Wiley Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2017 Results

  • Full year revenue of $1,719 million, up 2% at constant currency and down 1% excluding the impacts of foreign exchange, shifting to time-based journal subscriptions, and contributions from acquisitions. GAAP revenue flat including a $43 million unfavorable foreign exchange impact.
  • Full year adjusted EPS of $3.00, up 13% at constant currency or up 1% (favorable to guidance of mid-single digit decline) excluding the impacts of foreign exchange, the journal subscription shift, dilution from acquisitions, and unusual charges and credits. GAAP EPS down 21% primarily due to an unfavorable tax decision in Germany.
  • Revenue from digital products and services now 68% of total revenue, up from 63% in the prior year.
  • Calendar year 2017 Journal Subscriptions up 1% on a constant currency basis with approximately 97% of targeted business under contract.

HOBOKEN, N.J.--()--John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (NYSE: JWa and JWb), a global research and learning company, today announced the following results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year 2017, ending April 30:



% Change

$ millions   FY17   FY16   Excluding FX   Including FX


Q4 $452.2 $434.3 6% 4%
Full Year $1,718.5 $1,727.0 2% 0%



Q4 $0.81 $0.59 38%
Full Year $1.95 $2.48 (21%)

Adjusted EPS:

Q4 $0.82 $0.67 19% 22%
Full Year $3.00 $2.70 13% 11%

Adjusted EPS exclude tax charges and credits, restructuring charges and credits, and pension settlement as more fully described in the attached financial schedules.

Management Commentary

“We posted stronger revenue and earnings growth this quarter, largely due to growth in our Solutions business and the favorable timing of sales in Publishing,” said Matthew Kissner, Wiley’s Interim CEO and Chairman. “For the year, Research revenue growth was marginally positive and in line with expectations. The Solutions business, in addition to posting double-digit revenue growth, also reported substantial profit improvement. Overall, we ended the year with favorable operating momentum, a strong balance sheet, and reliable cash flow that will enable us to continue investing for growth while returning cash to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases.”

Fiscal Year 2018 Outlook

Wiley’s financial outlook anticipates low-single digit revenue growth in Research and low-double digit revenue growth in Solutions offset by a high-single digit revenue decline in Publishing due to further erosion of print book markets.

  • Revenue at constant currency to be approximately even with FY17. In addition, at current FX rates, Wiley would report a FY18 positive FX variance of approximately $25 million in revenue due to functional currency gains.
  • Operating income at constant currency to be approximately even with FY17 primarily due to flat revenue. In addition, at current rates, Wiley would report a positive FX variance of approximately $20 million in operating income.
  • Adjusted EPS performance at constant currency down low-single digits mostly due to $0.12 in EPS non-recurring tax benefits in FY17. The positive FX variance mentioned above would be approximately $0.25 in EPS.
  • Cash from Operations expected to improve to $350 million or higher, from $315 million in FY17.
  • Capex (TP&E + Composition and Product Development Spend) projected to be slightly lower than FY17.

Wiley will continue investing for revenue growth across its business segments. In FY18, the Company will near the completion of its ERP implementation and headquarters office transformation. Wiley is also in the process of a multi-year operational excellence initiative that focuses on achieving competitive benchmarks for quality, speed and customer service. Through organization simplification and process optimization, standardization and automation, the Company expects to meaningfully improve operating income, EPS, and Free Cash Flow in Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020. In the first quarter of fiscal 2018, Wiley will record a restructuring charge of approximately $25 million related to these activities, which will yield around $45 million in run rate savings starting in FY19, with roughly half of that realized in FY18. About half of the $45 million will be reinvested.

Adjusted Results

The Company provides financial measures referred to as “adjusted” contribution to profit and EPS, which exclude tax charges, restructuring charges, pension settlement charges related to voluntary lump sum buyouts, and certain deferred tax benefits as more fully described in the attached financial schedules. Variances to adjusted contribution to profit and EPS are on a constant currency basis unless otherwise noted. Management believes the exclusion of such items provides additional information to facilitate the analysis of results. These non-GAAP measures are not intended to replace the financial results reported in accordance with GAAP.

Foreign Exchange (FX)

Note that foreign exchange was adverse to FY17 revenue and EPS by $43 million and $0.04, respectively. Wiley generates approximately half of its revenue from outside the United States and is therefore exposed to foreign exchange rate fluctuations, particularly in relation to the euro and pound sterling. The weighted average rates for fiscal 2017 were 1.09 and 1.30, respectively. Throughout this report, references are made to variances “excluding foreign exchange” or “on a constant currency basis”; such amounts exclude both currency translation effects and transactional gains and losses.

