs in business loans, offset by lower automobile loan net charge-offs. The ratio of annualized net loan charge-offs to average loans was .32% this quarter compared to .31% last quarter. Non-performing assets decreased this quarter to $12.7 million, or a decline of $2.0 million from the prior quarter. During the current quarter, the provision for loan losses exceeded net loan charge-offs by $1.7 million, and the allowance for loan losses amounted to $159.5 million, or 1.14% of period end loans.”

Total assets at December 31, 2017 were $24.8 billion, total loans were $14.0 billion, and total deposits were $20.4 billion. During the fourth quarter of 2017, the Company distributed a 5% stock dividend on its common stock. This quarter the Company also paid an annualized 6% cash dividend on its preferred stock and a cash dividend of $.214 per common share, as restated for the 5% stock dividend.

Commerce Bancshares, Inc. is a regional bank holding company offering a full range of financial products to consumers and commercial customers including personal banking, lending, mortgage banking, wealth management, brokerage and capital markets services. The Company currently operates in approximately 330 locations in the central United States and has a nationwide presence in the commercial payments industry.

This financial news release, including management's discussion of fourth quarter results, is posted to the Company's web site at

For additional information, contact
Jeffery Aberdeen, Controller
at 1000 Walnut Street, Suite 700
Kansas City, MO 64106
or by telephone at (816) 234-2081
Web Site:



    For the Three Months Ended   For the Year Ended

(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)

    December 31,
  September 30,
  December 31,
December 31,
  December 31,
Net interest income $190,008   $182,591   $173,202 $733,679 $680,049
Non-interest income 124,212     122,242     119,479   486,604     474,392  
Total revenue 314,220 304,833 292,681 1,220,283 1,154,441
Investment securities gains (losses), net 27,209 (3,037 ) 3,651 25,051 (53 )
Provision for loan losses 12,654 10,704 10,400 45,244 36,318
Non-interest expense 213,688     184,572     181,261   769,684     717,065  
Income before taxes 115,087 106,520 104,671 430,406 401,005
Income taxes 20,104 32,294 32,297 110,506 124,151
Non-controlling interest expense (income) 628     (338 )   795   517     1,463  
Net income attributable to Commerce Bancshares, Inc. 94,355 74,564 71,579 319,383 275,391
Preferred stock dividends 2,250     2,250     2,250   9,000     9,000  
Net income available to common shareholders $92,105     $72,314     $69,329   $310,383     $266,391  
Earnings per common share:
Net income — basic $.86 $.68 $.65 $2.90 $2.50
Net income — diluted $.86 $.67 $.65 $2.89 $2.49
Effective tax rate 17.56 % 30.22 % 31.09 % 25.71 % 31.07 %
Tax equivalent net interest income $197,917 $190,497 $181,301 $766,601 $711,433
Average total interest earning assets (1) $ 23,851,260 $ 23,790,684 $ 23,775,165 $ 23,957,929 $ 23,378,121
Diluted wtd. average shares outstanding     105,976,402     105,981,083     105,586,262   105,927,203     105,523,631  
Average loans to deposits (2) 68.15 % 66.96 % 64.24 % 66.18 % 63.71 %
Return on total average assets 1.50 1.19 1.14 1.28 1.12
Return on average common equity (3) 14.17 11.35 11.48 12.46 11.33
Non-interest income to total revenue 39.53 40.10 40.82 39.88 41.09
Efficiency ratio (4) 67.91 60.44 61.82 62.97 61.98
Net yield on interest earning assets     3.29     3.18     3.03   3.20     3.04  
Cash dividends per common share $.214 $.214 $.204 $.857 $.816
Cash dividends on common stock $22,897 $22,906 $21,776 $91,619 $87,070
Cash dividends on preferred stock $2,250 $2,250 $2,250 $9,000     $9,000  
Book value per common share (5) $24.14 $23.99 $22.12
Market value per common share (5) $55.84 $55.02 $55.06
High market value per common share $57.91 $56.42 $56.40
Low market value per common share $52.07 $49.43 $43.21
Common shares outstanding (5) 106,615,043 106,706,732 106,534,010
Tangible common equity to tangible assets (6) 9.84 % 9.72 % 8.66 %
Tier I leverage ratio     10.39 %   10.16 %   9.55 %
Number of bank/ATM locations 327 334 336
Full-time equivalent employees     4,800     4,811     4,784  



Excludes allowance for loan losses and unrealized gains/(losses) on available for sale securities.


