Oncodesign’s OncoSNIPE® Collaborative Programme Receives €7.7 Million in Support from the “Investments for the Future Programme” Operated by Bpifrance

  • Creation of a consortium of hospitals, universities and corporates to develop diagnostic tools and research new therapeutic targets
  • The programme has a total budget of €12 million, with €7.7 million coming from French government funds as part of call for structural competitiveness projects (PSPC), under the “Investment for the Future Programme”, managed by the Commissariat Général à l'Investissement (CGI) and operated by Bpifrance

DIJON, France--()--Regulatory News:

Oncodesign (Paris:ALONC) (FR0011766229 - ALONC), a biotechnology company serving the pharmaceutical industry in the discovery of new therapeutic molecules to fight cancer and other serious illnesses with no known effective treatment, today announced Prime Minister’s agreement to provide financial support for its strategic OncoSNIPE® programme.

OncoSNIPE® is a programme designed to develop and implement “bio-IT” approaches, drawing on methodologies including artificial intelligence, statistical learning and semantic enrichment to help identify and characterise patients who are resistant to anti-cancer treatments and thus target research and development on specific therapies through the identification of new targets.

OncoSNIPE® will enable Oncodesign to generate new research pathways for its Experimentation and Discovery activities.

The programme, which will last four years, is managed and coordinated by Oncodesign and will bring together four industrial partners with complementary expertise and core businesses – Expert System (Modena, Italy), Sword (Lyon, France), Acobiom (Montpellier, France) and Oncodesign (Dijon, France) – and three French academic institutions – Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, Centre George François Leclerc in Dijon and Institut Paoli Calmettes in Marseille, these last two being anti-cancer centres.

Precision medicine is focused on understanding diseases in patients

The OncoSNIPE® programme is an R&D programme that forms part of an approach which considers precision medicine as one of the major challenges in patient care. It is all the more important in oncology, where the development of resistance and tolerance to treatment gives rise to relapses that result each year in multiple patient deaths (8.2 million deaths in 2012 – World Cancer Report 2014, by Stewart and Wild, IARC, WHO).

OncoSNIPE will target three types of cancer: breast, pancreas and lung. These three cancers are representative of the conditions for the action or emergence of resistance mechanisms in oncology and will give the programme the diversity needed to develop tools for diagnostic and therapeutic targeting.

Approved by the Cap Digital competitiveness institution, OncoSNIPE® is a successful candidate for the “Investments for the Future Programme” (Programme d’investissements d’avenir - PIA) for structural competitiveness projects (Projets de Recherche et Développement Structurants pour la Compétitivité – PSPC). As a result, and subject to final contractual details being agreed with Bpifrance, it will receive government support of €7.7 million in the form of repayable advances and subsidies to be shared between the academic institutions and business partners. The projected total budget for OncoSNIPE® collaborative programme, including private investment, is €12 million, and the programme will produce 43 direct jobs between 2021 and 2025.

Over these 4 years, more than 800 patients will be enrolled in the programme by the academic partners, and 600 will receive an original form of longitudinal monitoring. This will include traditional clinical monitoring as well as NGS genomic monitoring of their tumour (Exom-seq and RNA-seq) and of their blood markers (RNA-seq) at the time of diagnosis, at the time of best therapeutic response and at the time of the emergence of the first signs of resistance. The resulting information, contextualised using semantic enrichment, will be used to model resistance mechanisms, identify biomarkers, discover new therapeutic targets and generate the knowledge needed to create a precision medicine approach dedicated to patients who are resistant to anti-cancer treatments.

“The announcement of Bpifrance’s financial support for the development of the OncoSNIPE® programme is a strong signal of the interest government bodies have in developing innovative solutions that match treatments to diseases in patients using precision medicine. Having available effective personalised treatments for cancers and thus optimising treatment costs is a significant goal for the healthcare system,” said Philippe Genne, CEO and founder of Oncodesign.In addition, this programme will enable Oncodesign to accelerate the identification of new targets so as to develop new therapeutic solutions.”

“Bpifrance is proud to support this ambitious and multidisciplinary programme through the “Investments for the Future Programme” that fits well with the national strategy for the development of genomic medicine. Beyond the expected medical benefit, substantial industrial growth is expected for the companies involved in this programme” said Paul-François Fournier, Senior Executive VP of Innovation Direction at Bpifrance.

