Javelin Networks Adds Artificial Intelligence to Protect the Active Directory and Host Domain Credentials from Cyber Attacks

SAN FRANCISCO--()--RSA CON - Booths #2721/#4522 – Javelin Networks, the only company that protects the Active Directory and provides autonomous prevention, containment, threat hunting and incident response capabilities, in an all-in-one artificial intelligence driven platform, today announced that the company has introduced AD|Protect™ as the AI-based platform to stop the use of stolen and misused directory credentials to move laterally into an organization.

The problem: Enterprises use all types of products to prevent an attack, however, it only takes one compromised machine to penetrate the network and cause irreparable harm. Once gaining a foothold on a single machine, attackers act to move discretely off the machine and into the network. The desired way is to discover and compromise Active Directory credentials so they may traverse the network undetected, indefinitely.

Today’s cyber defense is not capable of detecting malicious use of valid domain credentials. Post breach detection and remediation is focused on unmanageable data collection and indicators of compromise (IOC), occurring after an attacker has moved beyond the compromised machine. By then the attacker has penetrated the organization and has done his damage.

The solution: Javelin’ AD|Protect™ is designed to thwart attackers at the point of compromise and contain the breach to that one machine. It does so by autonomously projecting to the attacker an amplified false set of organizational resources, including the Active Directory, that look and act real, yet get the attacker nowhere. The result is Javelin’s automated incident response and breach containment that greatly improves attack compromise detection and directory credential theft/misuse, while reducing operational effort of IT security teams to investigate and contain the attack.

With Javelin, the attacker will not get valid credentials or organizational topology. Without this, the attacker cannot move beyond the endpoint nor do so undetected. Javelin protects the entire organization from the point of attacker entry without unnecessarily adding to the infrastructure nor altering the Active Directory itself.

Javelin Benefits

1. Detects hackers activities in real-time, without behavior or data analysis

2. Autonomously Investigates and collects full forensics and attack pathways

3. Contains and takes action to stop attackers on the host automatically

"Since 2000, when Microsoft introduced the Windows Server 2008 R2, as a centralized domain management repository to ease overall IT management, attackers have discovered the real asset to an organization is its Active Directory database,” said Roi Abutbul, CEO of Javelin. “Access to this gives attackers unfettered control of the entire organization - undetected, indefinitely. Javelin not only detects the hacker on the compromised host and reveals their movement, it also prevents loss to the organization’s most valuable assets, the Active Directory.”

Javelin recently announced a $5 million Series-A Financing Round to fuel its development and growth. Investors participating in the Series-A financing are RSL Capital, Hillsven Capital, UpWest Labs, Tomer Weingarten, CEO of SentinelOne and other influential Private Investors.

Traditional Active Directory security solutions reside inside the Active Directory and don't have prevention or analysis capabilities, leaving defenders without any insight once a breach occurs, or the ability to automatically deflect attacks in real time. By the time they detect a breach, attackers have already penetrated the organization.

Javelin at RSA

See Javelin at the premier cybersecurity event, the RSA Conference, held in San Francisco at the Moscone Center from February 14-17th. Visit Javelin’s booths, South #2721 and North #4522

About Javelin Networks

Javelin Networks protects the Active Directory and provides autonomous prevention, containment, incident response, and threat hunting capabilities in an all-in-one A.I.- driven platform. It’s the only agentless solution that immediately contains attackers after they compromise a machine, preventing them from using Active Directory credentials and moving laterally into the network. Javelin protects the one asset that attackers know is unprotected.

Visit the company’s website at www.javelin-networks.com


Zonic Group PR
Gregory Cross


Zonic Group PR
Gregory Cross