Includes loans held for sale.


Annualized net income available to common shareholders divided by average total equity less preferred stock.


The efficiency ratio is calculated as non-interest expense (excluding intangibles amortization) as a percent of revenue.


As of period end.


The tangible common equity ratio is calculated as stockholders’ equity reduced by preferred stock, goodwill and other intangible assets (excluding mortgage servicing rights) divided by total assets reduced by goodwill and other intangible assets (excluding mortgage servicing rights).



    For the Three Months Ended   For the Year Ended

(In thousands, except per share data)


December 31,


September 30,


June 30,


March 31,


December 31,

December 31,


December 31,

Interest income $201,572   $194,244   $193,594   $187,997   $181,498 $777,407   $713,052
Interest expense 11,564     11,653     10,787     9,724     8,296   43,728     33,003  
Net interest income 190,008 182,591 182,807 178,273 173,202 733,679 680,049
Provision for loan losses 12,654     10,704     10,758     11,128     10,400   45,244     36,318  
Net interest income after provision for loan losses 177,354     171,887     172,049     167,145     162,802   688,435     643,731  
Bank card transaction fees 47,717 44,521 44,999 43,204 45,338 180,441 181,879
Trust fees 35,405 34,620 33,120 32,014 31,360 135,159 121,795
Deposit account charges and other fees 22,598 22,659 22,861 21,942 22,134 90,060 86,394
Capital market fees 1,743 1,755 2,156 2,342 2,679 7,996 10,655
Consumer brokerage services 3,576 3,679 3,726 3,649 3,409 14,630 13,784
Loan fees and sales 3,099 3,590 4,091 3,168 2,583 13,948 11,412
Other 10,074     11,418     12,131     10,747     11,976   44,370     48,473  
Total non-interest income 124,212     122,242     123,084     117,066     119,479   486,604     474,392  
INVESTMENT SECURITIES GAINS (LOSSES), NET 27,209 (3,037 ) 1,651 (772 ) 3,651 25,051 (53 )
Salaries and employee benefits 115,741 111,382 108,829 112,369 108,639 448,321 427,310
Net occupancy 11,280 11,459 11,430 11,443 11,529 45,612 46,290
Equipment 4,692 4,491 4,776 4,609 4,884 18,568 19,141
Supplies and communication 6,118 5,517 5,446 5,709 5,645 22,790 24,135
Data processing and software 23,093 22,700 23,356 23,097 23,390 92,246 92,722
Marketing 3,937 4,676 4,488 3,224 3,431 16,325 16,032
Deposit insurance 3,444 3,479 3,592 3,471 3,443 13,986 13,327
Community service 25,511 3,006 2,916 2,944 822 34,377 3,906
Other 19,872     17,862     19,761     19,964     19,478   77,459     74,202  
Total non-interest expense 213,688     184,572     184,594     186,830     181,261   769,684     717,065  
Income before income taxes 115,087 106,520 112,190 96,609 104,671 430,406 401,005
Less income taxes 20,104     32,294     33,201     24,907     32,297   110,506     124,151  
Net income 94,983 74,226 78,989 71,702 72,374 319,900 276,854
Less non-controlling interest expense (income) 628     (338 )   29     198     795   517     1,463  
Net income attributable to Commerce Bancshares, Inc. 94,355 74,564 78,960 71,504 71,579 319,383 275,391
Less preferred stock dividends 2,250     2,250     2,250     2,250     2,250   9,000     9,000  
Net income available to common shareholders $92,105     $72,314     $76,710     $69,254     $69,329   $310,383     $266,391  
Net income per common share — basic $.86     $.68     $.71     $.65     $.65   $2.90     $2.50  
Net income per common share — diluted     $.86     $.67     $.71     $.65     $.65   $2.89     $2.49  
Return on total average assets 1.50 % 1.19 % 1.26 % 1.15 % 1.14 % 1.28 % 1.12 %
Return on average common equity (1) 14.17 11.35 12.48 11.74 11.48 12.46 11.33
Efficiency ratio (2) 67.91 60.44 60.24 63.14 61.82 62.97 61.98
Effective tax rate 17.56 30.22 29.60 25.83 31.09 25.71 31.07
Net yield on interest earning assets 3.29 3.18 3.19 3.14 3.03 3.20 3.04
Tax equivalent net interest income     $197,917     $190,497     $190,865     $187,322     $181,301     $766,601     $711,433  



Annualized net income available to common shareholders divided by average total equity less preferred stock.


