Qumram Upgrades Social Media Surveillance Tool to Deliver the World’s First Truly-Compliant WhatsApp and WeChat Recording

Unique new mobile-to-mobile session recording and replay capability removes barriers to utilizing WhatsApp and WeChat for one-to-one communications

ZURICH--()--Qumram, the pioneer in RegTech, risk management, customer engagement and analytics, has extended its social media surveillance solution to enable fully-compliant mobile-to-mobile WhatsApp and WeChat conversation recording; regardless of the location and devices of either party, and despite end-to-end encryption.

Previously, employees wanting to communicate compliantly via messaging platforms including WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook Messenger, Skype, and LinkedIn, had to access their social media channels via a company computer. Qumram is the only firm able to deliver seamless and transparent social media recording.

Qumram records every digital interaction (web, social, mobile), and replays them on-demand. The movie-like replay displays every motion, mouse movement, click and swipe, exactly as the customer or employee saw it. Financial institutions governed by global regulations (e.g. SEC, FINRA, MiFID II, ESMA, Fidleg, FFSA) gain a complete digital audit trail, along with analytics that deliver deep customer experience insights.

This ground-breaking solution will be demonstrated at FinovateFall NYC (September 11-14) and in a webinar “Truly-compliant WhatsApp and WeChat Surveillance: Seeing is Believing” on October 11. Register here

Patrick Barnert, CEO at Qumram, commented: “Social media is a financial services blind-spot. Firms routinely record voice and email communications, and believe they are compliant. However, MiFID II requires all relevant e-communications to be recorded, including websites, client portals, mobile apps, and social media. Those who have left it late to address MiFID II digital record-keeping compliance are under great pressure to source a compliant social media recording solution before January 2018.”

“Many employees already use instant messaging tools like WhatsApp and WeChat to communicate with colleagues and customers; they are breaching compliance every day,” continues Barnert. “Financial institutions have three choices: do nothing and continue operating at risk, ban social media usage and risk client loss, or source a compliant solution. Most are choosing the latter.”

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Email marketing@qumram.com
Media contact: Nicola Cowburn
Phone +44 1344 751441 (UK)
Email nicola.cowburn@qumram.com


Qumram AG
Phone +41 44 300 2020
Email marketing@qumram.com
Media contact: Nicola Cowburn
Phone +44 1344 751441 (UK)
Email nicola.cowburn@qumram.com