CEO Announcement

In May, the Company announced the resignation of President and CEO Mark Allin. Matthew Kissner, Chairman of the Board, was named interim CEO. The Board has begun a search for Mr. Allin’s successor.

Fourth Quarter Summary

  • Revenue grew 4% on a US GAAP basis to $452.2 million, or 6% excluding the impact of currency. Year-over-year performance at constant currency was driven by growth in Solutions (+$8 million) and Publishing (+$10 million), and the revenue contribution from Atypon (+$9 million). Excluding that contribution, fourth quarter revenue on a constant currency basis was up 4% due to continued growth in Solutions and growth in Publishing, due to favorable timing of orders and lower returns.
  • EPS increased 38% on a US GAAP basis to $0.81, or 19% on an adjusted basis. Adjusted EPS excludes restructuring credits in the current quarter ($0.02) and charges in the prior year period ($0.08). The year-over-year increase is attributed to significant improvement in Contribution to Profit for Publishing (+117%) and Solutions (+27%), partially offset by dilution from the recent Atypon and Ranku acquisitions ($0.03). Excluding that dilution, fourth quarter adjusted EPS was up 24%.
  • Adjusted shared services and administrative costs of $135.8 million were flat for the quarter with Distribution and Operation Services declining 3% and Technology and Content Management even with the prior year.
  • Share Repurchases: Wiley repurchased 282,728 shares this quarter at a cost of $15.0 million, an average of $52.90 per share. Nearly 3.8 million shares remain in the current authorized repurchase program announced in June 2016.

Fiscal Year Summary

  • Revenue of $1,719 million was consistent with the prior year on a US GAAP basis, or up 2% excluding the adverse impact of foreign exchange (-$43 million). Performance was driven by the favorable impact of the shift to time-based Journal Subscriptions (+$34 million) and a partial year contribution from the Atypon acquisition (+$19 million). Excluding these items and the impact of currency, revenue was down 1% as steady performance in Journal Subscriptions and double-digit growth in Author-Funded Access (+26%), Online Test Preparation (+27%), and our Solutions segment (14%) did not fully offset declines in Education Books (-13%) and STM and Professional Development Books (-9%). Wiley’s percentage of revenue from digital content and services increased to 68% in FY17 (from 63% in FY16).
  • EPS declined 21% on a US GAAP basis to $1.95, or rose 13% on an adjusted basis to $3.00. Adjusted EPS excludes $1.04 and $0.22 in the current and prior year, respectively, to remove the impacts of currency, restructuring charges or credits, and unusual items. Details for these items can be found in the accompanying tables. Adjusted EPS growth is attributed to the favorable transitional impact of the shift to time-based journal subscriptions (+$0.38) and tax credits recorded in the third quarter (+$0.12), which offset dilution from the Atypon and Ranku acquisitions (-$0.08). Excluding the impact of the subscription revenue shift and the dilution of the acquisitions, adjusted EPS was up 1% primarily due to the aforementioned tax benefits and efficiency gains.
  • Adjusted shared services and administrative costs were down 2% on a US GAAP basis to $507 million, or flat on a constant currency basis. The performance is mainly due to declines in Other Administration (-9%) and Distribution and Operations (-1%), which offset a 5% increase in Technology and Content Management related to ERP and other systems development and integration.
  • Cash from Operations of $314.5 million down from $350.0 million primarily due to unfavorable timing around working capital and an unbudgeted $7 million contribution to our UK pension just before year-end. The adverse working capital performance included the timing of end-of-year payments in fiscal 2017 as compared to fiscal 2016. Collections also lagged due to unexpectedly strong book sales in April. These impacts will unwind in fiscal 2018.
  • Free Cash Flow less Composition and Product Development Spend (identical FCF metric that has been reported previously) decreased to $166.2 million from $219.0 million primarily due to lower cash from operations and higher capex (+$17 million) primarily related to the office transformation.
  • Net Debt and Cash Position: Net debt (debt less cash and cash equivalents) at the end of April was $306.5 million compared to $241.2 million as of April 30, 2016. During fiscal year 2017, the company used approximately $120 million of cash to acquire Atypon. Cash and cash equivalents were $58.5 million compared to $363.8 million at end of the prior year primarily due to the repayment of debt with proceeds from the Company’s actions to efficiently repatriate cash from foreign entities. The repatriation initiative also included $60 million in proceeds related to an associated inter-company transfer of GPB to USD, received in the fourth quarter.
  • Share Repurchases: In fiscal year 2017, Wiley repurchased 953K shares for approximately $50.3 million, an average cost of $52.80. As of April 30, the Company had nearly 3.8 million shares remaining in the repurchase program announced in June 2016.
  • Dividend: In June 2016, Wiley increased its quarterly dividend by 3.3% to $0.31 per share. It was the 23rd consecutive annual increase and raised the annualized dividend payout to $1.24 per share.