About Acobiom:

Acobiom is a biotechnology company specializing in the discovery of new biological markers and the development of innovative diagnostics focused on personalized medicine. This market is in rapid expansion and expected to be valued at 2.5tn US $ by 2022 by Genetic Insider. Personalized medicine is meeting patients’ needs: better stratifying patients, reducing drug side effects, better managing health expenditures and offering better therapeutic efficacy, as it enables “Giving the right treatment to the right patient!” Biomarkers are identified and selected by Acobiom using its proprietary technological platform, which combines genomics, transcriptomics, bioinformatics, and data science. With its unique scientific expertise in analyzing gene expression in blood cells and whole blood, Acobiom has established its position in the field of personalized medicine and in the development of (companion) diagnostics in order to select the best-in-class treatment. This approach enables targeted drug selection that matches the patient’s own phenotypic profile for the treatment of diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease among others. Founded in 1999, Acobiom is located in the Biopole Euromedicine life sciences business center in Montpellier, France, and is a member of local health care clusters.

About Centre Georges-François Leclerc (CGFL)

The cancer center Georges-François Leclerc, founded in 1967, is the only healthcare facility exclusively dedicated to oncology for the whole region of Burgundy / Franche-Comté. In 50 years, it has become a reference center located between Paris and Lyon for the fight against cancer and for the benefit of 21,000 patients treated each year with the development of multiple innovative activities : molecular medicine, genomics, immunotherapy, pre-clinical and clinical imaging, early development of new drugs, high-precision radiotherapy, ambulatory surgery, quality of life.
Its internationally renowned team of physicians-researchers offers a personalized medicine and a research that directly benefits patients through its state-of-the-art platforms listed in the catalog of the University of Burgundy among which one for early clinical research, the only one in the whole Great East of France to be labeled by the National Cancer Institute. Centre Georges-François Leclerc has conducted research on an advanced personalization of treatments by having a comprehensive view, from basic research to clinical research. The CGFL is the only institution in our region that prohibits its physicians from having a liberal activity and overrun fees, thus offering all patients an access to innovative care without anything to pay. With 10% of its annual budget (€ 85M) devoted to research, 735 employees including 133 medical doctors and 48 researchers, this private nonprofit health institution, with public service missions of care, training and cancer research, is responsible for more than 21,000 patients each year, including 4,800 inpatients. Centre Georges-François Leclerc is a member of the Unicancer Group.

About Expert System

Expert System created Cogito, a text analytics technology that transforms the way organizations find, comprehend and use information. Cogito leverages proprietary artificial intelligence algorithms to deliver business value and ROI by extracting actionable knowledge from internal and external information and automating business processes. Cogito has been deployed to serve enterprises and government organizations in some of the world's largest industries (Banking and Insurance, Pharmaceuticals, Oil and Gas, Publishing and Government) including companies such as Shell, Chevron, Eli Lilly, Nalco Champion, Bloomberg BNA, Sanofi, Thomson Reuters, Wiley, Wolters Kluwer, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Justice. Follow us on Twitter at @Expert_System

About Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg

Ranked among the top teaching hospitals in France, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg are renowned for the quality of the care it provides, the excellence of its clinical research and innovation, and its leadership in the initial or continuous training of healthcare professionals in the Alsace region. The collaboration on various projects between Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg and the University of Strasbourg, which has risen to international prominence in the Shanghai academic ranking, serves as a shining example for other French hospitals and universities to follow. With its University Hospital Institute, which specializes in image-guided minimally-invasive surgery, its 21 certified teams (CNRS, INSERM, University of Strasbourg) and its partnership in 4 LabEx (Laboratories of Excellence), research lies at the heart of the teaching hospital of Strasbourg’s strategy. It contributes to the advancement of medicine and runs projects at the forefront of innovation for the benefit of patients. In conjunction with the Paul Strauss anti-cancer center, the teaching hospital of Strasbourg founded the Regional Cancer Institute, which plays a cooperation and coordination role in the public-sector cancer treatment sector in Strasbourg and the surrounding region. With its various projects, including the new PMTL medtech and musculoskeletal facility, the Regional Cancer Institute, and international and European development, the teaching hospital of Strasbourg is pursuing an ambitious policy. Not only does it serve the population of Alsace and beyond, but it has also gained recognition in its areas of expertise at national, European and international level.

About IPC (Paoli-Calmettes Institute)

Paoli-Calmettes Institute, based in Marseilles, is the leading comprehensive cancer center in region in terms of activities, providing global care for cancer. It is a member of the national federation UNICANCER. Paoli-Calmettes Institute has been licensed by the HAS (the overall health authority in France), level A. It comprises 1,523 employees - researchers, medical doctors, health and administrative staff – engaged in a wide range of activities on site: prevention, research, treatment and training. IPC registered over 82,987 consultations and over 9,271 new patients in 2015.