The efficiency ratio is calculated as non-interest expense (excluding intangibles amortization) as a percent of revenue.




(In thousands)


December 31,


September 30,


December 31,

Business $ 4,958,554 $ 4,834,037 $ 4,776,365
Real estate — construction and land 968,820 921,609 791,236
Real estate — business 2,697,452 2,700,174 2,643,374
Real estate — personal 2,062,787 2,029,302 2,010,397
Consumer 2,104,487 2,113,438 1,990,801
Revolving home equity 400,587 391,308 413,634
Consumer credit card 783,864 752,379 776,465
Overdrafts 7,123       3,245       10,464  
Total loans 13,983,674       13,745,492       13,412,736  
Allowance for loan losses (159,532 )     (157,832 )     (155,932 )
Net loans 13,824,142       13,587,660       13,256,804  
Loans held for sale 21,398 17,337 14,456
Investment securities:
Available for sale 8,774,280 9,109,287 9,649,203
Trading 18,269 24,605 22,225
Non-marketable 100,758       99,268       99,558  
Total investment securities 8,893,307       9,233,160       9,770,986  
Federal funds sold and short-term securities purchased under agreements to resell 42,775 32,630 15,470
Long-term securities purchased under agreements to resell 700,000 700,000 725,000
Interest earning deposits with banks 30,631 105,422 272,275
Cash and due from banks 438,439 461,724 494,690
Land, buildings and equipment — net 335,110 335,348 337,705
Goodwill 138,921 138,921 138,921
Other intangible assets — net 7,618 7,388 6,709
Other assets 401,074       359,551       608,408  
Total assets $ 24,833,415       $ 24,979,141       $ 25,641,424  
Non-interest bearing $ 7,158,962 $ 7,536,127 $ 7,429,398
Savings, interest checking and money market 11,499,620 11,091,200 11,430,789
Time open and C.D.’s of less than $100,000 634,646 657,891 713,075
Time open and C.D.’s of $100,000 and over 1,132,218       1,158,555       1,527,833  
Total deposits 20,425,446       20,443,773       21,101,095  
Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 1,507,138 1,408,984 1,723,905
Other borrowings 1,758 102,553 102,049
Other liabilities 180,889       319,354       213,243  
Total liabilities 22,115,231       22,274,664       23,140,292  
Stockholders’ equity:
Preferred stock 144,784 144,784 144,784
Common stock 535,407 510,015 510,015
Capital surplus 1,815,360 1,548,318 1,552,454
Retained earnings 221,374 440,261 292,849
Treasury stock (14,473 ) (9,895 ) (15,294 )
Accumulated other comprehensive income 14,108       67,061       10,975  
Total stockholders’ equity 2,716,560 2,700,544 2,495,783
Non-controlling interest 1,624       3,933       5,349  
Total equity 2,718,184       2,704,477       2,501,132  
Total liabilities and equity     $ 24,833,415       $ 24,979,141       $ 25,641,424  



(In thousands)