  • Revenue: Fourth quarter revenue of $234.5 million rose 2% on a US GAAP basis, or 3% on a constant currency basis. Performance was driven by the contribution from the Atypon acquisition (+$9 million), and double-digit growth in Author-Funded Access (+26%), which offset a timing-related decline in Journal Subscription revenue. For the year, revenue on a GAAP basis rose 3% to $853.5 million, or 7% at constant currency. Excluding the subscription shift ($34 million) and the Atypon contribution ($19 million), Research revenue for the year was up modestly at constant currency. Results were mainly driven by steady performance from Journal Subscriptions and strong growth in Author-Funded Access, which offset an unusually large backfile sale of $10 million in the prior year.
  • Contribution to Profit: Fourth quarter contribution to profit (CTP) of $80.3 million was down 2% on a US GAAP basis and down 3% on an adjusted basis primarily due to costs associated with the Atypon acquisition (-$2 million) and other spending to support society journals. For the year, GAAP CTP was flat and adjusted was up 2% including the benefit from the shift to time-based journal subscriptions (+$29 million) and costs associated with the Atypon acquisition (-$4 million). Excluding those items, adjusted CTP was down 8% attributed to revenue performance, higher content and royalty costs and investment in new technology.
  • Calendar Year 2017 Journal Subscriptions: As of the end of April, calendar year 2017 Journal Subscriptions were up 1% on a constant currency basis with 97% of business contracted.
  • Society Publishing Agreements: Two new society contracts were signed in the quarter with combined annual revenue of $1.7 million; fifteen were renewed with combined annual revenue of $17.3 million; and one was not renewed with annual revenue of $0.4 million, for a net gain of $1.3 million. Note: the revenue cited in quarterly society contract signings is typically not achieved until the following calendar year. For calendar year 2017, six new society contracts were signed (+$9 million annual) and fifteen were not renewed (-$9 million). Additionally, calendar year 2017 includes renewals of 91 contracts with combined annual revenue of $67 million.


  • Revenue: Fourth quarter revenue increased 5% on a US GAAP basis to $153.7 million, or 7% at constant currency due to growth in Education Books (+28%), Online Test Preparation and Certification (+52%), and Course Workflow/WileyPLUS (+6%), offsetting a 2% decline in STM and Professional Books and a 2% decline in Licensing, Distribution, Advertising and Other. Education Books improved due to favorable timing of orders, lower returns, and growth in digital books. Publishing revenue for the year declined 9% on a GAAP basis or 7% on a constant currency basis, with declines in Books and Reference Material (-11%) offsetting growth in Online Test Preparation (+27%), Course Workflow/WileyPLUS (+7%), and Licensing, Distribution, Advertising, and Other (+3%).
  • Contribution to Profit: Fourth quarter CTP grew 111% on a US GAAP basis to $31.1 million, or 117% on an adjusted basis. Strong growth was driven by revenue performance and restructuring savings, including facility closures and expense rationalization. For the year, CTP was flat on both a US GAAP and adjusted basis.


  • Revenue: Fourth quarter revenue rose 13% on a US GAAP basis to $64.0 million, or 14% at constant currency. Solid growth occurred across all product areas, including Online Program Management (+14%), Corporate Learning (+21%), and Professional Assessment (+9%). For the year, Solutions revenue of $232 million was up 13% on a US GAAP basis, or 14% at constant currency.
  • Contribution to Profit: Fourth quarter CTP on a US GAAP basis rose 49% to $5.7 million, or 27% on an adjusted basis. Growth at constant currency was due to revenue growth and improved operating efficiency. For the year, CTP on a US GAAP basis was $14.8 million, or $16.6 million adjusted, as compared to $4.0 million and $5.0 million, respectively, in the prior year.
  • Online Program Management: In the quarter, Wiley signed eleven new programs and discontinued five. As of April 30, 2017, Wiley had 39 university partners (one partnership retired this quarter) and 250 programs under contract. In the year, Wiley signed important new partners – including George Mason (VA), Seton Hall (NJ), St. John’s (NY), and Vlerick (Belgium) – and added 24 net new programs.

