Marcus Hiles - On Western Rim’s Strategies to Reduce Residential Carbon Footprint

DALLAS--()--The housing sector is often the largest portion of an individual’s carbon footprint. Chairman and CEO of Western Rim Property Services, Marcus Hiles recently discussed the many steps his corporation takes in order to provide environmentally friendly and energy-efficient residences, and what occupants can do to further assist at home. For the average US citizen, heating and cooling accounts for almost 50% of carbon emissions. To reduce these, each Western Rim property utilizes three primary strategies: effective insulation, Energy Star rated systems, and programmable thermostats with advanced options to set different temperatures for certain rooms.

Coal and natural gas, both carbon intensive fuel sources, provide over 60% of the electricity available worldwide. Nuclear, hydro, wind and solar provide cleaner power, but the process of acquiring them is too costly for the average American. Instead, Marcus Hiles suggests smart and limited use of lights, refrigeration, entertainment and cleaning appliances. Simply switching from old, incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent lights can reduce up to 80% of the energy required to operate them, and new light emitting diodes (LED) perform even better. Fridges and freezers can be made more efficient by not setting them too cold, insuring they are properly sealed, are well defrosted, and located in the coolest area possible. Televisions, computers, phones and other technology should be turned off and unplugged when not in use, as even their standby consumption can be significant.

Water is a significant source of emissions in most first-world countries, with over ten gallons used per person per day. Taking shorter, cooler showers, fewer baths, and turning off the faucet when brushing or shaving are a few simple conservation techniques. By installing low flow showerheads and toilets, a serious impact can be made.

About Western Rim Property Services:

Western Rim Property Services, Inc. develops, owns, and manages apartment homes in Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin, New Braunfels, San Antonio, and Houston, Texas. Known to offer a contemporary, high quality and luxurious lifestyle to its residents, the firm’s mission is simple: build the highest quality homes in the very best locations, maximizing views with signature amenities, in superior school districts. This assures a rapid lease-up and excellent customer acceptance.

Tiffany Jones, 202-759-4575