Consumer Group Applauds Federal Action to Strengthen U.S. Energy Security

WASHINGTON--()--Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt today released the following statement applauding U.S. President Donald Trump’s executive action to examine new opportunities for domestic energy production and remove barriers to development that were imposed in recent years.

“Today’s announcement is a welcome departure from restrictive actions taken by the prior administration, which make it harder for families and businesses to meet basic daily needs, serve customers, and put Americans to work.

“By considering new opportunities to develop America’s abundant offshore energy resources, today’s action will help cement American energy security for decades to come. This will also drive economic growth and job opportunities in communities across the country and reduce our dependence on energy from countries, which lack the strong safety and environmental safeguards that we have here at home. That is why CEA strongly supports today’s decision and looks forward to engaging families, businesses, and communities across the United States as it is implemented.”

About Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America's energy future. With more than 450,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy's importance to the economy. Learn more at


Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA)
Emily Haggstrom, 720-582-0242

Release Summary

Consumer Energy Alliance applauds U.S. President Donald Trump’s offshore energy executive action to examine new opportunities for domestic energy production and remove barriers to development.



Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA)
Emily Haggstrom, 720-582-0242