Third quarter 2017: Revenues +3%, The Eurotunnel Group Continues on Track


Groupe Eurotunnel (Paris:GET):

► Third quarter 2017

  • Total revenues for the third quarter of 2017 rose to €286.4 million, an increase of 3% compared to the same period in 20161 on a comparable basis.
  • Channel Tunnel Fixed Link
    • Shuttle revenues increased by 4% to €179.3 million
    • Railway Network revenue increased by 2%
    • Eurostar: traffic increased by 4%
    • Rail freight trains: traffic increased by 6%
  • Europorte: revenue increased by 3%

Jacques Gounon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Groupe Eurotunnel SE stated: “The Group’s strategy to concentrate on leadership in the most dynamic and high contribution sectors of the market, both for freight and passenger services, has enabled us to record a further increase in revenues. We remain confident for the full year.”


1 All comparisons with 2016 are made at the average exchange rate for the first nine months of 2017 of £1=€1.142 and after restatement in accordance with IFRS 5 following the sale of GB Railfreight in November 2016.

► Third quarter of 2017: key events

  • Channel Tunnel Fixed Link
    • Le Shuttle set a new passenger vehicle record for the summer period between 17 July and 3 September, carrying 563,750 cars, an increase of 2% compared to 2016.
    • Investments in premium service, like the new Flexiplus lounge in France which opened on 15 July, bore fruit with a 6% increase in bookings for this unique product during summer period.
    • Truck Shuttles continued strongly, with new records set in August and September.
    • Growth in Le Shuttle revenues also comprises increased yield.
  • Europorte
    • Renewal of major contracts, notably with Exxon, Gefco, Chevron and Lessyfer.
  • ElecLink
    • Construction continues as planned.


Revenue for the third quarter (1 July to 30 September)

Total revenues for the Group, grew by 3% at a constant exchange rate compared to 2016, to €286.4 million.


(€ million)


3rd quarter

  3rd quarter 2016



  3rd quarter 2016
Shuttle Services   179.3   172.4   4%   178.6
Railway Network 73.8 72.1 2% 74.1
Other revenues   4.3   4.2   1%   4.2
Sub-total Fixed Link   257.4   248.7   3%   256.9
Europorte   29.0   28.3   3%   28.2
Revenue   286.4   277.0   3%   285.1

* Average exchange rate for the first nine months of 2017: £1=€1.142.
** Recalculated at the exchange rate for the first nine months of 2017 and restated in application of IFRS 5 following the sale of GB Railfreight in November 2016.
*** Average exchange rate for the first nine months of 2016: £1=€1.237.

A. Channel Tunnel Fixed Link Concession

At €257.4 million, revenues for the Fixed Link in the third quarter of 2017 grew by 3%.

Revenue from Shuttle services increased by 4% compared to the same period in the previous year to €179.3 million, reflecting growth in both traffic and yield.

Revenues from use of the Railway Network increased by 2% in the third quarter, principally as a result of an increase in the number of Eurostar passengers.

B. Rail freight operators: Europorte and its subsidiaries

Revenues from Europorte amounted to €29 million, up 3%.

Revenues for the first nine months (1 January to 30 September)


(€ million)


Year to date

30 Sept 2017



Year to date

30 Sept 2016



  Year to date
30 Sept 2016
Shuttle Services   464.0   449.6   3%   467.3
Railway Network 219.7 212.7 3% 221.1
Other revenues   11.5   10.6   9%   10.9
Sub-total Fixed Link   695.2   672.9   3%   699.3
Europorte   88.2   86.6   2%   86.5
Revenue   783.4   759.5   3%   785.8

* Average exchange rate for the first nine months of 2017: £1=€1.142.
** Recalculated at the exchange rate for the first nine months of 2017 and restated in application of IFRS 5 following the sale of GB Railfreight in November 2016.
*** Average exchange rate for the first nine months of 2016: £1=€1.237.

For the first nine months of the year, up to the end of September 2017, revenues for the Eurotunnel Group reached €783.4 million (+3%).