Earnings Conference Call

  • Scheduled for today, June 13, at 10:00 a.m. (ET)
  • Access the webcast at www.wiley.com> Investor Relations> Events and Presentations, or http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-370238.html
  • U.S. callers, please dial (888) 397-5350 and enter the participant code 1528095#.
  • International callers, please dial (719) 325-2142 and enter the participant code 1528095#.
  • An archive of the webcast will be available for a period of up to 14 days

"Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995

This release contains certain forward-looking statements concerning the Company's operations, performance, and financial condition. Reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements, as actual results may differ materially from those in any forward-looking statements. Any such forward-looking statements are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates that are inherently subject to uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, and are subject to change based on many important factors. Such factors include, but are not limited to (i) the level of investment in new technologies and products; (ii) subscriber renewal rates for the Company's journals; (iii) the financial stability and liquidity of journal subscription agents; (iv) the consolidation of book wholesalers and retail accounts; (v) the market position and financial stability of key online retailers; (vi) the seasonal nature of the Company's educational business and the impact of the used book market; (vii) worldwide economic and political conditions; (viii) the Company's ability to protect its copyrights and other intellectual property worldwide (ix) the ability of the Company to successfully integrate acquired operations and realize expected opportunities and (x) other factors detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any such forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.

About Wiley

Wiley is a global research and learning company. Through the Research segment, the Company provides scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, as well as related content and services, for academic, corporate, and government libraries, learned societies, and individual researchers and other professionals. The Publishing segment provides scientific (STM), professional development, and education books and related content, as well as test preparation services and course workflow tools, to libraries, corporations, students, professionals, and researchers. In Solutions, Wiley provides online program management services for higher education institutions, and learning, development, and assessment services for businesses and professionals.

APRIL 30, 2017 AND 2016
(in thousands, except per share amounts)


2017   2016 % Change  
US GAAP   Adjustments   Adjusted US GAAP   Adjustments   Adjusted US GAAP

excl. FX

Revenue $ 452,201 - 452,201 434,301 - 434,301 4 % 6 %
Costs and Expenses
Cost of Sales 119,299 - 119,299 109,820 - 109,820 9 % 10 %
Operating and Administrative (B) 258,822 - 258,822 260,869 - 260,869 -1 % 2 %
Restructuring (Credits) Charges (A) (1,690 ) 1,690 - 7,779 (7,779 ) -
Amortization of Intangibles 12,348   -   12,348   12,513   -   12,513   -1 % 3 %
Total Costs and Expenses 388,779 1,690 390,469 390,981 (7,779 ) 383,202 -1 % 4 %
Operating Income 63,422 (1,690 ) 61,732 43,320 7,779 51,099 46 % 16 %
Operating Margin 14.0 % 13.7 % 10.0 % 11.8 %
Interest Expense (3,576 ) - (3,576 ) (4,220 ) - (4,220 ) -15 % -15 %
Foreign Exchange (Loss) Gain (1,558 ) - (1,558 ) (916 ) - (916 )
Interest Income and Other 115   -   115   820   -   820   -86 % -86 %
Income Before Taxes 58,403 (1,690 ) 56,713 39,004 7,779 46,783 50 % 18 %
Provision for Income Taxes (C,D) 11,728   (2,355 ) 9,373   4,797   3,010   7,807   144 % 15 %
Net Income $ 46,675   665   47,340   34,207   4,769   38,976   36 % 18 %
Earnings Per Share- Diluted (A) $ 0.81 0.01 0.82 0.59 0.08 0.67 38 % 19 %
Average Shares - Diluted 57,943 57,943 57,943 58,089 58,089 58,089


2017 2016 % Change
US GAAP   Adjustments   Adjusted US GAAP   Adjustments   Adjusted US GAAP

excl. FX

Revenue $ 1,718,530 - 1,718,530 1,727,037 - 1,727,037 0 % 2 %
Costs and Expenses
Cost of Sales 460,756 - 460,756 466,177 - 466,177 -1 % 2 %
Operating and Administrative (B) 988,597 (8,842 ) 979,755 994,372 - 994,372 -1 % 1 %
Restructuring Charges (A) 13,355 (13,355 ) - 28,611 (28,611 ) -
Amortization of Intangibles 49,669   -   49,669   49,764   -   49,764   0 % 4 %
Total Costs and Expenses 1,512,377 (22,197 ) 1,490,180 1,538,924 (28,611 ) 1,510,313 -2 % 1 %
Operating Income 206,153 22,197 228,350 188,113 28,611 216,724 10 % 7 %
Operating Margin 12.0 % 13.3 % 10.9 % 12.5 %
Interest Expense (16,938 ) - (16,938 ) (16,707 ) - (16,707 ) 1 % 1 %
Foreign Exchange Gain (Loss) 421 - 421 473 - 473
Interest Income and Other 1,480   -   1,480   2,914   -   2,914   -49 % -49 %
Income Before Taxes 191,116 22,197 213,313 174,793 28,611 203,404 9 % 6 %
Provision for Income Taxes (C,D) 77,473   (38,599 ) 38,874   29,011   15,777   44,788   167 % -12 %
Net Income $ 113,643   60,796   174,439   145,782   12,834   158,616   -22 % 11 %
Earnings Per Share- Diluted (A) $ 1.95 1.05 3.00 2.48 0.22 2.70 -21 % 13 %
Average Shares - Diluted 58,199 58,199 58,199 58,734 58,734 58,734
See the accompanying Notes to Unaudited Financial Statements for a description of each adjustment.
APRIL 30, 2017 AND 2016