    For the Three Months Ended

December 31,


September 30,


June 30,


March 31,


December 31,

Business $ 4,818,419 $ 4,777,222 $ 4,827,439 $ 4,906,672 $ 4,731,405
Real estate — construction and land 948,043 887,596 862,479 828,017 821,048
Real estate — business 2,720,356 2,710,453 2,701,144 2,645,531 2,559,028
Real estate — personal 2,044,651 2,017,264 2,003,997 2,012,456 1,985,606
Consumer 2,100,762 2,070,398 1,997,761 1,974,894 1,978,154
Revolving home equity 394,231 395,212 399,730 405,432 415,429
Consumer credit card 756,544 739,692 731,471 747,783 757,618
Overdrafts 5,295     4,373     4,505     4,185     5,501  
Total loans 13,788,301     13,602,210     13,528,526     13,524,970     13,253,789  
Allowance for loan losses (157,026 )   (156,909 )   (157,003 )   (155,328 )   (154,040 )
Net loans 13,631,275     13,445,301     13,371,523     13,369,642     13,099,749  
Loans held for sale 18,158 21,227 18,341 11,972 10,765
Investment securities:
U.S. government and federal agency obligations 917,664 917,808 910,821 913,474 811,524
Government-sponsored enterprise obligations 452,104 456,668 450,362 450,489 445,544
State and municipal obligations 1,630,660 1,699,365 1,771,674 1,783,103 1,784,407
Mortgage-backed securities 3,949,933 3,718,697 3,708,124 3,760,294 3,656,695
Asset-backed securities 1,622,778 2,025,415 2,335,344 2,359,644 2,417,367
Other marketable securities 356,319 327,634 326,398 332,643 333,236
Unrealized gain on investment securities 111,930     116,873     102,935     62,986     155,818  
Total available for sale securities 9,041,388 9,262,460 9,605,658 9,662,633 9,604,591
Trading securities 20,401 21,149 21,062 25,165 21,717
Non-marketable securities 97,704     102,995     101,790     100,740     105,420  
Total investment securities 9,159,493     9,386,604     9,728,510     9,788,538     9,731,728  
Federal funds sold and short-term securities purchased under agreements to resell 27,017 23,807 13,115 9,887 8,336
Long-term securities purchased under agreements to resell 699,999 662,490 665,655 725,001 724,998
Interest earning deposits with banks 270,222 211,219 139,061 207,845 201,367
Other assets 1,157,289     1,122,230     1,106,528     1,139,402     1,153,982  
Total assets $ 24,963,453     $ 24,872,878     $ 25,042,733     $ 25,252,287     $ 24,930,925  
Non-interest bearing deposits $ 7,257,102 $ 7,135,703 $ 7,065,849 $ 7,246,698 $ 7,307,407
Savings 821,908 829,197 831,038 795,695 773,304
Interest checking and money market 10,416,221 10,387,212 10,667,042 10,603,988 10,512,268
Time open & C.D.’s of less than $100,000 644,951 667,710 688,047 705,135 722,775
Time open & C.D.’s of $100,000 and over 1,119,352     1,326,290     1,510,001     1,671,125     1,333,764  
Total deposits 20,259,534     20,346,112     20,761,977     21,022,641     20,649,518  
Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 1,625,828 1,500,987 1,363,031 1,356,316 1,284,916
Other borrowings 42,060     101,904     105,311     102,011     101,412  
Total borrowings 1,667,888 1,602,891 1,468,342 1,458,327 1,386,328
Other liabilities 312,172     251,714     203,139     234,144     346,900  
Total liabilities 22,239,594     22,200,717     22,433,458     22,715,112     22,382,746  
Equity 2,723,859     2,672,161     2,609,275     2,537,175     2,548,179  
Total liabilities and equity     $ 24,963,453     $ 24,872,878     $ 25,042,733     $ 25,252,287     $ 24,930,925  



(Unaudited)     For the Three Months Ended

December 31,


September 30,


June 30,


March 31,


December 31,

Business (1) 3.32 % 3.25 % 3.21 % 3.02 % 2.91 %
Real estate — construction and land 4.41 4.31 4.30 3.85 3.64
Real estate — business 3.90 3.85 3.74 3.63 3.61
Real estate — personal 3.72 3.72 3.72 3.74 3.69
Consumer 4.07 4.02 3.94 3.89 3.85
Revolving home equity 4.06 4.03 3.84 3.64 3.50
Consumer credit card 11.90 12.03 11.90 11.66 11.38
Total loans 4.18     4.13     4.06     3.92     3.85  
Loans held for sale 5.55 5.36 5.75 6.64 5.77
Investment securities:
U.S. government and federal agency obligations 2.60 1.40 2.52 2.09 2.18
Government-sponsored enterprise obligations 1.69 1.61 1.59 1.58 1.54
State and municipal obligations (1) 3.60 3.57 3.61 3.65 3.57
Mortgage-backed securities 2.38 2.36 2.35 2.38 2.40
Asset-backed securities 1.94 1.82 1.72 1.63 1.52
Other marketable securities (1) 2.86     2.73     2.76     2.82     2.95  
Total available for sale securities 2.53 2.35 2.42 2.38 2.36
Trading securities (1) 2.63 2.51 2.70 2.77 2.40
Non-marketable securities (1) 8.08     6.46     11.49     21.08     5.42  
Total investment securities 2.59     2.39     2.52     2.58     2.39  
Federal funds sold and short-term securities purchased under agreements to resell 1.35 1.30 1.13 .94 .72
Long-term securities purchased under agreements to resell 2.36 2.28 2.22 2.12 1.86
Interest earning deposits with banks 1.18     1.24     1.04     .77     .56  
Total interest earning assets 3.48     3.37     3.37     3.30     3.17  
Interest bearing deposits:
Savings .12 .12 .12 .13 .12
Interest checking and money market .17 .16 .15 .14 .13
Time open & C.D.’s of less than $100,000 .40 .40 .39 .37 .37
Time open & C.D.’s of $100,000 and over .88     .83     .75     .67     .60  
Total interest bearing deposits .24     .24     .23     .21     .19  
Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase .83 .75 .60 .46 .30
Other borrowings 3.59     3.53     3.47     3.53     3.54  
Total borrowings .90     .93     .81     .67     .54  
Total interest bearing liabilities .31 %   .31 %   .29 %   .26 %   .22 %
Net yield on interest earning assets     3.29 %   3.18 %   3.19 %   3.14 %   3.03 %



