China UniCreative Group to Join Hands With Hollywood to Build Unique Movie IP Theme Parks in China

BEIJING--()--China UniCreative Group, a fast-growing company based in China, announced that it will join hands with a Hollywood team and invest hundreds of billions of yuan to build several world-class movie IP theme towns in China in the coming years. The theme towns are likely to be located in areas like Beijing, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone and Hainan International Tourism Island. The first town is expected to open by the end of 2020.

By the end of 2016, there were already 109 theme parks in China, among which fewer than 20 were IP theme parks. The majority of them are traditional theme parks that are of poor consumer stickiness and lack of diversity in entertainment facilities.

Supported by the Chinese government, China UniCreative Group intends to build movie IP theme towns that are greatly different from traditional ones. The theme towns will integrate industries of movies & TV culture, tourism and urban life, with each town comprising four parts, namely movie and TV cluster, movie IP theme park entertainment, cultural tourism and eco-residence.

Movie IP theme parks, as a strategically important part, will firstly be built during the towns' initial construction phase. Movie IP theme parks will also target 0-10 year-old children as major customers. With the implementation of the second child planning policy, theme parks of this kind will become the favorite destinations for parents and children. Besides, these movie IP theme parks will not only introduce well-known overseas 0-10 year-old children IPs to China, but also renovate popular traditional Chinese IP figures such as Monkey King and pandas and bring them to overseas markets.

Zhao Jian, CEO of China UniCreative, said, "It was 'One Belt, One Road' Initiative and China's tremendous culture consumption market that encouraged China UniCreative to build movie IP theme towns. Although newly founded, China UniCreative has a core team that has an extensive experience in businesses of movies and TV, interactive entertainment, cultural tourism and theme towns. We and our investors are optimistic about the project and fully confident in achieving the goal."


China UniCreative
Wu Chuanhui, +86 18910682517

Release Summary

China UniCreative Group will join hands with a Hollywood team and invest hundreds of billions of yuan to build world-class movie IP theme towns in China


China UniCreative
Wu Chuanhui, +86 18910682517