  • Revenues from Shuttle Services grew by 3% to €464 million.
  • Revenues from the use of the Railway Network, increased by 3% to €219.7 million.
  • Europorte revenue increased by 2% to €88.2 million.


Traffic for the third quarter (1 July to 30 September)

        2017   2016   Change


Truck Shuttles   Trucks   402,796   400,450   1%
Passenger Shuttles   Cars¹   895,370   882,358   1%
    Coaches   11,244   12,021   -6%
High-speed passenger trains² (Eurostar)   Passengers   2,691,951   2,577,405   4%
Rail freight trains3 Tonnes 308,397 253,323 22%
    Trains   487   458   6%

¹ Including motorcycles, vehicles with trailers, caravans and motor homes.
² Only Eurostar passengers travelling through the Channel Tunnel are included in this table, thus excluding journeys between Paris-Calais and Brussels-Lille.
3 Rail freight services by train operators (DB Schenker on behalf of BRB, the SNCF and its subsidiaries, GB Railfreight and Europorte) using the Tunnel.

Traffic for the first nine months (1 January to 30 September)

        2017   2016   Change
Truck Shuttles   Trucks   1,225,943   1,230,056   0%
Passengers Shuttles   Cars¹   2,033,457   2,045,098   -1%
    Coaches   38,958   40,057   -3%
High-speed passenger trains² (Eurostar)   Passengers   7,732,376   7,548,485   2%
Rail freight trains3 Tonnes 909,634 766,218 19%
    Trains   1,530   1,327   15%

¹ Including motorcycles, vehicles with trailers, caravans and motor homes.
² Only Eurostar passengers travelling through the Channel Tunnel are included in this table, thus excluding journeys between Paris-Calais and Brussels-Lille.
3 Rail freight services by train operators (DB Schenker on behalf of BRB, the SNCF and its subsidiaries, GB Railfreight and Europorte) using the Tunnel.

A. Eurotunnel Shuttles

  • Passenger Shuttles: Car traffic has remained relatively stable over the first nine months of the year, despite the context. Market share for cars on the Short Straits for nine month increased to 54.1%. The focus on added value services, such as the new Flexiplus lounge has enabled us to respond to the flows of British customers who prefer the Continent as their holiday destination, as can be seen in the new record set for the period from 17 July to 3 September.
  • Truck Shuttles: Truck Shuttle traffic has remained stable over the first nine months of 2017, compared to the same period in 2016, even though it was severely disrupted at the start of the year by the weather conditions in southern Europe. The reinforced controls put in place by Eurotunnel, combined with the frequency of departures are important decision factors for customers when they choose to travel with Le Shuttle Freight. Truck market share was 39.1% for the first nine months of 2017.

B. The Railway Network

High-speed trains: 2,691,951 passengers travelled through the Channel Tunnel on Eurostar trains in the third quarter of 2017, an increase of 4% compared to the same period in 2016 and an increase of 2% for the first nine months of the year. This increase was mainly driven by overseas visitors (from markets outside Europe) and business travellers.

Cross-Channel rail freight: In the first nine months of 2017, the number of rail freight trains travelling through the Channel Tunnel increased strongly to 1,530 trains (+15%), confirmation of the trend seen since the end of 2016. For the third quarter of 2017, the number of rail freight trains travelling through the Channel Tunnel increased by 6%.

C. Europorte

On the strength of renewed contracts with major customers, Europorte France has continued with its commercial policy based on quality of service.


With record volumes despite the uncertain European context, the business remains positive. The Group confirms its published objectives.

LEI: 9695007ZEQ7M0OE74G82
Classification: Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a Member State

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John Keefe on + 44 (0) 1303 284491
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Anne-Laure Desclèves on +33(0)1 4098 0467
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Jean-Baptiste Roussille on +33 (0)1 40 98 04 81
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Category Code: QRT
Sequence Number: 634412
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20171018T203416+0100


Groupe Eurotunnel SE


Groupe Eurotunnel SE