Stated on a tax equivalent basis using a federal income tax rate of 35%.



    For the Three Months Ended   For the Year Ended

(In thousands, except per share data)


December 31,


September 30,


June 30,


March 31,


December 31,

December 31,


December 31,

Balance at beginning of period $ 157,832 $ 157,832 $ 157,832 $ 155,932 $ 154,532 $ 155,932 $ 151,532
Provision for losses 12,654 10,704 10,758 11,128 10,400 45,244 36,318
Net charge-offs (recoveries):
Commercial portfolio:
Business 768 195 318 97 268 1,378 616
Real estate — construction and land (87 ) (362 ) (207 ) (535 ) (882 ) (1,191 ) (3,712 )
Real estate — business (48 )   (106 )   (10 )   (39 )   97     (203 )   (1,281 )
633     (273 )   101     (477 )   (517 )   (16 )   (4,377 )
Personal banking portfolio:
Consumer credit card 7,724 7,631 7,750 7,148 6,506 30,253 25,430
Consumer 2,184 3,057 2,642 2,096 2,427 9,979 9,047
Overdraft 376 445 292 435 379 1,548 1,339
Real estate — personal (56 ) (137 ) (131 ) 19 (38 ) (305 ) (6 )
Revolving home equity 93     (19 )   104     7     243     185     485  
10,321     10,977     10,657     9,705     9,517     41,660     36,295  
Total net loan charge-offs 10,954     10,704     10,758     9,228     9,000     41,644     31,918  
Balance at end of period     $ 159,532     $ 157,832     $ 157,832     $ 157,832     $ 155,932   $ 159,532     $ 155,932  
Commercial portfolio:
Business .06 % .02 % .03 % .01 % .02 % .03 % .01 %
Real estate — construction and land (.04 ) (.16 ) (.10 ) (.26 ) (.43 ) (.14 ) (.48 )
Real estate — business (.01 )   (.02 )       (.01 )   .02   (.01 )   (.05 )
.03     (.01 )       (.02 )   (.03 )     (.06 )
Personal banking portfolio:
Consumer credit card 4.05 4.09 4.25 3.88 3.42 4.07 3.39
Consumer .41 .59 .53 .43 .49 .49 .46
Overdraft 28.17 40.37 26.00 42.15 27.41 33.71 28.42
Real estate — personal (.01 ) (.03 ) (.03 ) (.01 ) (.02 )
Revolving home equity .09     (.02 )   .10     .01     .23   .05     .12  
.77     .83     .83     .77     .74   .80     .72  
Total     .32 %   .31 %   .32 %   .28 %   .27 % .31 %   .25 %
Non-performing assets to total loans .09 % .11 % .10 % .11 % .11 %
Non-performing assets to total assets .05 .06 .06 .06 .06
Allowance for loan losses to total loans     1.14     1.15     1.16     1.16     1.16  
Non-accrual loans:
Business $ 5,947 $ 6,821 $ 6,330 $ 7,935 $ 8,682
Real estate — construction and land 5 533 544 585 564
Real estate — business 2,736 2,346 1,833 1,764 1,634
Real estate — personal 2,461 2,863 3,504 3,368 3,403
Consumer 834     1,077     1,151     1,151      
Total 11,983     13,640     13,362     14,803     14,283  
Foreclosed real estate 681     1,063     515     387     366  
Total non-performing assets $ 12,664     $ 14,703     $ 13,877     $ 15,190     $ 14,649  
Loans past due 90 days and still accruing interest     $ 18,127     $ 16,464     $ 14,630     $ 14,908     $ 16,396  