Fourth Quarter Ended Twelve Months Ended
April 30, April 30,
2017 2016 2017 2016
US GAAP Earnings Per Share - Diluted $ 0.81 $ 0.59 $ 1.95 $ 2.48
Adjusted to exclude the following:
Restructuring (Credits) Charges (A) (0.02 ) 0.08 0.15 0.32
One-time - Pension Settlement (B) - - 0.09 -
Unfavorable Tax Settlement (C) 0.03 - 0.85 -
Deferred Income Tax Benefit on UK Rate Change (D) - - (0.04 ) (0.10 )
Adjusted Earnings Per Share - Diluted $ 0.82   $ 0.67 $ 3.00   $ 2.70  


A Restructuring Charges: The adjusted results for the three and twelve months ended April 30, 2017 exclude restructuring (credits) charges related to the Company's Restructuring and Reinvestment Program of $(1.7) million or $(0.02) per share, and $13.4 million or $0.15 per share, respectively. The adjusted results for the three and twelve months ended April 30, 2016 exclude restructuring charges of $7.8 million or $0.08 per share, and $28.6 million or $0.32 per share, respectively.

In fiscal year 2017, the Company announced a voluntary, limited-time opportunity for terminated vested employees who were participants in the U.S. defined benefit retirement plan to elect a single lump sum payment of accumulated benefits. The aggregate amount of payments made under this one time election was $28.3 million. The total charge, recorded in the second quarter of fiscal year 2017, including a prorata portion of the unamortized net actuarial loss was $8.8 million or $0.09 per share.

C As previously disclosed and as reported in the Company's SEC filings, the Company was appealing an unfavorable tax ruling in Germany related to tax benefits obtained through an increase in the tax deductible basis of certain merged German subsidiaries. In September 2016, the German Federal Fiscal Court issued an unfavorable final judgement in Wiley's longstanding tax appeal. As a consequence, the Company reported a $49.1 million charge, or $0.85 per share in fiscal year 2017.
D Deferred Income Tax Benefit on UK Rate Change: The adjusted results exclude deferred tax benefits of $2.6 million, or $0.04 per share, for the twelve months ended April 30, 2017, and $5.9 million, or $0.10 per share for the twelve months ended April 30, 2016. The benefits in these periods are associated with changes in tax legislation enacted in the United Kingdom which reduced the U.K. corporate income tax rates. The benefits reflect the remeasurement of the Company's deferred tax balances to the new income tax rates and had no current cash tax impact. The fiscal year 2016 legislation reduced the U.K. income tax rates to 19% effective April 1, 2017 and 18% effective April 1, 2020, and the fiscal year 2017 legislation further reduced the April 1, 2020 statutory income tax rate to 17%.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures:

In addition to providing financial results in accordance with GAAP, the Company has provided adjusted financial results that exclude the impact of other nonrecurring items described in more detail throughout this press release. These non-GAAP financial measures are labeled as "Adjusted" and are used for evaluating the results of operations for internal purposes. These non-GAAP measures are not intended to replace the presentation of financial results in accordance with GAAP. Rather, the Company believes the exclusion of such items provides additional information to investors to facilitate the comparison of past and present operations. Unless otherwise noted, adjusted amounts in the attached schedules include foreign exchange.
APRIL 30, 2017 AND 2016
(in thousands)


2017 2016 % Change


  Adjusted US GAAP  


Adjusted US GAAP  

excl. FX


Research $ 234,502 - 234,502 230,846 - 230,846 2 % 3 %
Publishing 153,748 - 153,748 147,072 - 147,072 5 % 7 %
Solutions 63,951 - 63,951 56,383 - 56,383 13 % 14 %
Total $ 452,201   -   452,201   434,301   -   434,301   4 % 6 %

