Best year ever for Unitedprint

Online print shop 100% self-financing since the start of the year

Unitedprint mit bestem Ergebnis aller Zeiten (Photo: Business Wire)

RADEBEUL, Deutschland--()--The online print shop UNITEDPRINT SE, whose renowned brands include print24, Easyprint and DDK PRINT BIG, posted its highest ever earnings in 2016. These bumper revenues allowed the company to pay off all of its loans early, with the final payments made on December 31, 2016. Owner-controlled UNITEDPRINT SE, one of the world’s leading online print shops, thus started 2017 completely self-financing, debt-free, and with considerable capital resources amounting to the tens of millions.

While many players in the Web-to-Print market rely heavily on borrowed funds from capital investors driven by short-term developments on financial markets and relinquish their entrepreneurial skills to outside managers who bring limited success, Unitedprint is much more independent. The entrepreneurial spirit the company had at the very beginning remains very much at its core, producing successful, profitable and sustainable growth based on its inherent, organic operational strength.

Unitedprint will invest these newly released funds in its around 700 employees, with a view to further increasing productivity and efficiency and continuously improving its range and performance. The company anticipates much lower prices and faster delivery times as a result, and will soon embark upon a major expansion to its product portfolio, both for its customers and the market in general.

Holm Winkler, Managing Director for Finance/HR/Legal, had this to say: “We are thrilled and of course extremely proud that we have been able to pay off all our loans early through our own hard work, and are now 100% debt-free. It’s an incredible achievement and development when we reflect on when we were starting from scratch 25 years ago, and it's not often that you see such an extraordinary turnaround.”

UNITEDPRINT SE is a global e-commerce company for print and media. As one of Europe’s leading online print shops, UNITEDPRINT SE employs a staff of around 700 people and operates the renowned brands print24, Easyprint, Unitedprint, getprint, printwhat, FIRSTPRINT, DDK PRINT BIG, infowerk, and Unitedprint Shop Services (USS) in 26 locations worldwide (in Germany, 21 other European countries, and in Brazil, China, Canada, and the US). In addition to the standard print products, Unitedprint provides its customers with high-quality products and services ranging from textile printing, photo printing, large-format printing, advertising material, advertising equipment and the hospitality/gastronomy sectors.

Contacts SE
Maria Lehmann
0049 (0)351 / 27225388

Contacts SE
Maria Lehmann
0049 (0)351 / 27225388