*as a percentage of average loans (excluding loans held for sale)


Management Discussion of Fourth Quarter Results
December 31, 2017

For the quarter ended December 31, 2017, net income attributable to Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (net income) amounted to $94.4 million, compared to $74.6 million in the previous quarter and $71.6 million in the same quarter last year. In the current quarter, the Company recorded contribution expense of $25.0 million for the donation of appreciated securities to a related foundation. This donation was offset by a $24.4 million gain recorded on the donated securities and the recognition of $9.3 million in tax benefits on this transaction. This contribution represents a continuation of a strategy employed in previous quarters this year. The Company also announced that as of December 31, 2017, one-time discretionary bonuses totaling $3.3 million would be paid to approximately 75% of all employees. Also, as part of the enactment of the new tax legislation, tax benefits of $6.8 million were recorded, mostly as a result of revaluing deferred tax assets and liabilities to the new lower tax rates.

Quarterly average loans increased $183.0 million over the previous quarter, while average deposits decreased $86.6 million. Compared to the previous quarter, net interest income increased $7.4 million, while non-interest income grew $2.0 million. Non-interest expense, exclusive of the foundation contribution and one-time bonuses, increased 1.8% over the prior quarter. The provision for loan losses totaled $12.7 million, up $2.0 million over the previous quarter. For the current quarter, the return on total average assets was 1.50%, the return on average common equity was 14.2%, and the efficiency ratio was 67.9%.

Balance Sheet Review

During the 4th quarter of 2017, average loans totaled $13.8 billion, up 5.3% (annualized) over the prior quarter, and grew $541.9 million, or 4.1%, over the same period last year. Compared to the previous quarter, average construction and business loans grew $60.4 million and $41.2 million, respectively. Together, business real estate and personal real estate loans increased a combined $37.3 million, while consumer loans increased $30.4 million this quarter. Growth in construction loans was solid this quarter as advances on existing projects continued, while growth in business loans resulted from several large new borrowers. Line of credit utilization was mostly in line with the prior quarter at approximately 36% of total approved lines of credit. The increase in consumer loans was mainly due to growth of $19.1 million in patient health care loans, coupled with growth in private banking loans. During the current quarter, the Company sold certain fixed rate personal real estate loans totaling $48.0 million, compared to $64.1 million in the prior quarter.

During the 4th quarter of 2017, total average available for sale investment securities decreased $221.1 million to $9.0 billion, at fair value. The decline in investment securities was mainly the result of lower average balances of asset-backed and municipal securities due to sales, paydowns and maturities of these securities that were not re-invested, offset by higher average balances of mortgage-backed securities. Purchases of securities this quarter totaled $669.8 million and were offset by sales, maturities and pay downs of $913.4 million. At December 31, 2017, the duration of the investment portfolio was 3.0 years, and maturities and pay downs of approximately $1.4 billion are expected to occur during the next 12 months.

Total average deposits decreased $86.6 million, or 1.7% (annualized), this quarter compared to the previous quarter. The decrease in average deposits resulted mainly from a decline in certificates of deposit (decrease of $229.7 million), money market (decrease of $35.7 million), and personal demand (decrease of $52.0 million). These declines were offset by growth in business demand (increase of $210.1 million), and interest checking (increase of $64.8 million) deposit accounts. Compared to the previous quarter, total average consumer and private banking deposits decreased $15.7 million and $69.6 million, respectively, while commercial deposits grew slightly. The average loans to deposits ratio was 68.2% in the current quarter and 67.0% in the prior quarter. The Company’s average borrowings totaled $1.7 billion, an increase of $65.0 million over the prior quarter’s balance, mostly due to higher customer repurchase agreement balances.

Net Interest Income

Net interest income (tax equivalent) in the 4th quarter of 2017 amounted to $197.9 million compared with $190.5 million in the previous quarter, an increase of $7.4 million. Net interest income (tax equivalent) for the current quarter increased $16.6 million, or 9.2%, compared to the 4th quarter of last year. During the current quarter, the net yield on earning assets (tax equivalent) was 3.29%, compared with 3.18% in the previous quarter and 3.03% in the same period last year. The increase in net interest income (tax equivalent) in the current quarter compared to the prior quarter was due mainly to growth in interest on loans, a slight decline in interest expense, and an increase in inflation income of $2.7 million on the Company’s treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS). Excluding the effects of inflation income on both the current and prior quarters, the net interest margin would have increased 7 basis points.