About ONCODESIGN: www.oncodesign.com

Founded over 20 years ago by Dr Philippe Genne, the Company’s CEO and Chairman, Oncodesign is a biotechnology company that maximises the pharmaceutical industry’s chances of success in discovering new therapeutic molecules to fight cancer and other serious illnesses with no known effective treatment. With its unique experience acquired by working with more than 600 clients, including the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, along with its comprehensive technological platform combining state-of-the-art medicinal chemistry, advanced animal modelling and medical imaging, Oncodesign is able to predict and identify, at a very early stage, each molecule's therapeutic usefulness and potential to become an effective drug. Applied to kinase inhibitors, which represent a market estimated at over $46 billion in 2016 and accounting for almost 25% of the pharmaceutical industry’s R&D expenditure, Oncodesign’s technology has already enabled the targeting of several promising molecules with substantial therapeutic potential, in oncology and elsewhere, along with partnerships with pharmaceutical groups such as Bristol-Myers Squibb, Ipsen and UCB. Oncodesign is based in Dijon, France, in the heart of the town’s university and hospital hub, and within the Paris-Saclay cluster, Oncodesign has 165 employees and subsidiaries in Canada and the USA.

About Sword Group:

SWORD has 1,600+ IT/Digital & Software specialists present over five continents to accompany you in the growth of your organisation in the digital age. As a leader in technological and digital transformation, SWORD has since 2000 acquired a solid reputation in software publishing and in complex IT & business project management.
With SWORD you have the guarantee of strong close and qualified local commitment, the aim of which is to optimise your processes and data. Above all, our ambition is to build sustainably and foster the loyalty of our staff, our clients and our partners by building on our values and our enthusiasm to accompany you throughout your projects.
The Group’s performance enables us to invest in the R&D projects that contribute to our positioning and our differenciation on niche markets. Thanks to its recognised competences in over 20 countries, Sword benefits from the trust of prestigious references such as: Admiral, Barclays Bank, BMW, the European Union, the National Payment and Trademark Offices, Lombard, Orange, the United Nations Organisation, etc.
Consulting and IT Services: SWORD commits for the most part to fixed-price contracts and operates with a network of competence centres (business units) in different specialised fields: Geographic Information Systems, ECM/EDM, corporate search engines, digital marketing, CRM, portals and corporate social networks, Data and Business Intelligence, Web and Mobile development, infrastructure and cloud, cyber security, performance and applications optimisation, desktop publishing and intellectual property. Software: SWORD develops on demand product lines in the Risk and Compliance sectors (SWORD Active Risk and SWORD Achiever), Intellectual Property (SWORD Intellect), Health (SWORD Orizon), Desktop Publishing (SWORD Kami), Predictive Analysis (SWORD Insight) and Asset Finance (SWORD Apak).

About the PIA (Investments for the Future Programme)

French government’s €47 billion “Investments for the Future Programme” is operated by the General Commission for Investment. Since 2010, €36 billion have been invested on 6 priorities for France’s Future:

• higher education and vocational training

• research and technology transfer

• modernisation of enterprise

• sustainable development

• digital technology

• health and biotechnology

Find out about the program ‘Investments for the Future Programme’:

About Bpifrance

Bpifrance, a subsidiary of the French state and the Caisse des Dépôts and the entrepreneurs’ trusted partner, finances businesses from the seed phase to IPO, through loans, guarantees and equity investments.
Bpifrance also provides operational services and strong support for innovation, export, and external growth in partnership with Business France.
Bpifrance offers to businesses a large range of financing opportunities at each key step of their development, including offers adapted to regional specificities.
With its 47 regional offices (90% of decisions are made locally) Bpifrance represents a strategic tool for economic competitiveness dedicated to entrepreneurs.
Bpifrance acts as a back-up for initiatives driven by the French State and the Regions to tackle 3 goals:

• Contributing to SME’s growth

• Preparing tomorrow’s competitiveness

• Contributing to the development of a positive entrepreneur ecosystem.

With Bpifrance, businesses benefit from a powerful, efficient and close representative, to answer all their needs in terms of financing, innovation and investment.
More info: @ www.bpifrance.fr – Follow us: @bpifrance


Philippe Genne
Chairman and CEO
Tel : +33 (0)3 80 78 82 60
Nicolas Jehly
Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 79 95 12
Investor & Press Relations
Julien Perez / Nicolas Merigeau
Tel. : +33 (0)1 44 71 98 52


Philippe Genne
Chairman and CEO
Tel : +33 (0)3 80 78 82 60
Nicolas Jehly
Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 79 95 12
Investor & Press Relations
Julien Perez / Nicolas Merigeau
Tel. : +33 (0)1 44 71 98 52