Direct Contribution to Profit

Research $ 112,578 1,272 113,850 113,884 (381 ) 113,503 -1 % -1 %
Publishing 70,720 - 70,720 62,345 127 62,472 13 % 16 %
Solutions 12,811 168 12,979 12,121 657 12,778 6 % 1 %
Total $ 196,109   1,440   197,549   188,350   403   188,753   4 % 5 %

Contribution to Profit (After Allocated Shared Services

and Admin. Costs)

Research $ 78,993 1,272 80,265 80,753 (381 ) 80,372 -2 % -3 %
Publishing 31,064 - 31,064 14,713 127 14,840 111 % 117 %
Solutions 5,725 168 5,893 3,832 657 4,489 49 % 27 %
Total $ 115,782 1,440 117,222 99,298 403 99,701 17 % 16 %
Unallocated Shared Services and Admin. Costs (52,360 ) (3,130 ) (55,490 ) (55,978 ) 7,376 (48,602 ) -6 % 16 %
Operating Income $ 63,422   (1,690 ) 61,732   43,320   7,779   51,099   46 % 16 %

Total Shared Services and Admin. Costs by Function

Distribution and Operation Services $ (15,754 ) (3,113 ) (18,867 ) (25,921 ) 5,817 (20,104 ) -39 % -3 %
Technology and Content Management (66,839 ) (204 ) (67,043 ) (68,156 ) 94 (68,062 ) -2 % 0 %
Finance (12,437 ) 2 (12,435 ) (13,140 ) 1,159 (11,981 ) -5 % 6 %
Other Administration (37,657 ) 185   (37,472 ) (37,813 ) 306   (37,507 ) 0 % 2 %
Total $ (132,687 ) (3,130 ) (135,817 ) (145,030 ) 7,376   (137,654 ) -9 % 0 %


2017 2016 % Change


  Adjusted US GAAP  


Adjusted US GAAP  

excl. FX


Research $ 853,489 - 853,489 826,778 - 826,778 3 % 7 %
Publishing 633,449 - 633,449 695,728 - 695,728 -9 % -7 %
Solutions 231,592 - 231,592 204,531 - 204,531 13 % 14 %
Total $ 1,718,530   -   1,718,530   1,727,037   -   1,727,037   0 % 2 %

Direct Contribution to Profit

Research $ 397,486 1,949 399,435 383,499 2,982 386,481 4 % 5 %
Publishing 285,174 1,596 286,770 304,965 4,507 309,472 -6 % -5 %
Solutions 47,673 1,787 49,460 36,975 1,042 38,017 29 % 29 %
Total $ 730,333   5,332   735,665   725,439   8,531   733,970   1 % 2 %

Contribution to Profit (After Allocated Shared Services

and Admin. Costs)

Research $ 252,228 1,949 254,177 252,110 2,982 255,092 0 % 2 %
Publishing 125,703 1,596 127,299 126,058 4,507 130,565 0 % 0 %
Solutions 14,822 1,787 16,609 3,992 1,042 5,034 271 % 224 %


$ 392,753 5,332 398,085 382,160 8,531 390,691 3 % 4 %
Unallocated Shared Services and Admin. Costs (186,600 ) 16,865 (169,735 ) (194,047 ) 20,080 (173,967 ) -4 % 1 %
Operating Income $ 206,153   22,197   228,350   188,113   28,611   216,724   10 % 7 %

Total Shared Services and Admin. Costs by Function

Distribution and Operation Services $ (82,474 ) 6,668 (75,806 ) (90,180 ) 10,137 (80,043 ) -9 % -1 %
Technology and Content Management (268,259 ) 1,458 (266,801 ) (262,178 ) 3,537 (258,641 ) 2 % 5 %
Finance (46,755 ) (294 ) (47,049 ) (50,233 ) 3,474 (46,759 ) -7 % 3 %
One-time Pension Settlement (8,842 ) 8,842 - - - -
Other Administration (117,850 ) 191   (117,659 ) (134,735 ) 2,932   (131,803 ) -13 % -9 %
Total $ (524,180 ) 16,865   (507,315 ) (537,326 ) 20,080   (517,246 ) -2 % 0 %
(A) See the accompanying Notes to Unaudited Financial Statements for a description of the adjustment.
APRIL 30, 2017 AND 2016
(in thousands)