Compared to the previous quarter, interest on loans (tax equivalent) increased $3.6 million, as a result of higher loan yields and average balances on most loan products. The average yield on the loan portfolio increased 5 basis points this quarter to 4.18%, compared to 4.13% in the previous quarter.

Interest on investment securities (tax equivalent) increased $3.2 million over the previous quarter, due to growth in inflation income mentioned above, but offset by lower average securities balances, especially in asset-backed and municipal securities. The adjustment for premium amortization expense on changing prepayment speeds for mortgage-backed securities increased interest income $655 thousand this quarter, due to a higher overall interest rate environment. Total inflation income on TIPS totaled $3.2 million in the current quarter and $447 thousand in the previous quarter. The yield on total investment securities was 2.59% in the current quarter compared to 2.39% in the prior quarter.

Interest costs on deposits remained low and totaled 24 basis points in the 4th quarter of 2017, unchanged from the prior quarter. Interest expense on deposits declined $124 thousand this quarter compared with the previous quarter due mainly to lower average balances of certificates of deposit. Borrowing costs increased $35 thousand this quarter mostly due to higher average rates paid on customer repurchase agreements. The overall rate paid on interest-bearing liabilities was .31%, the same as in the prior quarter.

Non-Interest Income

In the 4th quarter of 2017, total non-interest income amounted to $124.2 million, an increase of $4.7 million, or 4.0%, compared to the same period last year. Also, current quarter non-interest income increased $2.0 million compared to the prior quarter. The increase in non-interest income over the same period last year was mainly due to growth in trust, bank card, deposit, and loan fee income, but was offset by lower swap and capital market fee income.

Total bank card fees in the current quarter increased $2.4 million, or 5.2%, over the same period last year and increased $3.2 million compared to the prior quarter. The increase over the same period last year was mainly the result of growth in corporate card fees of $3.1 million and higher debit and credit card fee income, but was offset by a decline in merchant fees of $1.0 million. As reported in prior quarters, the decline in merchant fees resulted from the loss of several large customers over the last twelve months. Total bank card fees this quarter were comprised of fees on corporate card ($24.9 million), debit card ($10.2 million), merchant ($5.9 million) and credit card ($6.7 million) transactions.

In the current quarter, trust fees increased $4.0 million, or 12.9%, over the same period last year, resulting mainly from growth in both private client and institutional trust fee income. Compared to the same period last year, deposit account fees increased $464 thousand, or 2.1%, due to growth in both deposit and overdraft fees, partially offset by lower corporate cash management fees.

During the 4th quarter of 2017, cash sweep fees grew 20.3% to $2.0 million compared to the same period last year, and loan fees and sales grew $516 thousand, or 20.0%, on increased sales of residential mortgages. Swap fee income, however, declined $2.0 million on lower origination volume and capital market fees declined $936 thousand on lower sales volumes, mainly to correspondent bank customers. Non-interest income comprised 39.5% of the Company’s total revenue this quarter.

Investment Securities Gains and Losses

The Company recorded net securities gains of $27.2 million this quarter, compared with net losses of $3.0 million last quarter and net gains of $3.7 million in the same period last year. Net securities gains in the current quarter resulted mainly from unrealized fair value gains of $2.2 million in the Company’s private equity investment portfolio, and a gain of $24.4 million related to the Company’s contribution of appreciated securities mentioned above. The Company also sold certain equity securities for a gain of $10.1 million this quarter, offset by sales of other investment securities at a loss of $9.7 million.

Non-Interest Expense

Non-interest expense for the current quarter amounted to $213.7 million compared to $181.3 million in the same period last year. Excluding the effects of the contribution of appreciated securities to a related foundation and the one-time discretionary bonus, non-interest expense grew 2.3%, and was up slightly over the prior quarter. The increase over the same period last year was mainly due to higher costs for salaries and benefits and the contribution of appreciated securities (expense of $25.0 million this quarter), but was offset by lower operating costs such as occupancy, data processing, and other bank card network costs.