Fourth Quarter Ended

Twelve Months Ended
April 30, April 30,
2017 2016


% Change
excl. FX

2017 2016


excl. FX



Direct Contribution to Profit $ 112,578 113,884 -1 % -3 % $ 397,486 383,499 4 % 6 %
Restructuring Charges (Credits) (A) 1,272   (381 ) 1,949   2,982  
Adjusted Direct Contribution to Profit 113,850 113,503 0 % -1 % 399,435 386,481 3 % 5 %
Allocated Shared Services and Admin. Costs (33,585 ) (33,131 ) 1 % 3 % (145,258 ) (131,389 ) 11 % 13 %
Adjusted Contribution to Profit (after allocated $ 80,265   80,372   0 % -3 % $ 254,177   255,092   0 % 2 %
Shared Services and Admin. Costs)


Direct Contribution to Profit $ 70,720 62,345 13 % 16 % $ 285,174 304,965 -6 % -5 %
Restructuring Charges (A) -   127   1,596   4,507  
Adjusted Direct Contribution to Profit 70,720 62,472 13 % 16 % 286,770 309,472 -7 % -5 %
Allocated Shared Services and Admin. Costs (39,656 ) (47,632 ) -17 % -15 % (159,471 ) (178,907 ) -11 % -9 %
Adjusted Contribution to Profit (after allocated $ 31,064   14,840   109 % 117 % $ 127,299   130,565   -3 % 0 %
Shared Services and Admin. Costs)
- - - -


Direct Contribution to Profit $ 12,811 12,121 6 % 5 % $ 47,673 36,975 29 % 28 %
Restructuring Charges (A) 168   657   1,787   1,042  
Adjusted Direct Contribution to Profit 12,979 12,778 2 % 1 % 49,460 38,017 30 % 29 %
Allocated Shared Services and Admin. Costs (7,086 ) (8,289 ) -15 % -13 % (32,851 ) (32,983 ) 0 % 0 %
Adjusted Contribution to Profit (after allocated $ 5,893   4,489   31 % 27 % $ 16,609   5,034  
Shared Services and Admin. Costs)
Total Adjusted Contribution to Profit (after $ 117,222 99,701 18 % 16 % $ 398,085 390,691 2 % 4 %
allocated Shared Services and Admin. Costs)

Unallocated Shared Services and Admin. Costs:

Unallocated Shared Services and Admin. Costs $ (52,360 ) (55,978 ) -6 % -5 % $ (186,600 ) (194,047 ) -4 % -1 %
Restructuring (Credits) Charges (A) (3,130 ) 7,376 8,023 20,080
One-time - Pension Settlement (B) -   -   8,842   -  
Adjusted Unallocated Shared Services and Admin. Costs $ (55,490 ) (48,602 ) 14 % 16 % $ (169,735 ) (173,967 ) -2 % 1 %
Adjusted Operating Income $ 61,732   51,099   21 % 16 % $ 228,350   216,724   5 % 7 %
See the accompanying Notes to Unaudited Financial Statements for a description of the adjustment.
APRIL 30, 2017 AND 2016
(in thousands)
Fourth Quarter     Twelve Months    
Ended April 30, % of % Change Ended April 30, % of % Change
  2017   2016   Revenue   excl. FX   2017   2016   Revenue   excl. FX


Journal Revenue
Journal Subscriptions $ 167,319 171,335 71% -3% $ 639,720 622,305 75% 6%
Author-Funded Access 8,782 7,370 4% 26% 30,633 25,671 4% 26%
Licensing, Reprints, Backfiles, and Other 49,775 52,141 21% 1% 164,070 178,802 19% -3%
Total Journal Revenue 225,876 230,846 96% -1% 834,423 826,778 98% 4%
Platform Services (Atypon) 8,626 - 4% 19,066 - 2%
Total Research Revenue   $ 234,502


230,846   100%   3% $ 853,489   826,778   100%   7%


STM and Professional Books $ 75,521 79,242 49% -2% $ 291,255 330,984 46% -9%
Education Books 33,674 26,656 22% 28% 196,343 229,989 31% -13%
Total Books and Reference Material 109,195 105,898 71% 6% 487,598 560,973 77% -11%
Course Workflow (WileyPLUS) 18,178 17,160 12% 6% 62,348 58,519 10% 7%
Online Test Preparation and Certification 10,024 6,643 7% 52% 35,609 28,115 6% 27%
Licensing, Distribution, Advertising and Other 16,351 17,371 11% -2% 47,894 48,121 8% 3%
Total Publishing Revenue   $ 153,748   147,072   100%   7% $ 633,449   695,728   100%   -7%


Online Program Management 30,443 26,715 48% 14% 111,638 96,469 48% 16%
Professional Assessment 16,417 15,174 26% 9% 59,868 57,370 26% 5%
Corporate Learning 17,091 14,494 27% 21% 60,086 50,692 26% 20%