Compared to the 4th quarter of last year, salaries and benefits expense increased $7.1 million, or 6.5%. Salaries expense grew $6.3 million, mainly due to higher incentive compensation costs, including the discretionary bonus of $3.3 million mentioned above. Benefits expense totaled $16.0 million, reflecting an increase of 5.3% mainly due to higher medical costs. Growth in full-time salaries expense compared to the previous year resulted mainly from increased staffing costs in commercial and consumer, information technology and other supporting business units. Full-time equivalent employees totaled 4,800 and 4,784 at December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively.

The decline in occupancy costs of 2.2% was mainly due to demolition costs for a branch facility in the 4th quarter of 2016, which did not recur in the current quarter. Data processing costs declined $297 thousand this quarter mainly due to lower bank card processing costs of $1.3 million offset by higher software costs. Other bank card network related costs (included in other non-interest expense) declined $1.0 million, but were offset by an increase in rewards expense of $416 thousand. The decline in total bank card related expense was mainly the result of a new vendor contract negotiated in the 3rd quarter of 2017. Compared to the same period last year, supplies and communication and marketing costs increased $473 thousand and $506 thousand, respectively. The $25.0 million donation of appreciated securities to a related foundation this quarter increased community service costs by $24.7 million, but resulted in a pre-tax loss of $638 thousand (due to a related offsetting securities gain) and tax benefits of $9.3 million. The Company has completed this donation strategy, contributing over $32 million in 2017, which will not be repeated in future years.

Income Taxes

The effective tax rate for the Company was 17.6% in the current quarter, 30.2% in the previous quarter, and 31.09% in the 4th quarter of 2016. Included in the current quarter were income tax benefits of $9.3 million related to the $25.0 million contribution of appreciated securities. In addition, an income tax benefit of $6.8 million was recorded, mainly to reflect the reduction in income tax rates on the Company’s deferred tax assets and liabilities as a result of the enactment of the new federal tax reform legislation in December 2017. The Company’s effective tax rate in 2018 is likely to be reduced to a range of 19-21% as a result of this new tax legislation.

Credit Quality

Net loan charge-offs in the 4th quarter of 2017 amounted to $11.0 million, compared to $10.7 million in the prior quarter and $9.0 million in the same period last year. The ratio of annualized net loan charge-offs to total average loans was .32% in the current quarter, compared to .31% in the previous quarter and .27% in the 4th quarter of last year. During the 4th quarter of 2017, the Company recorded net loan charge-offs on commercial loans of $633 thousand, compared to net loan recoveries of $273 thousand in the prior quarter. Net loan charge-offs on personal banking loans totaled $10.3 million in the current quarter and $11.0 million in the previous quarter.

In the 4th quarter of 2017, annualized net loan charge-offs on average consumer credit card loans were 4.05%, compared to 4.09% in the previous quarter and 3.42% in the same period last year. Consumer loan net charge-offs were .41% of average consumer loans in the current quarter, .59% in the prior quarter and .49% in the same quarter last year. This quarter, the provision for loan losses exceeded net loan charge-offs by $1.7 million, and at December 31, 2017, the allowance totaled $159.5 million, or 1.14% of total loans.

At December 31, 2017, total non-performing assets amounted to $12.7 million, a decrease of $2.0 million from the previous quarter. Non-performing assets are comprised of non-accrual loans and foreclosed real estate ($12.0 million and $681 thousand, respectively). At December 31, 2017, the balance of non-accrual loans, which represented .09% of loans outstanding, included business loans of $5.9 million, business real estate loans of $2.7 million, personal real estate loans of $2.5 million and consumer loans of $834 thousand. Loans more than 90 days past due and still accruing interest totaled $18.1 million at December 31, 2017.


During the 4th quarter of 2017, the Company distributed a 5% stock dividend on its common stock. The Company paid a cash dividend of $.214 per common share and also paid an annualized 6% cash dividend on its preferred stock. The Company purchased 114,822 shares of treasury stock during the current quarter at an average price of $56.18.

Forward Looking Information

This information contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements include future financial and operating results, expectations, intentions and other statements that are not historical facts. Such statements are based on current beliefs and expectations of the Company’s management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements.


Commerce Bancshares, Inc.
Jeffery Aberdeen, 816-234-2081


Commerce Bancshares, Inc.
Jeffery Aberdeen, 816-234-2081