Total Solutions Revenue

  $ 63,951   56,383   100%   14% $ 231,592   204,531   100%   14%
Total Revenue $ 452,201 434,301 6% $ 1,718,530 1,727,037 2%
(in thousands)
April 30,
2017 2016
Current Assets
Cash & cash equivalents $ 58,516 363,806
Accounts receivable 188,679 167,638
Inventories 47,852 57,779
Prepaid and other 64,688 81,456
Total Current Assets 359,735 670,679
Product Development Assets 99,275 72,126
Technology, Property and Equipment 252,488 214,770
Intangible Assets 828,099 877,007
Goodwill 982,101 951,663
Income Tax Deposits - 62,912
Other Assets 84,519 71,939
Total Assets 2,606,217 2,921,096
Current Liabilities
Accounts and royalties payable 139,206 166,222
Deferred revenue 436,235 426,489
Accrued employment costs 98,185 97,902
Accrued income taxes 22,222 9,450
Accrued pension liability 5,776 5,492
Other accrued liabilities 86,232 76,252
Total Current Liabilities 787,856 781,807
Long-Term Debt 365,000 605,007
Accrued Pension Liability 214,597 224,170
Deferred Income Tax Liabilities 160,491 189,868
Other Long-Term Liabilities 75,136 83,138
Shareholders' Equity 1,003,137 1,037,106

Total Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity

$ 2,606,217 2,921,096
(in thousands)
Twelve Months Ended
April 30,
2017 2016
Operating Activities:

Net income


113,643 145,782
Amortization of intangibles 49,669 49,764
Amortization of composition costs 40,209 39,658
Depreciation of technology, property and equipment 66,683 66,427
Restructuring charges 13,355 28,611
Restructuring payments (22,854 ) (29,864 )
Deferred income tax benefit on UK rate change (2,575 ) (5,859 )
Unfavorable tax settlement 49,029 -
One-time pension settlement 8,842 -
Share-based compensation expense 17,552 16,105
Excess tax benefits from share-based compensation (414 ) (1,027 )
Royalty advances (112,370 ) (110,135 )
Earned royalty advances 114,647 109,102
Other non-cash charges and credits 6,298 15,786
Change in deferred revenue 22,692 66,983
Net change in operating assets and liabilities (49,905 ) (41,376 )
Cash Provided by Operating Activities 314,501 349,957
Investments in organic growth:
Additions to technology, property and equipment (110,700 ) (93,705 )
Book composition and other product development spending (37,559 ) (37,272 )

Free Cash Flow less Book Composition and Other
Product Development Spending

166,242 218,980
Other Investing and Financing Activities:
Acquisitions, net of cash (154,766 ) (20,418 )
Proceeds from settlement of foreign exchange forward contract 60,417 -
Repayment of long-term debt (923,007 ) (460,085 )
Repayment of short-term debt - (150,000 )
Borrowings of long-term debt 683,000 415,000
Borrowings of short-term Debt - 50,000
Change in book overdrafts (214 ) 1,725
Cash dividends (71,545 ) (69,896 )
Purchase of treasury shares (50,326 ) (69,977 )
Debt issuance costs - (3,362 )
Proceeds from exercise of stock options and other 15,506 (95 )
Excess tax benefits from share-based compensation 414   1,027  
Cash Used for Investing and Financing Activities (440,521 ) (306,081 )
Effects of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash (31,011 ) (6,534 )

Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents for Period


(305,290 ) (93,635 )
Investing Activities:

Book composition and other product development spending


(37,559 ) (37,272 )
Additions to technology, property and equipment (110,700 ) (93,705 )
Proceeds from settlement of foreign exchange forward contract 60,417 -
Acquisitions, net of cash (154,766 ) (20,418 )

Cash Used for Investing Activities


(242,608 ) (151,395 )
Financing Activities:

Cash Used for Investing and Financing Activities


(440,521 ) (306,081 )
Acquisitions, net of cash (154,766 ) (20,418 )
Proceeds from settlement of FX forward contract 60,417   -  

Cash Used for Financing Activities


(346,172 ) (285,663 )

Free Cash Flow less Composition Spending:


The Company provides financial measures referred to as “Free Cash Flow less Book Composition and Other Product Development Spending.” Free Cash Flow less Book Composition and Other Product Development Spending is defined as “cash flow from operating activities, less book composition and other product development and capital spending.” Management believes this metric provides additional information to investors to facilitate the comparison of past and present results. This metric is also used internally by management in evaluating results. This non-GAAP measure is not intended to replace the financial results reported in accordance with US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.


John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Brian Campbell, 201-748-6874
Investor Relations


John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Brian Campbell, 201-748-6874
Investor Relations